
SATURDAY, April 1st. 1944 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE resevere Si week.
two LUMBER YARD GOMEZ SC SEVERAL HUNDREDS WITNESSED LAST SUNDAY CRECKET CONTEST THE LATE DON RICARDO ALVARADO BRENES tal 120 103 DE Things in the realm of rising bal bumped him on difficult positions, Captain With the deeply regretted ties, and remove to the ReCricket began to take shape his nose and greatly reduced ixon was ear y nipped when death of don Ricardo Al Qublic ancient Cenital for at the forenoon hour of ele the his stride. He fell a vic taken by Spence. varado Brenes in the city special medical treatment ven last Sunday and at twel tim to a catch by Barrett Babb and Stewart were of Cartago last Monday. He somewhat recently ve thirty the visiting Team Gabriel Perria followed but the last pair with the win the 27th. ultimo, death, the turned to us bat ca expetook the field. Umpire Eg was quickly returned to the ow, and the end was reached relentless Reaper, has taken riencing another on St from us another of sul attack of his untunate also took their respective po Cameron. The next bats for llustrious sons. reret a Iment was forced 10 again sitions and gave the opening man, Wilfred Lawrence, Ye The refreshment period member of one of Li leave for Cartago where he signal.
sumed his seat in a jiffy ex was taken after which the mon distinguished fami breathed his last on MonAmid Rousing cheers the as the result a catch my Estrada Team went to the lies, don Ricardo is always day of the present cpening batsmen Le Ray Tuley. Again Cameron dis wickets, their first pair be manifested a sincére inte. His remains were nterred.
and Ruben Simms went out played his uncharistableness mg Barett and James. rest in all which tended to there during the afternoon in defence of the Pathfind by holding acatch sent him Babb and Dixon were promote the general better of the same day.
1:10 Selection. webb of by. Barton the Sub Capta in charge of the bowling ment of our City and Pro To his sorrowing widow, the Visitors effected the first in of the home team. Stan with Perria behind the vince. He have us ever of children, mother, and other delivery ley Wade was the next man stumps his best, an dearned the relatives, Porter of Estrada was out and was accorded a gla particularly his Barrett was early called the formidable wicket kee mour of cheers. He did not by the wicket keeper an. Ja highest esteem of his fellow brother, our well regarded itizens.
fellow townsman, don Enri per. The batting partnersh altogether let down his ad mes followed sinrtly after His health failing Atlantie oice ip, was severed on Ruben fa mirers as he earned some que, the two when caught by Wade. For iling to reach his wicket on runs off the very first deli. gettng his fot front of his time ago, he had to with tenders its profoundest con. draw from his local activi dolence.
time. The cavancy was filled very then others, wickets. Webb was dismissby Vincent Walker who ski when he fel a victim to Led, Cameron was caugl. ed the second balj sent him Leg Before Wicket Ho by Stewar. The first trun by Cameron, which was ward took the vacancy, but Idling of the wickets was ef Give us the benefit; help us to grow; don pass us by he by Porter behind the was also short lived by get fected by Bab wit! 11.
Meals, Coffee, Cool Drinks, Mondongo Soup, etc. a: LA MAG stumps. Sutton was next ting caught in the slip by Tu re as his pray. Disor: Csilo NOLIA Dixon little place West of the city Market.
out and was playing cautio lley with every desire to wed suit by breaking thre: usly when, unfortunately, a pull his team out of their ugh Tuley deicace. Dru wn proved a po vertu ug ANNOUNCEMENT ger, and was playing admi rably when tak by tie SO The City Pioners in Furniture and every thing to the wicket keepe: after having home his placed wineyr luns 15 Among our latest Novelties are credit. Leslis was caught offers the Public Mahogany polished Bureaus with circular by. Barton.
Mirror Tops. Wood and Fancy Canvas change was at this sta COMPLETE ASSORTMENT ge, made nche bowling Su Folding Chairs tton hurled eight balls Offered in Weckly Drawings of Boards and other Lumber in that Babb and Dixon could You are welcomed to our Establishment adjoining the reverse positions.
ConsequCanalias Book Store.
ent on the change Cameron CEDAR and LAUREL center wicke fello a delive COMMERCE AVENUE. LIMON CITY ry by Dixon. Porter attrac BERESFORD DUNCAN Lowest Prices in City tive play was topped Simms haldings one of his NICANOR GAMEZ Sucs.
hits. further change ir: NOTE OF CONDOLENCE the bowling mrought on in ms and Perria. The day hi We desire to express our ther, don Ernesto who THE PASSING OF Mr. GEORGE BROWN ghest score went to Go profound condolence to our crossed the Creat Dikide on don, who earned two sets of highly esteemed Chier of the 20th. ultimo, in their OF 28 MILES six runs off Simms. Spen the City Detective Bureau native ciyl.
ce was the not out batsman. don Jose Maria Zuniga Requiem Mass. or the Once again was thesis ral service being conducted Our City Selection lost Ly and the members of his repose of the soul of the trict of 28 Miles enveloped by Mr. Cunningham of the 49 runs, as they were only well regarded family, here dear departed was selebra in gloom on the occasion of district. The Band fur able to accumulate a total of and in Alauela, for the lossted in the Catherdral, here, another of its outstanding re nished the funera. dirge 125 against that of 74 by the they have sustained by the last Wednesday morcing sident Mr. George Brown, and added to the solemnity visitors.
death of their loving brobeing exterminated by death of the occasion. me deceas on the 22nd of last month. ed was a Jamaican and came ZUWXUND. BUT The sorrow was intensified from the parish of Hanover.
in view of the fact that the He is survived by his son, deceased met sudden Lebert, and two grandchildeath after the close of his dren.
regular day activities. Mr. Syrapathizer CANE AND WICKER Brown was highly esicemed both in the district 28 Mi les aid other actions of the Re in exquisite styles and wiih every facility to publie.
obtain your choice at THE TROPICAL FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT On learning the sad news, his son, Mr. Lebert of Limon Comerciante detallista Visit our Agency in Limon for all information regarding Prices reached the home acompan and Conditions lied by his musical associates, Licores, Abarrotes, Cristalería, on the morning of the day Materiales de Ferretería y following that of his father léctricos todo se encuentra en death. Burial was effected este establecimiento.
in the afternoon, the funeFifty yards North the United Medical and Sanitary Department. Next Browne and Abrahams Folk of the city, Lines and Coast! Without your support, Lim on City we shall be knocked out. Please support us. eat and drink NAS MYTH at LA MAGNOLIA. Dixon little place West of the city Market.
en DE FURNITURE 22 re TROPICAL FURNITURE AGENCY Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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