
PAGINA ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, MARCH 18TH. 1944 RECENT DEATHS We have been given the Coronado Bugama Ruiz, Information that the under 52 years of age and formentioned persons who merly of this city. His deeth were associated with this occurred on the 6th, of the province, died recently in present month.
the San Juan de Dios HosJoseph Brown Thomas, pital, San Jose.
38 years old, He entered the hospital on the 2nd.
Thomas Peyne West, 67 instant and died on the 6th.
years okld, late of Pocoro. Isabel Rivas Aguirre, He entered the instutition five year old child from on the 28th. ultimo and died Guacimo, whose death also on the 5th. instant.
occurre don tre 6th. instant.
Limón Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR LUMBER YARD GOMEZ offers the Public Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of Boards and other Lumber in CEDAR and LAUREL Lowest Prices in City NICANOR GAMEZ Sucs.
REMEMBER WE PAY THE BEST PRICES NOTICE ry, the De Witt Pills quickly relieve JOINT PAINS Aadress all your Eng. Para todos sus trabajos SPECIAL COINS FOR ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a LEPERS RALLY AT BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCII ROIG The Rally held in the der Reid and Robert Cyrus.
In pusuance of their Bethel Baptist Church, Gua Guacimo was strongly supP. BOX 523 Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 eforts to minimize as far as SAN JOSE cimo, in ai dof the cost of ported by Mrs. Sue Co.
possible the spread of the TE Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos terrible disease of Leprosa sacred building, came the extensive repairs of thellins, Mr. A. Watson and of Mesens. Septimus Ricketts, Members of the Folk of the city. Lines and Coast! Without your support Board of Management of successfully.
George Walcott and Bartie we shall be knocked out. Please support us. eat and drink the Leper Asylum, Las Reid. The sisters wrought at LA MAGNOLIA. Dixon little place West of the city Mercedes. are reported to The preliminary program excellently and, with Mrs.
Market have arranged with the Name was carried through by Collins, took first place.
tional Bank of the Repu.
Mr. Stephen Hunter, the Deacor Cyrus, representChoirmatser, ably assisteding Parismina, was someblic to mint a special lot of coins for the sole use of by Mrs. Ernest Watson and what handicapped in his of the asylum.
Miss Etis Reid. Miss Hor effort as a consequence The coins will, it is tence Collins acquitted her death, by accident, in his understood, be made of nickel self splendidly, both in antily. He however, ably and silver, perforated song and recitation; so also supported in his represenin did the Misses Daisy, Esme, ſtation, by Mr. Stephen Withe center, and of the va. Una, Shirley, Beatrice, and liams of Limon. It was an lues of five, twenty five and fifty centimos and one Masters Rannie, Llyod, Al exciting time and Guacimo, bert and Amos.
colon. These coins will be Much the winnings side, deserve thanks are due the chorisl, merit for their strenuous ekpt by the Nuns in charge ters for their preformance effort. There was a large of the Instituion and ex changed for whatever throughout the evening. congregation and of The Rally, proper, was spirit prevailed throughout.
the regular ones taken there for the unfortunate afficted.
between the sections of Gua Bravo Guacimo.
Joint pains and backache cimo and Parismina, reprewarn you that your kidneys are sented by Mesers. Alexan. One of the Congregation.
out of order. They are getting Mr. ALLEN sluggish and allowing impuriEles and poisons to escape from INDISPOSED MATINA ART AND UNIQUE the bloodstream and lodge in clear away clogging impurities and TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT poisons they actually tone up and the muscles and joints. strengthen the kidneys. You get We are in receipt of the MINTO These poisons (especially excess uric evidence of the direct action of De rid) may bring on painful rheumatic The charm in the appearance of a man is a well the first dose. This gives ponitiv tion Witt Pills within 24 hours of taking very unpleasant informawellings if they are not quickly cleared proof that a wonderful internal antithat Mr. Henry designed and smartly fitted suit utof the system. The way to tackle the septic is getting to work at the very Allen of Waldeck, 28 MiThe Matina Art and Unique Tailoring puble is to go at once to the root cause root of your trouble. in the kidneys, Establishment guarantees, at all times. unhealthy condition of your kidneys. themselves. Once your kidneys areles, our esteened collaboraDe Witt Pills are specially prepared restored to healthy activity, those joint tor, is not enjoying the BEST FIT. REAL MATERIALS and correct kidney disorders. That why pains, rheumatic twinges and de UNPARALLEL WORKMANSHIP pressing backaches vanish completely best of health and is underey have proved such an effective treatAnd because the cause of your trouble Our central location makes it convenient for the men eat for Joint Pains, Rheumatism and Ackache. De Witt Pills not only has been removed you can expect mer going special medical treatof the Abaca Industry and other vicinities to deal than temporary relief.
ment. We sincerely wish with us.
that his former sound PRICES TO MEET THE TIME health will soon be restored and thus afford him to re Stand by us lest we fall. support us with your united socially for Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Joint Pains and Kidney Troubles sume his useful labours in strength Eat, and drink, day and night, at LA MAGNOLIA Kainable everywhere. Prices 36 and 6. Start to set well TO DAV that district and vicinity. Dixon little place West of the city Market.
fine De Witts KIDNEY AND BLADDER Pills Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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