
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK SOT ATLANTIC VOICE Forethought is simple, afterthought manifold. Goa (ed to an act by appetite, passion or blazing anger, we leap 40 the goal by a single bound controlled by a single line of Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 thought. When the deed is done consequences begin to crowd upon us and we then seet the evil of the act from many point YEAR IX. LIMON MARCH 25th. 1944 se NP 416 of view. If our afterhought were as simple as our foreth.
sought, we would all be saved from the harassing woe of guilty memories.
an: CHOOSE WHOM YE WILL SERVE Following on the signal fai VOYAGES TO COLON lurs of his forces in Russia, Ireland has not, apparand in an apparently final ently, buried the hatchet DO and desperate effort to stave suu REPUBLICA DE PANAMA of the Victorian Age. In off further disaster from the rapidly advancing Russians, Hi many ways the Eamon de Agents tler, assumed military control Valera Government is not of Hungary in the absence of behaving in manner satR. SMYTH COMPANY the Regent Admiral Horthy isfactory to the democraand his chief advicers, who tic nations. The righting had been called to Berlin on of wrongs is generally a the pretext of conferring with VIOLENT FIGHTING IN BOSNIA AND the Distator: has been say very slow process; but if ed that a Nazi controlled go after her experiences of MONTENEGRO. enrment has been placed in the past four years, Ireauthority.
land accepted the just Marshal Tito has On the Rosnian front of Bulgaria and Rumania are measures of human freenounced that Allied forces Bjeljina Tuzlao Broko, aided by air units recently the Germans desplayed and controlled. Fighting of a should be able to set aside also being similarly occupied dom and liberty, she destroyed the German Ga stern resistence despite their somewhat serious character rrison on the Island of Shol. serious. losses in man pois reported to have occurred the old Irish motto Sinn ta, while other patriotic wer.
between the Hungarians and (Ourselves alone. and troops recovered possession With the capture of the Rumanians.
take her stand in common of the strongly fortified po important Island of Sholta Hitler is supposed to have with the free peoples of sitions of Kruto and Orja off the Dalmatian coast, it of these countries that they the universe.
luka in Montenegro.
is said that the German had either to continue their Violent fighting was also submarine base at Split was opposition to the Allied Na nal selfdetermination are The principles of natiosaid to have taken place been isolated. Patriotic tions or be prepared to sub well know in Dublin. The along the margin of the troops are also reported to mit to the treatment he River Lin. in Montenegro, have extended their succes. woul accord them.
vision of a completely in during a period of five sful operations to the vici Pursuing their offensive dependent Ireland long DE VALERA days. The enemy suffered nity of the frontier of Bulagainst tho retreating German occupied the minds of heavily.
troops, the Soviets, are said o Irishmen and for this they struggled and have occupied an area of triumphed. It was the only solution which AIR RAIDS CONTINUE OVER GERMANY ninety kilometers in the vici could have met the needs of Eamon de Valenity of the old Rumanian Fron ra; and hence his Free State should be ready For the third time during More than three thous tier.
the curreent week the Royal and tons of high explosives The Soviet are also stated to in every possible way assist the efforts unAir Force launched a squa were rained over Frank to have resumed their advan derway for the liberation of the peoples of Eudron of more than one fort, which is now regard. ce in Poland following the rope, who suffer under the iron shod heels of thousand units over Gered as the worst bombarded route used by the Germans at Nazism. It seems incompatible for Ireland, many Thursday, the city in all the war period. the time of their invasion and with her demand for freedom, to ignore the mayority directed their at. During the past two months to have covered about fifty herculean struggle being made by others for a tack agafnst the great in it has been the recipient of kilometers.
similar purpose.
dustrial and chemical cen eleven thousand tons of ter, Frankfort.
Eamon de Valera was asked by the United bombs.
planes based in England Berlin was also the object States of America and Great Britain to close For a space of 36 consc. are reported to have disof another assault which, is cutive hours up to six of charged six thousand tons the German Legation and the Jananese Con said to have caused eddi the evening of the 23rd of bombs Germany sulates which operate in his country as they tional heavy damages. instant five thousand war and the occupied zones with are known to be fomenting and aiding activiterrifying effects.
ties directly opposed to the efforts of the United Nations for the preservation of universal HALF MILLION freedom. He refused, and the attitude he has POLES MURDERED adopted cannot be reasonably regarded in any It has been annnouncod by other light than as decidedly unfriendly and the Polish Ministry of infor inimical to the cause which he himself has so mation tha: not less than fi loudly and persistently espoused. However, To Members of Cacao Cooperation ve hundred thousand Poles we when the cordon knot shall have completely (Mixta)
re assassinated by the Ger encircled his Free State and his people be deOur Prices for the following Products are man in gas chambers in the prived of their economic and other necessities concentration camp located at he may then choose whom he will serve.
Oswiecim. The murderers are CACAO, per quintal. 50. 00 colones declared to have destroyed COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 55. 00 colones the bodies of the victims by NOTICE incinerating them in three la: COCOANUTS, per hundred. 23. 00 colones ge ovens specially constructed Aadress all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos for the purpose and with ca. ineering Requirements to de sngeniería dirijase a All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense pacity for the consumptior of of the Cacao Co operation ROIG 10, 000 bodies oach day. shortage of the poison BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 RAUL VELAZQUEZ gas is believed to have prevent SAN JOSE Manager ed a much larger number of Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos assassinations.
on over NOTICE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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