p. 12


LIFE TO PEOPLE ATLANTIC GALE At problems the the תמור to Since the airplane was The efect of the elimination of first An hour ago a boat died.
Seven years ago in a rest hut By dusk it was blowing a mo German cities in the current srused as military weapon there First of all came to us, listening in the Northern Territories of derate gale. By nightfall it was a ies of air raids is far more that have been two schools of thought in the control room in our carrier, the Gold Coast two white men, full gale with a high sen. It blev a, geroral reduction in enemy ar on how it can best employed in the brief notation of the bearing miles away from any others of from the north, straight dow mament production. As summed warfare, ard the distance of an echo.
their race, had an idea about the the gut of Dermark Strait with schools The first of these Thereafter the thing Africa became future of West up in a far reaching statement Both all the cold of the Arctic ice almost blood curdling in these cities, have been specifical holds that the airplane can best cold knew West Africa well and both cap in its wings, a brutal wint ly selected as centres of German be used in a strategic Sense to its passionless efficiency. Ship af saw how desirable it was that its sending up a high, fantastic sea.
war production, especially ahead future devolepmert should be We were head into it. At 10. 30 y the ter ship of the group smash enemy cities behind Counded on reliable and co ordina, received a signal to alter course.
fighter aircraft. We are lines, and reduce the will of ci made contact. We heard now crossdeadsted on driving the Luftvilians, as well as the army to bearings; we heard the course o ed information about the existing few minutes later we heard life of the people. The new waffe out of the air. The intenresist. The second school insiss the boat, the speed as it tried the pipe: Stand by for heavy institute, now fo ling. The new course brought tior is to smash German repair that air power is at its best wher to crawl away secretly and silently West African works and keep the made possible by a grant under the sea on the beam, broadside used in a purely tactical factories sense in the depth of the Atlantic.
out of production. This will as a cooperating braich with lan There was acoldblooded, stern de the Colonial Development and on to our high walled ship, tachmerzt about it all.
Welfare Act. will study the exist condemn the Luftwaffe to using armies or naval forces. was ir: the Air Ops. Room Since last March the Royal Air The minutes went by; upavailable reserves and it will othering state and prospects of agri as we made the first of the turn Force and the be worn down by cannibalism United States attacks were made. By half past culture and local industries and and as chairs, books, flying hel.
and economic as the shortage of certaia Parts Eighth Air Force have been en eleven it was clear that the u. related social mets, cameras, charts, carried gaged in testing strategic bomb boat was already crippled.
causes him to strip some planes away, crashed through the ing, but when Allied assaults 11. 47 the senior officer, of our War is bringing such rapid to keep others in service, reeling alleyways towards Thr result will be that our bombers are laurched od Adolfo Hitler groupt sent a signal: Rally and charges to the country that the hangar. But that was a small will range more and more freely tical use of air power will get delivered him into thy hand.
Europe it is likely that the tac. smite him, for the Lord hath work of the Institute is becomthings. As reached the ladder ing more urgent every day. For over Germany, making the main its sevarest test.
that goes down to the hangar Again we heard the attacks one thing, the people have bean the ship gave one tremendous tenance of the enemy war go in. Aiter a little came learning to grow more vegetables heave and swung over on her effort more and more difficult The fact that Air Chief Mar reply: Smitten thrice like Jorah under goverment supervision and side further and further until It is desired to press this de shal Sir Arthur Tedder has he remains deep and doubt he more wheat for flour, to produce clinging to the iron railing. velopment a long way before the been made second among mission will rise again.
more milk and butter, more beof invasion is launchel, though the leaders indicates the possibility Then, abruptly, ribaldly, came and pork. This is not just a ant seemed almost face down. In the chart room the heeling indicator timing of this may be assumed that the invasion will see the ter of saving chipping space over the empty air from to have been long fixed.
greatest display of tactical ait turn of speed and even registered a roll of unprecedented it gives achance to encourage more The German answer to this power the world has ever known important in submarire hunti: of the health needs of West Afri degree.
a more varied diet, which is noe deadly threat is the resumption. Marchal Tedder is probably the miles ahead of us: Hearse sumThe the spray became Solid of sizeable raids on London, No most experienced and skilled cans. Similarly, industries such moned Soberody went past me shouting One would pretend that the raids man in the world in the use of a pottery, textiles and loatie: Officiall we are called a Sup that the bulkhead had gone, but are a pleasure; to many it feels the airplare as a tactical weapon port Group. actual y we are a they should develop on work have been exparding. The irom the pusing of it is was clear like going back to the dentist Judging only by the pattern hunting pack, a super pack sound that this war water from a pump.
