
TURDAY, MARCH 25th. 1944, La voz ATLANTICA ALA came atheir were rening date SUNDAY SCHOOL JOAN CARLE SEVENTH BIRTH ANNIVERSARY MATINA ART AND UNIQUE CHILDREN Last Sunday afternoon, the out the burning tapers at one TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT 20th. instant we witnessed breath.
ENTERTAINED MINTO one of the merriest assemblies Behind, this seene The charm in the appearance of a man is a well As a means of helping the of youngsters as participants geater happiness when the apdesigned and smartly fitted suit youths to adjust themselves, at the Fete given by our good petites were assuaged with The Matina Art and Unique Tailoring Ogin at least, to some of the dit citizens, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome the sumptuously served delica Establishment guarantees, at all times.
ficult present days conditions, Earle, in honour of the se cies and sweet beverages Sev BEST FIT REAL MATERIALS and the fifth aniversary of the venth anniversary of the birth eral of those who had risen UNPARALLEL WORKMANSHIP Sunday School of the Salva o ftheir attractive daughter from childhood innocent plat Sur central location makes it convenient for the men tion Army was, on Tuesday Joon. It was visible that the form were on hand to ada of the Abaca Industry and other vicinities to deal evening the 21st, instan, cele Tots were provided with cheer. The children with us.
PRICES TO MEET THE TIME brated is a somewhat chang play world all their own. They amused themselves in a varie end form. Instead of the accus had a very impressive begin ty of well known ways while tomed reciting and singing ning. The beautiful birthday the radio kept harmony with HEARTY WELCOME TO DIRECTRESS OF programme with the accompa Cake, with its thaditional light the requirements of the hour.
LIMON FIRST YEAR LICEO nying prize awards, an amuse ed candles, was rather signifi Many costly and beautiful pre ment was offectively provided cant, due to te emblematical sents were in evidence.
Vith an unbounder pleasu. found a great spirit dwelling by Master Albert Jackson, representations of the Num It is our hope that Joan we welcome to our city and in a mystery of light, love, one of the scolars of the Day ber e vem, two of which will continue to grow in embracing citizenry, Mrs. devotion and service. The Di School.
were much in evidence. the strength and grace of charac Madrigal de Montero, the rectress emphasized the fact The very active Albert ma seventh day of the week and ter and thus attain the promi rectress of Limon First of her being strongly of the de twenty one pictures of to the seventh bitth annivesary. nence characteristic of the ar Liceo opinion that the work just star cal scenes which were screem Rather cutely little Joan blew name she bears.
Ve discovered great treasu led should not be measured in ed by the Majar stereoptica!
TE as the illustrious educatrix the light of assembling profe machine. The children as ted, in part The origi ssors and students in a buil. well as the grown ups highly SYDNEY BECKFORD CARINET MAKING idea of a complimentary ding, but rather that the spi. relished the work of the young AND GENERAL CARPENTER SHOP Sool for the educational ad. rit of the cause should past talent. We laern that the in ncement of the youngsters freely into the hearts of those genious lad has constructed his Not inly for the scenic Beauty, but in the designs of our et its death by the free will assembled as well as of the Chairs lie comfort; while the technique of the workman own magic lantern with disthe Educational Committee community at large.
shin, guarantees strength and durability.
carded balso wood also a flash ad other high functionarfes We are in full accord that light and runs his own mina BE WISE. remember every ile of the very advent of my con there is much need for a true ture picture house at Santo Beckford built furniture rence, in consequence there realization of the solemnity of Rosa remains a prize in office or home.
been organized and esta life preparation, as well as ished in the Rafael Ygle of the true purpose of our exis At the close ofthe sereun Dile. o the scarcity of Shellac we are giving a bruiliant ing of the slides the children War finish.
18 School, Limon First tence, educationally and mo SEE US BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE ar Liceo with an enrolment lavishly rally. We commen: the new entertained 4th. Street at entrance to Gamez forty eight students on the Headmistress of our Higher with ice cream, buns, candies Lumber Yard.
last Monday, Caucational System to the civa and peanuts.
e 20th.
