
ATLANTIC VOICE RAILWAY Co. CLOSE FREIGHT RECEIVING STATION of our a LET US NOT FORCET Our attention has been directed to the dif.
Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 ficulty which faces another group of our strugYEAR IX LIMON, MARCH 18th. 1944 No. 415 gling farmers in connection with the shipping, by railroad, of their Cacao and other products.
5, 332 STEMS BANANAS EXPORTED LAST WEEK END The cultivators directly affected are locaFrom the time Banana remarkedly impressive, es are, nevertheless, confident ted at Alba. a very productive center about exportations from this port pecally the very orderly that this will soon be great one and a half miles from Moin and threewere suspended, conditions and calm manner in which ly reduced as the neccesaquarters of a mile this side of Buenos Aires, along our water front. par the work of shouldering the ry reconditioning of the on the Zent branch line, where a platform ticularly on Saturday murn fruit from the realway cars plantations take place.
exists and from which the cultivators on that ings, never created any to the vessel was accomThe resumption of this excitement. That cight plished.
farm an dothers of the vicinity have been shipvitally important trade is days ago was, however It is understood that the ping their products during the lengthened pedue to the untiring efforts quite different and the ac vesel left with a load of riod of about twenty years, we are told.
tivities on one of the docks 5, 232 stems. Rejections were zealous agriculturist, don well known and drew quite a nun ber of an heavy, it has been mentioIt is now stated they have been notified by Ricardo Gutierrez Ross, who lookers.
ned; but this is no doubt is stated to have brought a representative of the Northern Railway Com It was the day on which due to the almost abandoabout the formation of the pany of the discontinuance of Alba as a was initiated our new Baned condition in which a Limon Banana Company freight receiving station. This will necessitate trans number of the plantations Ltd. and to have succeed, nan trade by ocean the people transporting their goods by animals, portation to Mexico thence, had fallen, and the somedespite innumerable obsta along the same railway track, either to Moin by rail to the United States what sudden call on the cles, in effecting the arran. or Buenos Aires, with the risks of serious acciof America. The scene us farmers for supplies. We gements for this and future dents, not only from passing trains but from sh pments, which it is hoped CASSINO RUINED BY UNPRECEDENTED the ill conditioned pathways over which the will be weekly in the near AERIAL ATTACK heavily loaded animals must travel, particularfuture. We further undersPutting and end to the Allied forces toward Rome.
tand that the price paid ly during the rainy seasons. As it is said that rather stalled conditions Our latest adorce states the platform at Buenos Aires is privately ownfor the fruit is regarded by which had, for some weeks, vident fighting is in pro factory, under the prevailthe famers as highly satised, it may not be available to the general body existed on the Italian Battle Pasa a la pág. 10 fronts, the Allied forces gress in the city.
ing conditions.
assumed the iniciative during the early part of the week in course.
In the Anzio area, British troops effected surprise aC (red55 ur Boiko the enemy and expeiled The primary duty of the coming generation is to see that, through education, the ability tounderstand each them from their strongother is made available to all intelligent men and wo inen irrespective of class, color, or creed. Permanent holds to the south of Apripeace can come about only through the building up of international goood will, and the first step in establilla and deeply penetrated shing such good will is intelligent understanding. This means knowina what the other fellow is hinking their lines in the vicinity of about, and why he is thinking the way he does. Let us not forget that in the last analysis peace depends on friendship. Nations do not make war upon each other when understanding and good faith the Anzio Albano roadway, exist among their poeples and their governments. All over the world strong ties of friendship are forwhich leads to Rome. Enemed among peoples who go to school together This is partly because they have studied and played and my railroad installations in worked together, seeing each other day by day but it is also partly because they have learned to think Orte, Ternim, and other and act alike. People who have studied the same ma terial from the same books, or have learned to do the same job in the same way, have a basis of friendship, toough they may never see each other, may live Cimportant locations were thousands of miles apart, and speak different langua ges. If all the world were to go to the same school.
also subjected to devastahouse, it would be much easier to promote peace. We must teach the people of all nations to thick, not ting raids by units of the necessarily alike, but rather similarly and sympathe tically under all the varyng geographical, economie, Royal oir force.
social, an national circumstances. The INTERN ATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS system of education, effecting, along vocational lines, men and women steadily in their day by day work, con.
Simultaneously, the heavy tribute toward this similarity in ways of thinking, which is the foundation of international understanding.
bombing planes of the North (Excerpts from article written for the 1944 Book of Knowledge Annual, under the caption World EducaAmerican air force, in one tion for World Understanding. of the greatest concentraINTERNATIONAL CORRES PONDENCE SCHOOLS tions of the entire period SCRANTON, PENNA.
of the present war, launAgriculture. Air Brake House Planning Sanitary Engineering Accounting Air Conditioning ched more than 2, 500 tons Locomotive Engineer Sheet Metal Work First Year College Architectural Drafting House Planning Steam Electrie.
Patternmaking of explosives over the loca.
Architecture Locomotive Eugineer Steam Engines French Auto Engine Tune up lity of Cassino, where the Machinist Steam Fitting Grade School Auto Technician Management of Inventions Structural Engineering High School Grermans had been offering Aviation. Boilermaking Mig. of Pulp and Paper Surveying and Mapping Illustrating Bridge Engineering the sternest resistance to Marine Engines Telegraph Engineering Building Estimating Mechanical Drafting Textile Designing Lettering Show Cards the advance of the Fifth.
Chemistry Mechanical Engineering Toolmaking Managing Men at Work The attack lasted five hours Civil Engineering Mine Foreman Welding, Electric cold Gas Railway Postal Clerk Coal Mining Navigation Woolen Manufacturing Salesmanship and is said to have eclipsed, Concrete Engineering Paternmaking Secretarial in intensity, the worst Contracting and Building Accounting Sign Lettering Cotton Manufacturing Pharmacy. Plumbing Advertising Spanish effected over the Reich. The Diesel Engines Poultry Farming Bookkeeping Traffie Management Electrical Drafting town of Cassino has been Practical Telephony Business Correspondesce Electrical Engineering Public Works Engineering Business Management Advanced Dressmaking totally destroyed, we are Electric Lighting Radio, General Cartoo ag Foods and Cookery told. Immediately the bomFire Bosses Radio Operating Cartooning Home Dressmaking Foundry Work Radio Servieing Civil Service Professional Dressmaking bardment ceased, the artiFruit Growing, Heating Section Foreman College Preparatory and Designing llery opened fire against Heat Treatment of Metals Signalmen Commercial Tea Room and Cafeteria Highway Engineering Refrigeration Cost Accounting Management, Catering the place and the surroundName Age Address ing locations in combination City State Present Position with an infantry assault.
TECHNICAL AND IN DUSTRIAL COURSES The entire air force of the BUSINESS COURSES Mediterranean is supposed HOME ECON OMICS COURSES to have participated in this FOR FURTHER DETAILS, please write to WARREN MORY, Superintendent in Central America, Internaunprecedented attack, which tional Schools of Latin America, Box 1211. San José, Costa Rica.
opens the way for the forward movement of the.
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