Yet it is true that they make of tactical air power as woven break the wolf pack methods of economic lines is vital to the could see the slight figure of Bittle impression on this great by Marshal Tedder from El Ala the Uboat.
country future, because they the o. of the squadron appear city which can bear them do mein to Naples, the first task cap provide the surest means of Across our bows is flung ing and disappearing in th ing the numbered weeks will be to gain mastery of the screen of Bird class sloops. We raising its standards of life and in water. could see gires being which the Luftwaffe will air This was done in the great have, as a group a incidentally, of makirg possible ba reasonable passed and opes flumg. We had able to deliver them. The Allies desert drive by knocking down the purchase of necessary goods we have an almost unlimited mad aircraft working loose in from outside are determined to destroy the enemy fighters in air combat and endurance.
the thounder ard clang of the fective fighter strength of tha by blastir:g his planes on tha We are the solution to the ma great wavern of the hangar, The Luftwaffe as soon as possible ground and airfield Installations, jor problem of the boat wer lashings, of the Swordfish below and from now on Allied leaders It was a long, hard job in Africa FOILED CENTRIES. the problem of the Atlantic and there is no reason to think me broke adrift and the planes of this campaign will send their it will be easier when gap. We have been working the began to move. The ship rolled Europe aerial artillery anywhere in It was taken prisoner at Dum back, recovering herself slowly, man fighters are made and to edges of that gap this past week, is attacked kirk on May 29, 1940. ha then rolled far over to the other No part of the Atlantic to days Once mastery of the air has many where German figthers been gaired, chiefly by tightera been seriously wounded with side. could hear metal tearing is actually beyond the reach o: three bullets in the leg and one wood snapping and will give battle. There are two Screeching and fighter bombers, light and me shore based aircfraft, but there in the arm. After being in hos las is parted. We rolled again.
ways to destroy German fighter dium bombers will join has existed all through the an the planes. one high officer remark effort and strike at the enemy pital for a long time in Germa. Slowly the rolling died as we ti submarine campaign a broad ed today. You can murder them rear lines. The object will be to ny. wast sent to work in coal swung back head to sea. Slowly area down the centre of the mine. escaped and reached the noise or some of it died in the air or use what we cal disrupt lines of supply and com Atlantic where aircraft coud ope the borders of Rumania, orly down and ceased, Ard all night the birth control methods omunication from the rear to the rate only for the very briefest to be captured by dogs at the in the slush of water and oil bombing them in the factories front and destroy reserves, sup.
periods. To day we have enough frontier. was sent back to the that made it impossible to stand before they can fly. We are plies, bomber and fighter bases, escort carriers sloops, corvettes using both methods. From noward disperse reserves of frigates, old destroyers to keep German camp and given 40 days up on the hangar deck, all night men confinement in a dark cell on as we heaved and rolled, they on the bombers will peretrate and machines.
the convoys properly covered into Germany and elsewhere and to search the gap inces bread and water. After ha worked to make the lashings so trying to climb over the barbed secure that nothing save capsiz the Continent not only to destroy ral Montgomery.
wire. was taken back and gi ing would shift the planes again German planes on the This is the moderr proof of So we keep aircraft in the air British officer, who was with ground but the Germar fighter that age old maxim unions is by day and even by night over me was shot and killed while did so and reached England with planes in the air at almost any strength. Division implies well that desolate central water mass, thying to climb over the barbed notes of many atrocities he had cost, kness, and as our battle nears cut the boat sale cruising wire. wast taken back and gi seei joted down on thousands its climax al our forces must be periods to the absolute minimum, ven frurther punishment. of cigarette papper. Here are soone. In factory increase the nerve strain of their In my next attempt rode me of the things he saw. Two and field, in the mine and at crews to the absolute maximum. on the exle of a railway train children playing in a street Army plus Air the Eighth the smill, we shall go forward to going to France. They searched threw stores at a Gestapo officer Army and the Desert Air Forcsether. Our unity means more a great cause. Only this unity can the train at Doullens and was He chased them and killed them if you like have to be so krit than union. It is not the super ensure that, in peace as in var, again captured, both Police he said picked out ted that they form one entity ficial sameness of a dictador. we shall not pursue broken then decided that the only foreign girls at Ionely sites. Wo Here is one of the guiding prin ridden state, but the deep inner ends, but great and comprenen way to make good my escape men were forced to work in coah ciples of war are given by Genel bond of a people who fight in sive purposes.
was to try it on my own. He mines.
a on the One People one Weapon welded into Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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