
LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE 11 IN EVER GREEN REMEMBRANCE The heart that great repository, is holding as s most precious treasure, our ever green Aemembrance of our dearly beloved Mother SUSAN FREDERICK whose loving spirit took flight on March 23rd 1937; and that of our affectionate and devoted Father ATHILL FREDRICK MARCH 13TH. 1939 We deeply miss these precious lives, but our God is in Heaven and He doeth what seemeth Him hest. His Rod and Staff will ever comfort and surengthen us.
Norman, Cynthia, Relton Grandchildren NO CHANGE IN LAW WHICH NATIONALIZES REPUBLIC COMMERCIAL BUSINESS According to a release by mersial business, which legates that the Executive the San Jose Press, it is goes into effect on the first Authority had no intemion noted that a depuration of day of the coming month. of subm. tting such a pro merchants of the alien class. April.
posal to for the considera.
recently interviewed His tion of the National ConExcellency the President of It is said the President gress. It is therefore, exthe Republic and solicited a was asked to have the pro pected that the new Admimodificatio nof the law with visions of the law held in nistration will uphold the respect to the nationaliza suspense until after the law which has been protion of the country com close of the world war; but mulgated in the best intehe clearly informed the de rests of the nationals.
FURNITURE TROPICAL FURNITURE AGENCY a LAST SUNDAY FORENOON AND AFTERNOON FOOTBALL ENGAGEMENTS CANE AND WICKER The Jupiters and Guapiles took the early turn, when the Invaders were chastised with Sixt strokes against Three in exquisite styles and with every facility to This thrilling match hav. portance of the event. The obtain your choice at ing had to be played at Military Band added spice THE TROPICAL FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT the forenoon hour of eleven, to the Plum Piddong.
Visit our Agency in Limon for all information regarding Prices the usually, large number Speedy manosuvres, raand Conditions of on lookers, were not in pid passe and much straevidence. However, those tegy were displayed by both who witnessed the game teams; the higher percenwere amply repaid for tage being earned by the whatever inconveniences visitors on the background Fifty yards North the United Medical and Sanitary they may have experienced of their visible superiority, Department. Next Browne and Abrahams to do so. They unquestio hysically, against that of Limon City nably saw the re inforced our juveniles. To borrow a NAS MYTH Jupiters in tip top shape now a day phrase. It was in attacking and defending. a funny deal for our youths The Guaplies players expe had expected to meet rienced difficulties from team composed of a type JOINED IN HOLY FINLAND REJECTS RUSSIA PEACE the offset, and though they of players csimilar to themWEDLOCK summoned all their forces selves but were, instead, CONDITIONES to stave off defeat, our Boys confronted by their elders. Keeping in harmony with Notwithstanding of the this satellite of Hitler, Bulheld the fort and earned The invaders seem to cling the rising of the sun, on the Allied Nations, in an effort garia and Rumania are said six shots while they were to the age old adage that beautiful spring morning of to secure the acceptance to to have initiated negoonly able to gain three all is fair in war.
Wednesday the 14th ins of Russia Peace condi ciations with the view of In the second half time, tant, an impressive wedding tions the parliament of Fin ascertaining the conditions Each Side scored Three our side had to resort to al was solemnized in the local land has rejected them and under which they would be Goals in the Afternoon Little age increase al Methodist Church. The con resolved to continue in the able to make their peace Exercise tit for tat sauce which tracting parties were Mr. war alongside the Axis with the Allied nations.
Our sporting fraternity seasoned up things in the Randolph Nasmyth, son group.
were, pleasingly entertained (final analysis, and produced of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Commeting on the Finnish during the afternoon by the the tie score of three goals Kenton, and Miss Edith decision, the British press Enrique Riva Team of Alaeach.
Grant, daughter of Mr. and declared that the acceptanFOR MEN juela and the Cariari of! Mr. Frank Jackson was Mrs. Dougal Gant.
The ce of the terms would have Felt and Straw Hats, this city. The presence of the referee, and maintained lover knot was made se enabled Finland to Shirts and Underwear.
retain several hundred spectators his appointment with mach cure by the Reverend her independence and so THE LATEST, CHEAPEST greatly enhanced the im admiration.
vereignty, while the rejectAND BEST The special witnessesſion will expose her to all Do vour shopping at En su ayuda al comercio, ruégole no olvidar la Cafeteria were Mr. Didley Stennette, the terrible horrors of the THE PEOPLE HOUSE LA MAGNOLIA. 60 varas Norte del Correo. Abierto who attended the Groom, war.
Jack Orane Sucs.
toda la noche. VISITENOS and Miss Violet Stennette, As against the attitude of IMON the Chief Briesmaid. The MUL EN. OL fathers of the newly weds. We are not advertising. we are sppealing. Please give FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC respectively, served us a benefit. Eat at LA MAGNOLIA. Dixon little place NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR Groomsam and Father give. West of the City Market.
The former Miss Grant has Burns, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
earned marvellous distinc. SYDNEY BECKFORD CABINET MAKING Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash tion as an elocutionist, and Dentrifice.
AND GENERAL CARPENTER SHOP well as in the fancy arts.
IS GREASELESS, FREE OF SMELL AND Her husband, due to the Not only for the scenic Beauty, but in the designs of our PLEASANT OF TASTE.
rich melodies of his voice, Chairs lie comfort; while the technique of the workman has been designated the ship guarantees strength and durability. MA TA RAL Baron of this city. Their BE WISE. remember every item of entry into holy matrimony, ALKALINE TABLETS Beckford built furniture well, we feel sure, lift them remains a prize in office or home.
good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains, higher, religiously and 80Due to the scarcity of Shellac we are giving a brulant minor colds, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after cialy and also provide a War finish. mighty push in their agenSEE US BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS loys of the city Branch of 4th. Street at entrance to Gamez TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it.
the Tropical Furniture EsLumber Yard.
AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS Itablishment of San Jose.
PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, A. The happy couple left on Capital. We desire to wish the Sichest blessings from SAN JOSD the out going passenger our very widely regarded Him, the silent listener to train for a brief stay in the Mr. and Mrs. Nagmyth the their marriage voves.
as as Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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