Li racteristic nmitality of ESTOCOLMO, 24, UP.
FIRST LIMON CADET TROOP TO ATTEND By our cordial interview Ale monenses mania ha sido atacada al descuith Dona Montero we have bierto por primera vez por un DIVINE SERVICE homire prominente en asuntos fineses. Karl August Fagerholm Not unmindful of their spi. with the local Division of the FULL MEASURE OF MUSIC ex ministro fines de asuntos so ritual responsibilities, we are Universal Negro Improvement ciales advirtió ante una asam. informed the First Limon Ca. Association and distinct from We were afforded the enjoy ghly praiseworthy. Mr. Leste (blea de estudiantes nórdicos en moral, tine also effectively executed destinik que los alemanes están det Troop will attend divine the Boy and Girl Scouts of St.
Jent of in ellectual, destruyendo la libertad del indi Service at the St.
Mark Mark iritual and dramatic truths an organ selection. Accompa riduo.
Church at nine o clock tomo It has been further released oth the presentation, by the nied by Mr. Mc Creath at the five o clock in the after hilharmonic Choir, in the organ Mr, Corniffe executed men would praise the Lord, rrow morning. The Rev. that telling Evans, the Rector, je said non, the Cadets will proceed all of the St Mark Parish, the violin selection Santa Ro and the Heavens are Monday sa with such charm that he were emotional items, particu to have graciously extended the to the Cuartel and pay their in the evening of a respects to the Police Comman ist. messatie was delivered had to respond to an encore. larly the latter or closing one, courtesy and will deliver Cadets der and other Officiais. little flavouring was ad special message to the The rith each len rendered The battle of Trafalgar was the ser Executive Personnel of with during the course of his The Rev. James Evans the poem impressively contri ded to the programme and witty presided over the Staphony; buted by our famed elocutio humorous add mon. He has also, we are told, Troop consist of CrawBarnet The ress of Mr. Jos. Thomas. granted the use of the church ford, President of the Associa ie was accompanied by Mrs. nist, Mr.
rendered choru The Rector nobly expressed lawn for the investiture of the tion, Commander in Chief, vans. Mr. Daysley, the Displendidly salientTroop after the close of the Grant Thorpe, Lieutenant ector, effectively steered his ses Sing Jehovah Praises; the aspiration and that thought in his closing rem. service Colonel; Maitland, Major; Choristers, whose uniform of Praise ye Jehovah; On arks The Movement is associated Bailey, Sub Lieutenant.
deadgear made the bright edi fice still move bright.
The soloists were Mesdames Ruth Thomas, Diana Gayle. dasa Daysley and Doris Gray.
The quartettes be joyful in Offers you Correct Weight, Lower Prices, fresh Merchandise and Courtesy he Lord and On the Wings Condensed Milk, large. 35 Cacao XXX, lb. 85 of Faith were rendered by Island Palm Soap 60 Nugget Shoe Polish, tin. 45 Mesdames Ruth Evans, Leticia Banquet Sardines, tin. 75 Crisco, lb. 25 Gray, and Messrs. Ben Escoe and James Messam. In hea Camay Soap 70 Tuna Fish, tin 50 venly love abiding was Palmolive Soap the 75 Colgate Cream, big, 00 vocal duet by Messrs. Corniffe Butter, Lb. 50 Wire Sponges 25 and Messam. The Vesper.
Quaker Oats, tin 60 Corn Flakes, pk 00 Hymn a quartette, was rich All Bran 65 Brooms. 80 By contributed by Mrs. Dayley, All Polish, tin 50 Klim, tin 15 Miss Hinson, Mr. Cornif fe and Mr. Messam.
Baking Powder, lb.
Recita2. 00 Carbide, Ib. 00 tions were delivered by Miss Sweet Oil, bot. 25 Carnation Cream, ige. tin 95 Ida Berrick and Master Wins ton Gray. Mr. Gray vio PROVEEDORA. Puerto Limon.
lin selections, with Mr. Es terine at the organ, were hi.
nowy white and attractive LA PROVEEDORA Pesh Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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