
SA April 1st. 1944.
up and commendable View when in a very or derly and The honourees of the Girls Now the outlook for the naimpressive march, the First Corps were Winnifred Da val fighter pilot has dramatical.
Limon Cadet Troupe proceewkins and Gertrude Wallace ly changed. The wavais led from their headquarters as First Privates.
forthcoming at the Universal Neg: imattacks on Japan will give him provement Association, been last The march from the Churco the opportunity he has Sunday morning to attend to the Liberty Hall was the waiting for. He will be able at ar divine service at St Mark center of attraction In last to emulate his opposite num the Church.
afternon the Cadets proceed ber in the for when The Rev. J.
ed to the Cuarte Plaza and landings have to be made from of the Rector is said to have sin there paid their respects to the ocean it will be the carrierDo cerely welcomed the person the Police Commander and based pilot who will have all nel and tender them a ve other officials.
the fighter work to do in the pro ry befittng Message He ea skies above.
phasised, we ar, told, on the The ATLANTIC VOICE No worder the men of the lofty ideals assoc:steri with wishes the Troupe every suc Fleet Air Arm are beginning to ned their Movement and the im cess in al their efforts strain at the leash, portance of a coastallt mani festations of true comrade.
99 The Ceremony of Invest:ture, which took place or the Church Lawn after the Titled Property containing service, has also been men tioned as of an outstanding Forty (40) hectáreas of land.
nature The repients were Eckel Crawford, Comma, The cultivated areas consist of 85 hectareas of well der in Chief: Acold Grant, planted two years old CACAO. 17 hectareas in good Lieutenant Commander; Ste bearing condition and, in addition two and a half (2 13)
hectareas with bearing cacao in need of cleaning.
phen Maitland. Major: Dr. four apartment building equipped with kitchens neit Baileyf, SubLieutenant, Barbecue and other home conveniences.
Stanley Mills, Secretary: Au The Property is situated nthe vicinity of (Santa Maria gustus Campbell, Assistant at 15. 12 miles.
Secretary; Cuoci Edwards For further particulars apply.
and Alfnso Crowlod, Serge ants; Philip Clarke, Josiin Martin and Branwell Lewis, JOS. THOMAS. irst Privates; George Bowenz, Stanford Dobson, Sydney POST OFFICE BOX 199, LIMON Walters Eric Baker, Byron Mckenzie Enrique Evans and FOR SALE MORTIMER JONAS, Jr.
Residence. Colon, Rep. de Panama va 34 Though distance divides us, there is among the valuable treasures of my recollection, the birth annive ssary of him whose photograph appears herewith. Frie Mortimer reached his majority on March the 23rd. rec tly past.
The ocean separates us physically, but, spiritua the cord has become four fold: a Friendship that wakes to perish never May ever fold its true affection to the heart To be a friend, rightly, is to love each other, Each smile a hymn each kindly deed a prayer FRIEND Limon, Costa Rica.
Limón Trading Company now on the vi WAR SHORTS. tiations with concluding a Peace Pa Allied Headquarte: Naples report that Rome is An of Ical trelease that Sofia the Capita completely isolated Bulgaria was Thu from the North of Italy, as the result of the attacks ma last the object of one de by the air units on all the most disastrous air rar railway lines running bel unched against a single ween both points.
tive Much damage was fected On the railway sy Finland and Russia are leading from Berlin to said to have resumed nego ambul.
ME PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR No loafers waiting room! Ņo gossip station! The ic place for yourself and son is Dixon Barber Shop West of the city Market.
Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER EXCELSIOR TAILOR CLIFFORD STEELE Front of British Pharmacy, Limon City.
To enhance the charm of every man is a well design and fell tilored suit with a guarantee behind it.
REMEMBER WE PAY THE BEST PRICES BEST FIT, BEST MATERIAL, BEST WORKMANSHIP We make Dress caps, Cadet capa, Scout caps, Sevi caps, Sailor caps, and working caps of all kinds.
86 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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