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BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN BRIDGE OF SHIPS New Tipe of Cargo Ships WEST INDIAN THE ROCKET PLANE THE NAL AFTERNOOM Army heaviest cargo In the campaign against the new series of large and fast They haven come because Credit for this new developV. bonts, Canada Navy has had cargo ships of standard design they were in need of a job; in ment goes to an English engi In all the world today, not a prominent part. It has helped has been completed. They will fact, most of them had excellent neer, Group Capt. Frank Whit the remotest frozen island, no 10 mantain the bridge of ships be able to maintain a speed of jobs at home. Some of them werelle. He occupies the same place in the blackest solitary cell, cas.
across the Atlanticon which at least 15 knots and have a school mistresses before they join in jet propulsion that the there be any man as lonely a offensive action in Europe de dead weight capacity of 12, 000 ed up: one was a dressmaker, Wrights occupy in the develop Adolf Hitler. Only those wh pends. During the year, all Allied tons, thus ranking, among the one a dental assistant, another a mont of flying. In other words, have shared his crimes can ex xaval forces in the Northwest largest cargo ships in the world. radic operator; most of the he certainly was the first to perlence anything like the sam Atlantic were placed Canadian Commander in Chief, that these. ships may carry the yers!
under a The hull has been designed so others were stenographers in law have achieved practical success. fathomless solitude. Even amon offices, and department No doubt he learned much from these wretches there can be Units of the Canadian including loco stores, and one was secretary to his predecessors.
companionship. Not one of the were among the first to land in motives.
the Commanding Officer of the There can be little doubt that trusts another. Not one of the Sicily, and again on the main.
South Caribbean Area. Some of the way has been opened to a but would save his skin, if land of Italy. In hard batt es won, and hundreds them had been to Britain before seedier type of plane. The high could, by betraying, his associa of miles of VISIT TO AFRICA and knew what to expect. But er we rise the worse are the tes. Terror alone holds the Na.
difficult ground taken, Our solwith most of these girls, it has difficulties that confront the pilot empire together the terror th, diers have had their full shore great responsibility rests been lifelong ambition to of a plane driven by propellers. it can still inspire among thos in the accomplishments of this upon the Bristish people for as come to Britain and see the place Blades must bite the air, and that hate it; the terror th: important campaign. They have sisting their fellows subjects to for themselvos. They re surpris the denser the air the harder ie creeps up out of the earth made a record unexcelled by enrich their economic and socialed by a number of things. Al the bite. But there is little nir night and into the hearts of the tighting men. On the opposite life. The help that needs to be though there was no rationing in the stratosphere, with the foul lords of mistule. How var side of the world, Canadian forgiven, must, in part be financial, where they came from, they result that propellers ultimately were these men dreams thre ces joined with those of the as, has been acknowledged in surprise us by remarking that bite nothing. Now that difficul years ago! Europe was at the United States in the occupation war time legislation. But still they haven seen a cake or any ty is transcended. Speed once feet. They had but to beckon of Kiska in the Aleutians. In the more urgent is an enhancement sort of pastry or sweets for years. limited to that of sound (about indifferent finger and Kiny attacks upon the boats, in the of the practical interest taken They re surprised by the nude 750 miles an hour) may reach came respecttully to listen a aerial assaults against Germany by Parliament and people in the trees we have at this time of 1, 000 miles an hour or more in obey, members of proud and a and occupied Europe, and over many regions of the globe that the year. And they re surprised the stratosphere. Twenty or fifty cient houses, soldiers who ha battlefronts around the globe, are governed in their name. Co by the kind of birds we don years hence we shall think once been honorable, statesme increasing numbers of Canadian lonel Stanley has set them an ad cven notice, e. a robin. nothing of flying half around who had worked their way u airmen continued to take a tell. mirable example. First duty of On the other hand, they will the earth for pleasure between out of obscurity. Who come ing pert, Provision of aid to our who coul Colonial Secretary is to make be surprised to find crowds ga: breakfast and luncheon. And we now? Only those Alies had continued to be a himself personally acquainted ing around a grocers window. at are brought mensurably nearer otherwise be brought by force major factor in Canada war with the King subjects in the remarkable curiosity brought the day when some daring astroPortugal opens her islap effort. Under Mutual Aid legis. colonial Empire, On his visit to from the tropics by the grocer naut will actually set out for ports to the United Nation: lation, war supplies were being West Africa he penetrated besnilor son. a banana, They the moon, to look at that other Switzerland and Sweden tak sent to Russia, China, to French neath the surface af, official form, come from a land where, in every face which is forever hidden less and less trouble to conce: forces in Africa as well as to the land gained an impression of the season, the air is bright with from us.
their contempt. Turkish neutral United Kingdom and to other temper and interests of the peo perfume, the landscape is heavy ity is certainly not benevolen mations of the Commonwealth. ples that could never have been with colour. The eucalyptus tree ww SAYINGS.
toward Berlin. considerable portion of Cana conveyed to him by the most grows near the flame tree. Ву few miserable creatures da Mutual Aid had been trans experienced and conscientious of the side of the nutmegs you see the occppied countries cing ferred across the seas in Cana. his advisers in Whitehall. He the dark green coco nut palms. One of the things would in France, Joseph Darnand. Se the coattails of the Gestapo dian built ships manned by Ca will enjoy may liker opportu. And, in the evenings, the West put foremost is the maintenance cretary for the Maintenance o nadian craws.
nities of gaining insight into the Indians from the plantations and of stability when the war ends, Order, is shooting his own coun ways of other colonies; Colonel the asphalte works sing their FOREVER ENGLAND that the Stanley noted how near to Loncalypso songs popular, topical reach sound Government can trymen. But the Quislings don the African colonies have songs in a rhumba rhythm that nation economic life.
decisions for the Lavals are few. Give them Englands proudest claim to been brought by the modern express the simple feelings of the chance for escape from Nar glory, the will to fight on when sciences of transport and com negro.
