
Scales of victory tipped by British women Was sures that every 00 up a women but on IN FOND AND REFRESHED 2911 POD auswada MEMORY by Today, April 1st. we face the First sad anniversary of the death of our darling Mother.
In a very illuminating ar equal what he was accom men who could give better DOROTHY JOHNSON ticle producen in Londonfplishing thrugh repression service in industry were not (AUNT DOR)
Calling. Britain Minister and his notorious Gestapo. called. Registration for men of Labour tells of the men He failed to allow for the over the military age Her sleep in death made our eyes a fountain of ters: ner in which the work ingenuity, Day and night we wept, but her harvest is past.
responsiveness slao established. These mea.
Short and sudden was the call, the shock was greut, people of his country have and will of the Britons.
assured We little knew the time was near. She parted but not rallied to the service of Bri When it was realized the available man, between 18 forever tain in and the cause of free Minister further states, and 50 years of age, wag ERNESTINE HARRIS, IANTHE EDWARDS, dom: and how they have what total war meant the assigned the beat possible RODOLPH JOHNSON GRAND CHILDREN aist lismitted to inconve Toeople not only willingly place for pulling his weight niences and directions of submitted to the discipline in the war effort. As there many lids, in order that of the States, but streng. was not sufficient men to High Command have dis. with, at least, the produc: Nazis ans Fascism shallthened it by disciplining build great Army, covered that are tion of the Axis, in view be detépted: Hitler, the Mi. themselves, a most potent Navy, and Air Force, and possessed of amazing skill of their great resource in nister declares, made many factor when willingly im at the same time give the and ability, and are effi man power; the miscalculations, but his grea posed by a free people. necessary production to ciently performing every women taking hold, the test was when he assumed When conscription for men equip and maintain them, imaginable kind of job pro matter was not only solved that Britain, because of her was introduced, a system as well as the general com fessional, administrative and but the scales of victory free intitutions, could not of reserved occupations was munity, a call was made on technical. The position is tipped.
possibly secure anything to inaugurated, wehrcoby the the women, who nobly res similar in industry, where ponded.
there is hardly a departCA By the Autumn of 1942 ment with women are not FOR MEN MUL. EN. OL all women between 18 and closely associated they felt and Straw Hats. FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC 45 years of age had been fill shell, build airoraft and Shirts and Underwear NECDED IN EVERY HOME FOR registered and made liable ships, and perform highly THE LATEST, CHEAPEST Burns, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc. to bi directed into some war skilled emgineerng work.
AND BEST Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash job. Another law sibjected It was a formidable pro Do vour shopping at and Dentrifice.
women to a call for comblem, the Minister conclu. THE PEOPLE HOUSE IS GREASELESS, FREE OF SMELL AND pulsory service with the des, of finding the ways Jack Orane Sucs.
Armed Forces, which pre and means of keeping pace LIMON mitted their being placed slo MA. TA. RAL in administrative and other positions in the forces NOTICE ALKALINE TABLETS the able bodied men could be released for active serPara todos sus trabajos good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains, Address all your Engvice. More than ninety per TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it.
ineering Requirements to de ingeniería dirijase a cent of the unmarried AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS women of working age are ROIG PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, A. in national service. Many のですよ SE5302 303 BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 SAN JOSE of the married ones SAN mitos colas, neuralgia, etc. Splendid aker also full time jobs, while Charges Reasonable OSE Módicas EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS much over half a million, who have homes and families, are on part time MISCELLANEOUS and experienced Mixers ployment. Building We are not advertising. we are sppealing. Please give ADVERTISEMENTS us a benefit. Eat at LA MAGNOLIA Dixon little place We are also told by the LEONEL MONDOL West the City Market.
Minister that the British THOMPSON SUPPLY East Indian Barber and Hair AND WORKSHOP Culturist. All sanitary Everything in the technical line gements and general. clean can be made, repaired or sup surroundings. In front of the plied, Assorments of Beds. old Motive Power Clubhouse.
Springs and other useful equipment. Building Nº 89 Fifth Avenue toward the Municipal Bath.
LIQUID FOUNTAIN in the heart of the Abaca DisTIRANT ANI DESFORD CACAO GRANT AND CRAWFORD trict at Twenty Five Miles.
NEW HARZEM BAR AND Richly cocked aud highly RESTAURANT flavoured meals Everything in Drinks Clean the line of refreshing Opens Day and Night.
The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao and Cozy Reservations, Good prepared to meet your taste.
Native and Foregn Liquors Supplies for the housewives.
tot SLAT arran Caribbean Packing Co.
VENTA DE MERCADERIAS DEPOSITO DE AZUCAR Agentes MUL EN OL y MA TA RAL First Aid Anticeptic. Alkaline Tablets Frente Unidad Sanitaria APARTADO 362 LIMON OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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