p. 12


MAN It is not the infallible correct portion of tre globe. My Lords Victory is now certain, but no There can be no doubt that, ress of his opinions, for one British West African troops u one can estimate the time, the German losses, especially on may think him sometimes wrong After two 26 captured the years of on February effort, or the sacrifice that will the Eastern Front, have been and still consider him a great Kaladan valley iwon ow Kyauk fighting in the Pacific, our be needed to bring Germany stupendous, Nor is there reason man. Somewhere there is a deep and alapan to their knees, Field to doubt that the question law in western Burma, Dosing are getting to know their Ja of mystery of personality. Out!
Marshal Sir John Greer Dalltinding manpower for the army the masses of men these Viea BLE 24. are proud nese counterpart as he really thought him Japar, se or rasane sont At first they chief of the British joint start and for factory and field has come when they are needed, out Africans joke, with his short bandy mission to The West the United 002 por Siates become one of the most pressing of log cabins and also ou of Kyauktaw af. er crossing a and his surprising agility declared.
problems of the whole strained immemorial mansions.
Sin John revealed that the vie Nazis economy. When the stream in the face of oppositrees. Now they see him war Winston Churchill is an old tion and were in a position to what he is, skilled, brave, og lory in the Battle of Britain began in 1939 it was estimated Tory. He is an old Liberat. He outflank the Japanese strong dient and tough. how to which meant so much to the on the basis of reliable infor is a rank imperialist. He is a hold of Buthedaung, twenty six can be realised from the cause of civilization, was wommation that one out of every fervent democrat. But mainly he miles to the west. West of the Under Secretary for War rece not only by the pilots of the ten Carman males of military is one of those men who cannot Royal Air Force but by the age was in the armed forces. By walk into the House of Com Mayu range, in the main Arakan statement that only 337 Japin scientists who invented the ra 1943 the number of German men mons, or anyhouse or battle area, remnants of a Japa se prisoners nave been taken place, dio location system.
nese ralding party were driven by American forces bearing arms had risen to one without creating something fro mthe chief crest of the Mayuno miracle man.
The great invention, which out of every three. To a certain an electric shock. He does not ridge. British and Indian troops What has been often describe we now call thadar, we owed extent the shortage of factory do this because he is Prime Mince again were firmly establish as his fanaticism is more to the university trained men and farm workers was made up nister. He is Prime Minister and we owed ed in Ngakyedauk Pass. All ca. condition of mind produced it not only to by drafting slave labor from because he can do it. He is Prime sualties of the Seventh Indian rigad training under officer their brains but to their hands, the occupied countries.
Minister because he has made Division, relieved after seveateen and NCO who themselves he declared. For, before suffi. Cut today, with the Anglo Ame and projected an image of what days of encirciement east of the mbued with the savage ideas o cient equipment was availablerican air offensive adding to the British people wish to be Mountains, had been evacuated present day Japan. The soldi from the production lines, we the demands for laser behind in this war; there he stands through the pass.
Is told he must fight to the en depended in part On apparatus the lines, the risng hope among and there they stand, in coura rather tha which they had rushed together the conquered people that Since early in February Allica and kill himself thege so sure that it need revet in their laboratories and instaday of liberation is at hand has plume itself; in faith as strong troops in Arakan had been enga surrender, and he obeys becaus ged with an enemy force otobedience comes naturally Ned with their own hands. We brought an increased resistance as the British earth from which several thousand that had mo him.
face powerful and desperate ao to the German labor dru ts. Nazt it springs; in cheerfulness that ved in from the east against The unquestioning obedienc versaries, made more desparate Germany must be nearing the passes smiling Into the dark their lines of communication of the Japanese private is by the certainty of defeat. Ger limit of her manpower resources Valley; in honesty of purpose; The Japanese intention had factor to be reckoned with, but many and Japan are contro leu just at the time when the Urited loyalty.
been to disorganise the back it has its drawbercks in a want by men who count no price Nations, reaching the peak of This is the man who offered areas, while making simulta loſ iniciative and dependenc, in death and destruction too their power, are preparing the an honorable union to France neous attacks from the front upon authority, Once his SU high If, by paying it, they can heaviest blows that have fallen when she was beaten to hei against the Seventh Indian Diperiors are dead, the ordenar delay for a while the fate that yet. In the summer of 1942 the knees. This is the man who vision. The Japanese had hopea Jap is inclined to fold up.
