
True goodness requires a great soul, curbed passions and broadened conceptions. If goodness be man highest merit, if morl perfection Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 sential to hppiness, then it is among those who YEAR IX LIMON, APRIL 1st 1944 Nº 417 have suffered deeply in the early years of their heart life that shall be found characters best mo INTENSE AERIAL OFFENSIVE AGAINST JAP BASES ulded fo rtheir own ends and for the interests of alli most gifted with justice and intelligence; nea Units of the Australian have been discharged on vasion of the State of Marest to happiness and most inflexibly loyal to virand North American air positions located between ripur in India had been tue.
forces have been carrying New Guinea and the Solo checked at four basic.
out a series of intensified mon ds. The base at points, along a front of HOLY WEEK raids against a large num Rabaul also received an hundred and forty miles, on OT ber of the more important assault of seventy tons of the frontier of Burma. An Today, the first of the fourth month of the Japanese bases in the Pa explosive and incendiary enemy column moving cific war zones.
boms last week end. ward Impal, the Capital of current year, brings us almost to the eve of the Nearly three hundred British communique the State, is said to have period known to Chrstians as HOLY WEEK, durtons of bombs are said to states that the Japanese in been surprised and badly ing which the Church conmemorates the suffer tam chastized by bombing pian ings and crucifixion of the lowly Nazarene. ne and artillery fire.
arly two thousand years ago.
Chinese forces have The approacching celebration should be the rrounded enemy troops in most sacred of our Christian activities and should the Moguang Valley in north Burma. Five thousand also forcibly remind us of the life, the work and North American parachuthe suferings which the Son of God bore for the tists landed behind the Ja. redemption of manking. And as we contemplate panese for the purpose of these things, at this time, may we be stirred with checking any counter oftenTo Members of Cacao Cooperation greater earnest to serve our fellow creatures all sive movements in this (Mixta)
the better, even if the recipients of our service and sector.
of our charity be but uninteresting, lowly speciOur Prices for the following Products are mens of humanity. for did not the Crucified and Risen Saviour assure us that in as much as we CACAO, per quintal. 50. 00 colones NAZIS DESTROY do these things unto the least of our brethren we do it COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 55. 00 colones ALLIED HOSPITAL co Christ came to earth to establish true Christian COCOANUTS, per hundred. 23. 00 colones unity. May the present Season be productive of In reprisal it is said for much good and also provide us with a further opAll Freight and Cartage will be at Expense their failure against Alied portunity of offering our prayers at the foot of the of the Cacao Co operation military objectives in Italy, Cross on Calyery for a cessation of the world wide German aviators delibera horrors and an early return of Peace, Justice and RAUL VELAZQUEZ tely attacked an American Liberty Manager hospital on the Anzio beach head, below Rome. The conscience of mankind Education should be regard.
The building was redu demands the punishment of ed as the ally and not the dreadced to ashes and many of those who have ordered anded competitor of employmert: the patients, nurses, medi committed some of the foulest. It will oil the wheels of indusALLIED FORCES RETIRE IN CASSINO FIGHT cos and soldiers, on duty cruelties and atrocities which try and bring a new efficiency.
An advice from Naples nal troops in Anzio as guards, lost their lives. have ever stained the pages of the fruit of modern knowledge, An operation saloon that advanced Nettuno as well as was human history. The tanks Arch. to aid the ancient skill of farm blown to bits, while a ope bishop of York. se Allied detachments had re and heavy artilery, with the and field. Mr. Butler, ration was actually taking IS19 tired from to certain points intention, it is believed, of in the heights in the Cassi resuming their offensive in place; all the medical menj SOVIET FORCES ENTER BALKAN TERRITORY no area as the result of the conjuction with an intensi were killed.
intense pressure directed fied aerial action.
The capture of Cernauti of Rumania.
The hospital building ca third most important city in against them by the enemy. On the front of Gariblia, Hundreds of thousands of rried the accustomed Red The information has also no, near solo as also along Rumania and the gateway Germans, who rushed to the Cross distinguishing marks.
been released that the the Adriatic lines the eighth into the Balkans, by the So eastern territories occupied Allieds had disembarked Army had repelled several viet troops severely prejudi by the Nazis, are now Te The British Commonwealth narge numbers of additio lenemy attacks.
will ultimately be judged by the this war zone. The Russians fear of the advancing ces the German position in ported fleeing northward in Ru extent to which its power and will now it is said, be able ssians. They are said to be prestige are used to bring to a to proceed across the plains creating a serious problem LARGE INCREASE EXPECTED IN CORN torn and disrupted world 80 of Rumania into the heart for the German authorities.
PRODUCTION methir. of that free spirit of of the Balkans, it will a so Other Soviet forces are re cooperation and comradeship permit of a flanking move ported to have penetrated We understand that, under way for the intensi which its units to day enjoyment against the entire Na Hungrarian territory to the accompanied by the Direc ifcatio nand bettering of among themselves.
Lord. De zi defence system along the depth of more than thirty tor of the Agricultural Pro our agricultural interests.
La Warr River Prut on the frontier mles, and to be also approduction Division of the Insaching the border of Checo It has also been stated slovakia.
titute of Inter American that as the result of the Russias latest victories Affairs and others, our very generous assitance afheighly regarded Minister forded the cultivators Thave separated the Nazi by VOYAGES TO COLON troops from their provision of Agriculture, don Maria (the National Agricultural bases in Pa and and have al no Montealegre, has been Department and Inter AmeREPUBLICA DE PANAMA so dvided the German forvisiting the Old Line re rican Institute, an unusually Agents gion of our Province in con large increase in this year ces in that coutnry from tho se operating in Rumania.
section with the operations crops is expected, General Konev is alreaR. SMYTH COMPANY dy, a report states to pene Stand by us lest we fall. support us with your united trated Rumania as soon, strength Eat, and drink, day and night at LA MAGNOdirected by Moscow.
LIA Dixon little place Wet of the city Market.
anei announce as Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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