Minister of Labour. hands, promise them protectio Those are the things all around her had been beaten munication. The new facility of which the West Indies from the friends of the dead, an down. The seeds of victory for intercourse between the British sirls will miss. And yet, in Bri nature and extent of the diffi shadows grow long now, in th Knowing the position and the there would be fewer still. The all and the salvation of civiliza Isles and Africa is typified by his tain too, they will find friendly culties that have had to be over time of the Nazi afternoon.
tion as we know it were sown own experience of leaving Lon faces and sounds, and in that fruitful moment of decidon in the evening and adress smells.
come, cannot overstate the Once it seemed possible to sion to defend our isiand what. ing the Executive Council at admiration which feel for In neutral. Once, even, it seeme One of them, after only a cou dias war effort, nor express ade to some men possible to collab ever the cost may be, to fight Bathurst at eleven o clock next ple of days in London, said, as on the beaches on the land. morning. Colonel Stanley did not if repeating the line of a song; spirited and sustained quately my gratitude for the rate. little. No one can ing grounds in the fields fail to point out that the future feel this big city support neutral collaborate a litt creeni in the streets in the development of civil aviation can right into my heart. It was the tish India or by rulers and their Even the weak and self seeking offorded to me; whether in Bri now. There is middle ground hills. To do this the besieged certainly not be left to the free sort of thing that makes the Governments in island had only the remmants of play of commercial forces.
the phlegmatical Londoner feel hot, States.
Indian the men of little courage wit an army, an air force the Luft.
In the course of his tour colo but the sort of thing that we wanted to let mu enough alor waf e was confident of overwhelm nel Stanley gained new material can help liking. And, Lond Linlithgow.
are abandoning this evil Thin, after ing, the fleet and a citizenry relating to the study of many meeting these girls from rather than relinquish th the determined to die protecting problems that have to be solved West Indies, the most phlegma appalling debt to the peoples millions The German forces owe an shreds of their humanity.
their homes. Little help from together by the peoples of the tical will feel like returning that they have wronged. Germany cry out against it.
of the innocent anywhere came in that next ter colonies and of the suzerain Po sweet compliment.
rible year when Englandand wer. Those of primary, importfreed from Nazi beastliness will The sun goes westward ove only England, stood in the breachance are problems of agriculture, prove its freedom by recognising Germany. It rises to the thunde against the Axis hordes. The of the fosterig of that debt.
secondary of the advancing Russian gun ONLOOKER British Navy and Air Force have industry, of education, of public Mr. Arnold Forster. It goes down to another thund destroyed two enemy navies, health, and of everything that er, to the mustering sounds o wide The Admiralty, as all the If we are true to ourselves men and machines on Britair de category of man boats yielding prisoners, the social services.
world knows, is equal to every and to one another, victory is What now of the little mo and 40 per cent of others known emergency, Recently Chief within our grasp. The Germans Berchtesgaden? The treasure of to have been sunk, The England is prepared to do Petty Officer Electrical Artifi are obviously overwhelmed by his power runs like sand, an carrying the war to Germany, much more. Her air force, will cer, who had worn a monocle mighty Russia, and with the life, through his hands. No will has lost more than the navy, Ideal Germany, such blows as for four years before the war strength of our own forces and ing friends any more. No willing 48. 700 men and 10, 400 planes have not yet been imagined and did not intend to relinquish those of America we can be quite allies. And now it is late after The British Army, recruited When the great invasion comes it, volunteered for the Navy. confident that we are coming noon.
from England, Wales and Scot she will set an army on the This was a phenomenon without towards the close of, at any rate, Jand, has fought all over the Continent. She has pledged her precedent in our naval history, the war in Europe against Nazi General Sir Bernard Mont world, winning victories that all in money, munitions, ships but Whitehall met it by includ Germany.
will ring through history. Its and men to the common victory. ing in Admiralty Fleet Orders Lord Chancellor.
ranks have been thinned by war. And when at last the war shall an item headed Monocular Vi. The star of victory is fare in nineteen separate coun end hundreds of thousands of sion which provided that, When the war is over, and shining above the horizon. Le iries or colonies. On every front graves will lie scattered in name subject to noninterference with we all scatter to our various us respect one another, let its contribution has been for outiess stretches of the sea and the efficient discharge of his tasks, let us see to it that spirit help each other, let us love on of proportion to the population over the face of the earth from duties, a naval rating may make of the Eighth Army lives on; another, because, in must mareli can a nation do to prove its va Rupert Brooke noble phrasing monocie in favour of the lat influence in the rebuilding of hand in hand as one people.
lor and unstinted sacrifice? for ever England.
the nations.
General de Gaulle.
SO even or da a nov us fer.
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