
LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, MARCH 25th our ANOTHER VICTIM OF Estrada Government Miss Dophney Hazel ACCIDENT School Re opened Assignment CARD OF THANKS It has been reliably released We are in receipt of the We desire to extend There is imbedded in my very soul the sainted that Mr. Jeremiah Wallace, an gratifying advice that the Go sincere compliments to Miss bation and profound gratitude, in conjunction wi employee of the Northern Rail vernment School at Estrada Dophney Hazel who has been very uncommon attention, cordiality and general way Shops was the victim of war re opened on Monday the assigned as Schoolmistress for will extended to me, during my visit of nearly an accident on Tuesday fast. 20th. instant, with Miss Hil the Guacimo Government months in the city of Limon. The most indelibly The information states that da Blake of this city as the School; she assumed her res while operating one of the ma Directress.
ponsible position on Monday tioning belongs to my hostesses Misses Margaret Da and sister, Anita Brown, also Mrs. Victoria Harta chines, the third finger of the We seize this medium to morning of the week in course lliams and the other equally esteemed relatives that employee left hand got in sincerely congratulate our es It is our warmest wish friends. Cherished reminiscences will be my treasur contact with the edged equip teemed young citizen, with she meets with the greatest ment and almost severed the the hope that the fullest suc success, both within and wifirst joint. We are indeed sorcess will be her in her nowhout the Classrooms. MRS. ESTERINE WYNTER ry to learn of the sad occu sphere of labour.
rrence and hope the unfortuna te sufferer will soon recover SAYS AU REVOIR from the effects.
Heridos en Acción Mrs. Esterino Wynter of Pa would necessitate the FROM GERMANIA nama Coty, who had been va ration of memory itse cationing here during the past desire to add, in so three months, left us eight Mrs. Wynter is concc The adherents of the Bap.
days ago for San Jose to that she has reaped tist Denomination at Germo effect aerial transportation cumulated result of a nia will tomorrow, the 26th for her home.
riod investment of cu have the pastoral visit of the It is said there are human character. On leaving Rev. Forde. He will concharacters woven in the very Capital Mrs. Wynter duct the annual Harvest Festi texture of history like the wa jou val Services and also adminis homoy ny burde ter farks in a sheet of paper farewell.
ter the Rite of Baptism to se the destruction of which veral believers.
Special preparations for the services have been effectQUARDILLE EASTER COSTA RICA SO ed by the officers and cho BALL risters of the church, and WATER FACT whole hearted invitation is FABRICA de HIEL extended to their friends of REFRESCOS Germania and the vicinity.
We have had the pleasure of receiving a neat and well Limón SALUDO DE CHURCHILL worded invitation which relea FLORIDA ICE LAS TROPAS AMERICANAS ses the information that FARM CO Base de tropas estadunidenses the night of Monday the 10th Hevadas por la vía aérea a Ingla April, proximo, a Grand. QuaLA FLORI derra, 24, UP. El primer ministro Churchill dijo hoy a las MADERAS En la cubierta de un navío de desembarco heridos del drille Easter Ball wil be staged FABRICA DE HIELE tropas americanas llevadas por ejército de los Estados Unidos esperan su traslado a los by Mr. John Mitchell at his ta vía aérea que pronto tendrán la oportunidad de asestar go:pes hospitales de retaguardia de la zona de combate de Italia. heights on 5th. Avenue.
LONDRES, 24, UPal Eje.
As a joyous spirit is always mes sin confirmación a associated with Easter Monday ción general en Rumania que se ha ordenado lam every invite should endeavour cipase que tropas alemant to be present at the anticipat los civiles rumanos pres ocupando el pals, mient ed joy spreadnig function, es pánico, huyen frenéticam cla el oeste, ante el avan pecially as the host has stot nazador del ejército rojo.
ed that his guests ae assured mismos Informes dicen good music, delicious cats, puración de elementos de alemanes ya han iniciado choice beverages and good ticos en Hungría y una na de persecución contra company breos.
PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR vo a on Limón Trading Company FOR SALE Dried Ipecac Roof Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra Titled Property containing Forty (40) hectáreas of land.
The cultivated areas consist of 85 hectareas of planted two years old CACAO. 17 hectareas in ge bearing condition and, in addition two and a half 5 hectareas with bearing cacao in need of cleaning. four apartment building equipped with kitchens Barbecue and other home conveniences.
The Property is situated nthe vicinity of Santa Mar at 15. 12 miles.
For further particulars apply.
JOS THOMAS POST OFFICE BOX 199, LIMON RUBBER REMEMBER No loafers waiting room! No gossip station! The ide place for yourself and son is Dixon Barber Shop West of the city Market.
Stand by us lest we fall. Support us with your unite strength Eat, and drink, day and night at LA MAGNO LIA Dixon little place Wet of the city Market.
WE PAY THE BEST PRICES Give us the benefit; help us to grow; don pass us Meals, Coffee, Cool Drinks, Mondongo Soup, etc, at LA NOLIA Dixon little place West of the city Market.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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