
The sad death of Mrs.
Mrs. Anna Weekes to the The proMATINA ART AND UNIQUE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT AL Time works the changes pressed her name with rangle of London, England. MINTO The mourners and sym and upheavals in our cantbly deeds of valour and helped The charm in the appearance of a man is a well bodies, but there is no death humanity with ministries pathizets far ountnumbered designed and smartly fitted suit soul none, of kindness. She was swift any sern in this city as far The Matina Art and Unique Tailoring unless we make it. There to love ever willing to as memory, serves. The floEstablishment guarantees, at all tinjes.
BEST FIT. REAL MATERIALS and are those who fully realize serve her fellow creatures. pral tributes were beautiful UNPARALLEL WORKMANSHIP they are placed for a while It was not, therefore, strant and numerous.
Our central location makes it convenient for the men on this little orb. a merege to hear the eulogies excession was headed by the of the Abaca Industry and other vicinities to deal speck in the vastness of pounded by the Rev. uniformed ranks of the with us.
трасе but are, neverthe James Evans at the funeral Church, followed by the PRICES TO MEET THE TIME ess, natives of the bound service conducted in the St. members of the Mothers ess universe.
Mark Church where her Union, with their richly FORES We have been stirred tobody had lain in state. Her designed standard. a unit DAY OF SPIRITUAL EXERCISES 90 hese considerations as a home at Christ Church, in which the deceased was Io94 Sonsequence of the death, Barbados, British West In a valuable link. Next were Commencing with the ce was assisted by Deacon Joy in Sunday, the 26th. ultimo, dies, had sent abroad aſ the Servers, Catechist Days lebration of the Rite of Bap seph Francs and Brother Til of Mrs. Anna Weekes, one worthy and effectively pre ley and the Rev. Evans. tism at the riverside, the Ba Thompson.
of our much loved citizens. pared dayghter, the issue The decessed is mourned ptists of Gerinania experien The Harvest Festival ser. Mrs. Weekes might not of Mr. and Mrs, Christo vher by her widower; her daugh ced another day of spiritual vices were very penetrating save amassed the world Messiah. Obtaining her edu ters, Mrs. Sylvia Laird of a tivities. Last Sundays nj in all respects. The offexingster anishing wealth, but she cation in the land of ner Silver City; Claide of Co vigorating temperature at were of a lovely variety and all Lossessed those treasures birth shese there rose to the lon; Miss Milicent of this the side of the river was gave evidence of the people ad Thich never perish, as also dignified position of Head city and other relatives obviously in harmoiy with generosity and spiritual he heritage which fadeth mistress of the Barbados abroad. May her soul be the impressiveness of the oczeal. The Loung People 10t away. Coming to these Government School for the at Rest.
casion. The Rev. Forde Programme in the afternoon hores very many years ago, training of Popul Teachers.
was not wanting in splendo he sung her song of re She was also the recipient ur and effectiveness, Deacon mption and clung to the of a Certificate of HAPPY LANDING Music Francis the Choristers, the lock of Ages. She also im handed down by Miss Nothchildren and others who sho It the LANDING Boys and Girls where uldered and presented the items are deserving of a full you will be served your Frescos a variety measure of congratulations.
CARD OF THANKS of delicious Pastries. Chicken Orders on Our spirits received a me Saturday Nights.
dium of much cheer by the LEBERT BROWN, by this medium desires to expres presence and assistente of Make the LANDING your Cool Spot.
Sisters Susan Allen and Oi his whole hearted appreciation and thanks to the many Located North of Lindo Ice Factory via Gourzong of the Mother Church in the city of Limon.
friends and sympathizers who sent their condolence by OUR MOTTO IS The respective discotthses by Service with a Smile all the While the Pastor have, we Cards, Letters, Telegrams an dother tokens, as well as to entertain no doubt found a place those who assisted at the funeral of his loving Father BUTLER. Proprietress in the christian beants.
GEORGE BROWN ST. MARK CHURCH LIMON We desire to also fentio the praiseworthy pledge Holy Week and Eastertide Services which twelve of our ratle re March 23rd. 194.
NYES sidents have voluntarily ta PALM SUNAY, April. 2nd. EASTER SUNDAY ken to maintain the lot of 30 a. Sung Mass (April 9th)
land around the sacredi edifi Distaibution of Palms. 00 THE BOOMERANG 30 a. Sung Mass. ce in a clean and presenta a. Morning Prayer. 00 00 a. Holy Communi condition. Led by Mr. Sunday School. 00 on. 00 a. Sung Mass. Archie Scott, these christian Consequent on the very returning to their throwers Evensong. 00 Sunday School. brethren liave already con ective production of its their bases. 00 Festal Evensong, menced their fighter planes, named The designation Boome MONDAI IN HOLY charitable and Procession.
e Boomerang. Austra rang is derived from the work. Th. ey do not request WEEK a is declared to have risen, missle of hard wood used any material recompense, 30 Evensong Monday in Easter Week but we know their Jabour. greater herents in the ra by the Australian aborigiTUESDAY 00 a. Holy Commu will not be in vain with the ng struggle. These plenes, nes. The weapon is describ Address. 44 a. Holy Co nion.
instructed entirely of me ed as measuring two feet in mmunion. 30 Even Tues Day in Easter Weed and equipped with their length and so constructed song Address. 00 am Holy CommuA Resident serve gasoline tanks un that though thrown forward WEDNESAY nion.
their wings, are repor it takes a whirling course 00 a. Holy CommuOX7 al to be dealing terrible upwards till it stops then, nion. 30 Stations of No loafers waiting room! No gossip station! The ideal lows to the enemy machi returning with a swoop falls the Cross.
place for yourself and son is Dixon Barber Shop West of es and characteristically in the rear of the thrower.
the city Market.
MAUNDY THURSDAY 00 a. Holy Communion. 30 Evensong SYDNEY BECKFORD CABINET MAKING Address AND GENERAL CARPENTER SHOP City of Limon GOOD FRIDAY Beautiofully situated in front the Sea. 00 a. Litany Ante Not only for the scenic Beauty, but in the designs of our Communion. 00 a. Yo.
Chairs lie comfort; while the technique of the workman ship guarantees strength and durability.
Airy, Cool, Comfortable Rooms ungPeoples Service. 12 noBE WISE. remember every item of on p. Meditations Special Dining Room Service the Cross. 30 Pas Beckford built furniture sion Play. THE PAGEremains a prize in office or home. WELL STOCKED BAR WITH NATIVE ANT OF THE RESURREC Due to the scarcity of Shellac we are giving a brillant AND FOREIGN LIQUORS TION. Wax finish.
SEE US BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERD ERNEST CECIL LEWIS SATURDAY 4th. Street at entrance to Gamez Proprietor. 00 a. Litany Ante Lumber Yard.
Communion. HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA on Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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