
PAGE 10 SABADO: le Mazze de 1944, LA VOZ ATLANTICA LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, March 11th. 19 Stand by us lest we fall. support us with your unite HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA EASTER QUEEN strength Eat, and drink, day and night, at LA MAGNOLI City of Limon Dixon little place West of the city Market.
VOTING CAMPAIGN Beautiofully situated in front the Sea.
Arrivals By Air Transportation Airy, Cool, Comfortable Rooms Among the arrivals by Wed children Mr. and Mrs. Kenne Special Dining Room Service nesday aerial transportation, Foreman and Mr. Leslie Lai Who will be the girl were Mr. Egbert Polson, who Moster Enrique Thomas, th WELL STOCKED BAR WITH NATIVE triumphant? asked one returned from one of his re grandson of Miss Louise Th AND FOREIGN LIQUORS of the attractive lassies, in gular businesss trips to the mos, also had his flight fro the firing line, to secure the neighbouring and friendly Re the Sixaola Airport, after ERNEST CECIL LEWIS honour, as the dres ling public to the South; also Mrs ing spent his school vacatic Proprietor.
beauty over the Rally to Maud Laird a former Limonen with his mother who resid: be staged in the Hall of se, who has come to join her in that area.
the St. Mark Parish on We are not advertising we are sppealing. Please give the night of Tuesday the us a benefit. Eat at LA MAGNOLIA Dixon little place 11th. April, under the auspiWest of the City Market.
y Disparo Certero ces of the Eagle Aces Frien dly Club.
Well known Limon Athlete with Colours So popular are the conWe are in receipt of the Sam Navy, and thereby testants, its rather puzzling very good news that our for contributing his bit for the to individualize they all mer widely known citizens, preservation of Humanity seem at par. We are, howeMr. and Mrs. George Cuth freedom. George was one ver, informed that several berth and their son, George, of the most popular mem evenings of a real boosting are getting along splendid bers of our younger citizen campaign is in the making ly in the great United Sta ry and held an outstanding with the view of enhancing tes of America.
position on the field of the sale of votes. One of the We have also been affor sport. We bespeak for him interested young ladies, a Ged the praiseworthy Infor a famed career under the handsome dark brunette mation that George, Junior, Colours of the Stars and has, we gather, planned a is now serving in Uncle Stripes.
Band and Floor Show, at her residence, prior to the MISCELLANEOUS ful equipment. Building night of the final count.
Nº 89 Fifth Avenue toward We are watching things, 51 dny Do ADVERTISEMENTS Los soldados japoneses que manejaban esta ametralladora the Municipal Bath. and will report accordingly. fueron puestos fuera de combate con un certero dispara de los artilleros de los Estados Unidos en el furioso ataC. Thompson supply GRANT AND CRAWFORD que que culminó en la ocupación de la isla de Namur, en el Pacífico central. Los cadáveres destrozados de los and Workshop NEW HARLEM BAR AND LEONEL MONDOL artilleros japoneses yacen esparcidos alrededor de la RESTAURANT ametralladora, Everything in the technical Opens Bay and Night. Clean East Indian Barbe and Hair line can be made, repaired and Cozy Reservations. Good Culturist. All sanitary arranor supplied. Assortments of Native and, Foreign Liquors gements and general clean Mr. Norman Brown a San Jose Visitor Beds Springs and other use and experienced Mixers surroundings. In front of the Building.
old Motive Power Clubhouse.
We are the recipients of the is reported to have said information that Mr. Norman part.
HAPPY C. Brown, the popular drugLas LIQUID FOUNTAIN gist of Colon, Republic of It was my sincere desir Pildoras De Witt Panama, was in San Jose re to have visited the city of in the heart of the Abaca cently, in connection with the mon and say hello to and gree alivian rápidamente District at Twenty Five Miles. matriculation of his two sons ings with many well know Richly cooked and highly into one of the Capital personalities, but, regrettin los flavoured meals Everything in Educational Institutions. With gly, the time between retus the line of refreshing Drinks regard to his not having been transportation operated prepared to meet your taste. able to come to our city, he gainst the fond wish.
Supplies for the housewises.
No loafers waiting room! No gossip station! The idea ALBERT WATSON. place for yourself and son is Dixon Barber Shop Westc the city Market.
Los dolores en las coyunturas y en la cintura le indican que sus riñones no funcicnan normalmente, LOS CENTIMOS DE HOY SERAN LOS COLONES DEL Estos órganos están inactivos y permiten que las impurezas y venenos, al no MANANA, SI USTED SABE AHORRAR ser eliminados de la sangre, No solamente eliminan las impese alojen en los músculos rezas y venenos, sino que también y coyunturas.
entonan y fortalecen los riñones.
COMIENCE HOY DEPOSITE SUS AHORROS en el Dentro de las 24 horas de haber Estos venenos (especialmente el tomado la primera dosis de Píldoras exceso de ácido rico si no sos. De Witt, la orina se tornará azulada rápidamente eliminados del or Esto demuestra que el excelente ganismo, pueden producir doloross antiséptico que contienen las Pilinflamaciones reumáticas. Para doras De Witt ejerce su acción en la combatir el mal, es preciso llegar de propia raíz del mal: en los niñones.
inmediato a su causa: el funcionaCuando sus riñones hayan recupemiento deficiente de los riñones.
rado su actividad normal, esos dolores Las Pildoras De Witt se elaborac en las coyunturas, punzadas reumáti(Sucursal en Limón)
especialmente para corregir la inacti cas y deprimentes dolores de cintura vidad de los ritones. He aqui por desaparecerán. Además, como la sob qué son tan recomendadas para causa de sus malestares habrá sido dolores articulares, reumatismo y eliminada, usted podrá contar con Realiza Toda Clase de Operación Bancaria dolores de cintura.
algo más que alivio temporario.
vautier LA FORTUNA ES UN LARGO AHORRO o DOLORES en las COYUNTURAS BANCO DE COSTA RICA Píldoras De Witt para los RINONES lo VEXIGA Repocialmente recomendadas para Reumatismo, Lumbago, Doloros se les Coyunturas y Trastornos de los Riñones Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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