
east on on SATURDAY, MARCH 18TH. 1944.
OFF RUMANIAN FRONTIER cation we release the infor ground in front of the Ploice Vinnitas and Nikoieav, sions.
and southeast, As mation that we shall shortly Headquarters, has arranged basic points in the Germans This defeat constitutes nearly all the communicatbe eforded the pleasure of for the coming of a team of defences on the River Bug the third successive disas Jing lines with Vinnitas are witnessing the Grand old players, from Estrada, are expected to fall in the ter suffered by the Germans controlled by the Russians, game of Cricket the Sunday the 26th.
instant, hands of the Russians. The in the Dnieper Bend, and it is anticipated that the Yglesiais Plaza in this city. to contest for honours with Nazi troops, who might will, it is expected, initial German troops in defence We have it that Mr. Stan a local Selection.
have been able to save the the final phase of the fight of the position will find ly Dixon, one of our leading strategic port on the Black in that zone. The fate of themselves placed between sports enthusiasts and the There can be no doubt Sea are blocked away north these entrapped divisions those of Marshal Zhukov Fdumder and propellant that the exercise will draw west of Nikolaev, on the wes hangs in the balance, it is and Marshal Koniev.
Force of the Pathfinders an unusually large number tern bank of the river In stated, and on it depends Moscow broadeast has Sport Club, having procu of Cricket Fans from far gulets, where the third that of Nikolaev. The for announced the capture of red the necessary officialſ and near, so we earnestly Ukranian army, under Geces under Marshal Ivau Bershad, a locality forty permission, to re sume the hope no unforeseen circums neral Malinovsky trapped, Koniev are reported moving miles off the frontier of Ruplaying of cricket on the tance will intervene. several of the enemy divi on Vinnitas from northeast, mania.
were Give us the benefit; help us to grow: don pass us by PLEASSING APTITUDE Meals, Coffee, Cool Drinks, Mondongo Soup, etc. at LA MAG NOLIA Dixon little place West of the city Market.
We are privileged to live of true. hearted and unsel ON THE IMPROVE in an age when labour is fish tuition and the splendid 3, 000 TONS OF BOMBS OVER GERMANY LAST accounted honourable and response being given. We We are pleased to report THURSDAY is recceiving full measure, desire, in this respect, to that Mr. McFarlane of There was a time when, specially mention Mr. Syd Beverley, who was a patient even in this very city, there ney Beckford for his zeal, in the local hospital as More than one thousand, discharged on the impor was a marked absence of as also Messrs. Vernon Sin consequence o fa al bombing planes of the Britent industrial center of apprentices in the different clair, Delroy Hunter, attack of illness is on the to have efected one of their dred seriɔus tish air force are reported Stuttgart located three hunsoutheast of Berlin trades. new and nobler Wallace, Melntosh and improve. He has been dis terrible raids over Germany and 150 from London. Mu: spirit has, however pleasing other promising tradesmen, charged from the institu last Thursday: London nich, in the south of Gers with their tion and is at his city resi advice states that the ma many, Amiens in France, tion by our younger genera barques. It should not bedence. Mr. McFarlane is chines dropped over three and Brunswik also tion that, they are here to forgotten that many of the an ardent fraternal worker thousand tons of incendiary hard hit by the invaders.
merely live a care free life, world outstanding personal and we gather he is being bombas in addition to a but to bear their share of zes These operations are said hew trees, chopped extended the fellowship of large quantity of explosives to have cost the Allied Na.
the common burden of toil, wood, sold newspapers, pun his brethren. It it our hope on the larger amount being tions forty machines.
by hand our brain.
cotton and welded iron that he will soon completeIt is commendable to ob prior to becoming inventors ly recover and be able to serve the increased tivi financial and trade magna again attend his interests VOYAGES TO COLON ties, along these lines, in tes, or presidents.
in the Estrella region.
our machine and cabinet REPUBLICA DE PANAMA shops, our shoemaking, tailoring and other trade estaAgents blishments. Our lads trampling under foot the SMYTH COMPANY old adage that the world PORT LIMON AND SAN JOSE owes every one a living, by Situado Avenida Comercial having gained, in the school COSTA RICA of present. day thought, Frente la Tienda La Norma the knowledge that the THEIR LEATEI ANNIVERSARY world only owes us fair SURTIDO COMPLETO play that it is in no way indebted to us, excet in so Licores Extranjeros y del Pais On Thursday last, the sincere friends, Mr. and far as, by our own achieve Especialidad en buenas Bocas 16th. instant, there came on Mrs. Barrett, of this ments, we make it our debthe wings of time, the Third city.
Anniversary, which bears We reoice with them for YANUARIO RIVAS the symbol Leathwr. of the preservation of their It is also a fine spectacle Propietario the marriage of our very exceedingly useful lives, to note the demonstration COUREDASSELONNAGHALO reace CONGRESSOSOCO099001 studded with the buds of has, tary and prosperous union. May they long continue to breathe the air of the divine valves and enjoy the best there is in this life.
are RIVAS BAR LA PROVEEDORA are Offers you Correct Weight, Lower Prices, fresh Merchandise and Courtesy Condensed Milk, large 35, Cacao XXX, 1b.
Island Palm Soap 60 Nugget Shoe Polish, tin, Banquet Sardines, tin. 75 Crisco, lb.
Camay Soap 70 Tuna Fish, tin Palmolive Soap 75 Colgate Cream, big. Butter, Lb. 50 Wire Sponges Quaker Oats, tin. 60 Corn Flakes, pk All Bran 65 Brooms All Polish, tin 50 Klim, tin Baking Powder, lb. 00 Carbide, lb.
Sweet Oil, bot. 25 Carnation Cream, Ige. tin 85. 0. 45 25 50 00 25 00 80 15 00 95 MORE NAZI. BARRARITY In keeping with their established barbarous characteristic, the Nazis stated to have assassinated seven thousand Russians during the first month of their occupation of the city of Kherson.
It has also been stated by Moscow that the buildings occupied as offices or factories were butned or blown un prior to the city being abandoned by the enemy.
PROVEEDORA. Puerto Limon.


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