
៤) Mb MA TA RAL Saito ALKALINE TABLETS omor 73 good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains, mellor colds, neuralgia, ete. Splendid after EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS So 300 TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, A.
SAN JOSE MUSICAL The Atlantic Voice the general populace will Learns, with much gratiſ, ea gladly welcome the presen.
PROGRAMME tion, that number of far ce of any group who can ap mers of one of the Southern preciably augment our agriAn evening of a Musical States of the United States cultural activities, not alone Programme under the auspi of America are displaying from the enquiry, our Zone ces of the famed Philharmo marked insterest with res Good Neighbour Enliev nic Choir of this city, is on pect to the agricultural pos but because of the benefits, the approach.
sibilities of our Republic. financjal and otherwise, Io is stated that Monday They are said to have scliciwhich must result from the the 20th. of the current ted an amount of informa development of extensive month is the date set for tion regarding our arable plantings. It is hoped that the recital, to take place in lands, etc.
if anything aterializes the Hall of the St. Mark from the enguiry, our Zone Parish. Having regard to It is mentioned that the will receive some direct ve the fame which the person governing authorities and Inefit.
nel of the Choir have aequi red for their entertainments we urge an outstanding sup VOYAGES TO COLON port for this approaching REPUBLICA DE PANAMA programme.
Le Agents SMYTH COMPANY Lunes 13 de Marzo PORT LIMON AND SAN JOSE LA SRIA, ANITA ROONEY con Shirley Temple COSTA RICA an 311 200 War Pla TEATRO MODERNO nes Over Berlin. was MARTES 14 de Marzo, Pursuing their devastating be so demoralized by the The people need satisfaction. Dixon satisfies. Visit attacks on Berlin, we are in daily and nightly attacks that Dixon Barber Shop West of the city Market.
EL. PELIGRO ES MI formed that 1, 200 bombers it has been released the govELEMENTO and 1, 000 chasers of the Northerning authorities have deci con Chester Morris IN THE CAPITAL FOR OPTICAL TREATMENT American air force attacked ded to effect their complete Berlin during the day light evacuation.
Visited in the Capital by a with their daughters who are MIERCOLES 15 de Marzo to resume hours their 1944 of Wednesday representative of the Atlan due last. The German Capital was This was their fourth assault again subjected to a devas CINCO TUMBAS AL CATRO and highly esteemed tic Voice. our good friend educational pursuits.
fellow We again assure friend in the space of six days. More tating assault on the 9th.
JOS con Franchot Tone than 10. 000 explosive citizen Mr. Peter Black Pedro of our fervent prayer and (last Thursday) which result35. 000 incendiary bombs are ed, we are informed in com: JUEVES 16 de Marzo man, seen anxiously that he experiences the best awaiting the call for admis results and be able to shortly stated to have been shower sletely annulling the remained on the doomed city, in ing defence system on which La BEBILIDAD del HOMBRE Hospital where it has been ties among us. Meantime he sion to the San Juan de Dios resume his place and activi flicting a terible amount of the city protection depencon Henry Fonda damage on vitally important ded.
arranged his eyes will under scizes this pportunity to tenmilitary and industrial objec Other objectives of impor VIERNES 17 de Marzo go surgical treatment. der his deepseated gratitude to the many friends for their extives tance in the Reich and acDon Pedro had hoped the presions of sympathy.
cupied countries also sufferLa BEBILIDAD det HOMBRE ordeal would have been Th epeople who still reside ed heavily from the recent con Henry Fonda through ere this, but, regretin the riuned city are said to raids.
tingly, on his arriving in San SABADO 18 de Marzo FOR MEN Jose ten days or so ago, there EL HIJO ANTE TODO was no space for him in the Pelt and Straw Hats.
con Richard Dix section of the hospital to Shirts and Underwear.
which he had been assigned.
THE LATEST, CHEAPEST DOMINGO 19 de Marzo The delay will, unfortunately, AND BEST.
prevent his wife being with Do your shopping at ROMEO JULIETA him during the period of his THE PEOPLE HOUSE con Cantinflas hospitalization, as she is exJack Orane Sucs.
pected to return here today μΙ ΜΟΝ Allied still on offensive in Italy FURNITURE CANE AND WICKER Troops of the Fifth Army the north of the city. Railway are reported to have caused installations at. Montalto di the Germans 000 casualties, Castro, on the west coast six in Cassino and the adjoin miles off Rome, was also the ing regions, since the end of objected of an effective atJanuary. This brought the tack. Attetion was also gi enemy losses in Italy during ven the highways in the vicithat period to approximately nity of Rome, where many 40, 000. The Nazi casualties vehicles in the service of the in the operations on the enemy were destroyed.
operations on the Beach head Further enemy attacks in area alone totalled 34. 000. the different sectors of the war zones were effectively Despite unfavourable con withstood, ditions Allied air, units Fighting along the princisaid to have, last Wednes pal front of the Firth Army day, attacked of has greatly diminished in in Santo Estefano, 80 miles to tensity, most of the activity the north of Rome, and the being artillery duels and ae.
railway yards of Orte also to riel patrols, in exquisite styles and wich every facility to obtain your choice at THE TROPICAL FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT Visit our Agency in Limon for all information regarding Prices and Conditions: TROPICAL FURNITURE AGENCY are Fifty yards North the United Medical and Sanitary Department. Next Browne and Abrahams Lim on City NAS MY TH the port SOM Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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