awaits them. They are like men German Army was believed to raised his voice in savage de.
by this maneuver to check the condemned on the scaffold, with number about 8, 000, 000.
fiance when Britain stood alone, Allied drive towards Buthedaung NO TRUE PEACE nothing to lose and a brief ex Nevertheless, it would be. nothing but the invincible and to force the division to re tension of life to gain by trying surprising if the German Army will to live and die free, bet treat, which would have been every trick and ruse that may riere as good today at it was ween his island race and utter a difficult operation in thick postpone execution.
when it marched into Poiana destruction.
jungle with opportunities ſor At this time our thoughts an Expressing the view that the or even as strong as when it the Japanese to ambush isolated efforts are centred on the rear triumph over Germany in the swept into Russia in June, 1941.
coming months depends on portions of the force. The reac assault on Germany. It is wel HERITAGE TO Young men between 18 and 25 tion to this attack was not as that it should be so, for with complete accord between the make the best soldiers, and it BE MAINTAINED intended by the Japanese. Ge it comes the greatest tes out British and American forces is in that age group that losses neral Slím, commander of the arms have yo known, a tes General Marshall declared that have been heaviest, if the ex No Caesar or Charlemagne Fourteenth Army, ordered the demanding the fullest exertions Sir John had made an outstand perlence of the First Wold War ever presided over a dominion Seventh Indian Division to hold of every citizen of these islands ing, a unique personal contribuis being duplicated.
80 peculiar. Its flag floats on its ground, while active opera Yet we should not forget our tion to the coordination of the many waters; it has provincestions were undertaken against men serving distante Allied efofrt. Only those who in every zone; they are Inhabited the enemy in the rear, in which battlefronts of the Far East.
have studied the coalitions DISINFECTANT by persons of different races the Fifth Indian Division par. Theirs is the task of siowly the past will be able to appre BOMB different religions, different ticipated. The Japanese were building up the force. which, ciate the importance and susto laws, manners and customs attacked and broken up into with our allies, will eventually ric grandeur of the joint and Some of these are bound to us small parties and their casual defeat Japan. Thelrs will be the cooperative war effort which has new ind of bombk. which by the ties of liberty, fullylles have been very heavy. Men honour of bringing about final been welded by the British and will not be destructive. is now conscious that without their of the Fifth Indian Division are victory in world wide war, American peoples.
being manufactured for the connecion with the metropolis veterans of the North Afr. can, For we fight the same enemy We honor him primarily and Its chlef ingredient is they have no security for pu Eritrean, and Abyssinian cam in east and west. the enemy basically for his selfless devot pyrethrum which is a powerful tile freedom and self govern vaigns.
of cruelty and oppression, of ion to the common cause in insecticide, and the new bombs ment; others are bound to us persecution and evil bellefs. It which we are flighting. Mr. are usd for disinfecting arcraft by flesh and blood and by ma that Empire is no mean herita would profit us nothing to kill Stimson said.
on tropical alr routes where terial as well as moral conside ge; but it is not an heritage these things in the west and Post war concord which woulo mosquitoes and vermin and the rations. There are millions who that can only be enjoyed; It to leave them to pursue their give peace and security for the diseases they carry be transfe are bound to us by our military must be maintained, and it can deadly course in the east.
future depended in large maestred by plane from one terri. sway, and they bow to that sway only be maintained by the same The world has become too ure on the contribution of mentory to another. Formerly the because they nokw that they qualities that created it. by small, Its nations too interde like Sir John, men free of proline work was done by a spray; are indebted to it for orden and courage, by discipline, by pa pendent for us to allow evli to judice, single minded in the sin when the aircraft lands, a justice. All these communities tlenoe, by determination and by fester in any part of it. That cerity of their efforts to pro disinfectant bomb is thrown in agree in recognising the com la reverence for public law and is why there can be no peace moto the unity of our iwone plano, and disinfection is far manding spirit of these islands respect for national rights. for us until Japan, as well as great countries.
noce thoroughly effected.
that has formed and fashioned Lord Beaconsfield, in the Germany, is brought to het in such a manner 60 great House of Lords.
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