
PAGINA ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, MARCH 25th. 1944 THE PASSING OF ANOTHER LAND MARK MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS MUL. EN. OL In his march last Saturday, leading local Companies in ma night, the 18th. instant, death ny capacities. He was an acti FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR emove another of oor hu. ve fraternal worker. Burial was. THOMPSON SUPPLY man land marks in the perso effected on Sunday after noon AND WORKSHOP Burns, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
nage of Mr. Charles Foung after the religious ceremony or to a rol Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash of the Jamaica Town Settle had been conducted at the hou Everything in the technical line and Dentrifice.
ment the deceased suffredse of mourning by Mr. Leslie can be made, repaired or supIS GREASELESS, FREE OF SMELL AND from pa ra lys is for qui Angus and concluded at the plied. Assorments of Beds.
te some time and bore his af. grave by Mrs. Iris Williams. Springs and other useful equipfliction with great fortitute, The deceased is survived by ment. Building Nº 89 Fifth Ave MA TA RAL under the care of his very de his svidow, two sons, a brother, nue toward the Municipal Bath.
voted wife a niece and a nephew, to ALKALINE TABLETS Mr. Young was a native of whom and all other relatives, GRANT AND CRAWFORD Smithville in the parish of Cla the ATLANTIC VOICE ten NEW HAREM BAR AND good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains, RESTAURANT rendon, Island of Jamaica, and ders its deepest condolence.
minor colds, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after resided in this city fo nearly May the soul of our departed EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS forty years, during which leng citizen find rest perpetual. Opens Day and Night. Clean TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it.
thened period he servod the and Cozy Reservations. Good AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS Native and Foregn laquors and experienced Mixers PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, A.
HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA NI. Building SAN JOSE City of Limon LEONEL MONDOL PERSONS AND MOVEMENTS Beautifully situated in front the Sea.
East Indian Barber and Hair It was a source of real plea Messrs. Alfredo and Carlos Airy, Cool, Comfortable Rooms Culturist. All sanitary arran.
sure to have had the weck Swaby of La Palma, Sixaola, gements and general clean Special Dining Room Service end visit of Mr. James Gibson were welcomed visitors to our surroundings. In front of the of Madre de Dios. He camo city. Both brothers are among WELL STOCKED BAR WITH NATIVE old Motive Power Clubhouse.
to the city on very urgent be the leading agriculturists of AND FOREIGN LIQUORS siness and to also secure, as that region. They left us by HAPPY for as may have been passi Tuesday coastal launch.
LIQUID FOUNTAIN ERNEST CECIL LEWIS 044 yosanss! puorodu as Proprietor.
in the heart of the Abaca Dis. ble, first hand informatics on day, particularly those educa Our city was reennil.
trict at Twenty Five Miles, Richly cocked and highly tional field in which he has ced with a number of educaENJOYED VISIT TO RELATIVES tors associated with the Pa flavoured meals Everything in a distinguished vine.
the line of refreshing Drinks nama Division of the Seventr After an absence of many, selves to prevent the materia prepared to meet your taste.
Day Adventists. Among them years, Mrs. Janthe Jolin. zon Edlization of her plans. HoweSupplies for the housewives.
was our former good citizen, wards arrived here recently onver, not having been present OTRO GOLPE CONTUNDENT Mr. Enos Bourne, who once a visit to her sists, Mrs. Er to do her part along side her ASESTAR LOS RUSOS LOS NAZIS directed the local school of nestine Johnson Harris and brother and sister, when death the Denomination. unders her brother, Mr. Rodoiph Jo. robbed them of their mother MOSCU, 24, UP. Los rusos to hnson, the popular Manager of nearly a year ago, she summo han dado otro golpe contunden tand the visitors came FOR MEN te que amenaza con truncar to attend a special conference of the Cubs Baseball Club. Old ned every effort to be with Belt and Straw Hats. das las esperanzas de los nazis de tenerlos a raya en la margen their Central American Head friendhips were reinstated and them at this time to see, Shirts and Underwear, oriental del rio Prut, frontera quarters at Tres Rios.
new ones earned by her win mong other things, to the crec natural de Rumanla. En su 3vance arrowlador, a través de Be.
ning mannerism.
tion of the tomb ere the arri THE LATEST, CHEAPEST sarabia tropas soviéticas han In a very pleasing interview val of the first anniversary of AND BEST dista llegado a un punto que solo veintidos kilómetros del Mrs. Edwards told tis there her mother death. Bcing very Do vour shopping at Prut poniendo el rio casi al alSPECIAL EASTER was always a yearning in her much occupied in the land of THE PEOPLE HOUSE cance de la artilleria.
soul to be with her relatives her adoption, Mrs. Edwards Jack Orane Sucs.
SERVICES and friends on this her native has again left our city taking, LIMON SANTIAGO DE CHILE, 24, soil, but certain human ills we ae sure, fond reminiscenUP Los deteetives se apodera.
It has ben made known ron ayer de una edición del pehad always presented them ces of her stay and reunion.
riódico socialista La Opinión que that in addition to the accus destacaba en la primera página tomed Good Friday and Easter un articulo firmado por el ex ministro del exterior Juan Ro Services, which will take place asetti en el que el escritor ata. at the City Baptist Church, o có acremente al presidente luan Antonio Trios. El ministro del well prepared Young People exterior Daniel Gouzález desin: Programme will be presented nado para investigar el caso, ha ordenado la suspensión de la mu on the afternoon of Eastern blicación de La Opinión por Sunday, the 9th, proximo.
tres días a contar de hoy. Dieese que personas desconocidas entra warm welcome is assured ron en el edificio del diario all the friends of the Denomi destrozaron maquinarias y otras secciones.
aCaribbean Packing Co.
VENTA DE MERCADERIAS DEPOSITO DE AZUCAR Agentes MUL EN OL y MA TA RAL First Aid Anticeptic Alkaline Tablets Frente Unidad Sanitaria APARTADO 362. LIMON OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE Folk of the city. Lines and Coast! Without your support we shall be knocked out. Please support us. eat and drink at LA MAGNOLIA. Dixon little place West of the city Market Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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