p. 12


W PAGE 12 ne 136 or y ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, April 1st. 1911, BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN tha thai The WOma ene: a.
00006 CHINESE LOVE BOOKS WEST AFRICANS GO EAST MUTUAL AID LIFE HARD ALL NATIONS FIGHT AS ONE College students are the worrst force of West African troops Declaring that American for In a recent issue of the DeutsThe final naval victories affecterd by the current shortage who are among the finest jungle ces in the Pacific and in India che Allgemeine Zeitung just a 1943 were not won alone o books, Prices hy text books fighters in the world, is now servdepend in vital measure on re few days after a large scale the superior seamanship of have become prohibitive, while ing in the Indian theatre, ardverse ler dlease aid can crediting air bombardment of Berlin, ore Royal Navy. They were technical books in English are will clearly be a most valuable both lendleasse and its counter could read in the advertising with the perfect co operation virtualy un obtainable. To solve reinforcement in the jungle cam part with generating the tre section: the forces of other members the problem, some students have paigns that lie ahead of the South mendous power of the current Wanted: Sport suit, summer the United Nations, tried to produce their own st East Asia Command.
British American air assault on coat, shirts, pajamas, underIn the Scharnhorst action, books. For instance a Chinese Their irrepressible humour Germany, Edward Stettinius Ir waer in good shape. Will buy or Norwegian destroyer was one student of political scierce in a and magnificent physique have al Acting Secretary of State, hail will give in exchange table liner four which first attacked wellknown university is known ready made a favourable impresſed lend lease on the start of its and silver.
battleship to have typed out the entire vosion amorg the local population fourth year of operations. Lli Exchange: good German car actior in the Bay lume of Harold Laski Gram with whom they have settledke to think of the Lend Lease pet: brown beige, for a Biscay was a brilliant exam mar of Politics. while another down on the best of terms, and Act, Mr Stettinius said. as a man winter coat.
of the dovetailing both of sudent laboriously copied a 700 the time, may not be far distant Declaration of Interdenpendence As la precaution against loss ships fand planes of four page volume on the political his when the Japanese, too, Will among the freedom loving peo during air attack, the German tions. Sunderland of the tory of China. Gone now are the get to know them. This is the ples of the world. United Sta civilian population has beer yal Canadian Air Force days when rare wolumes could first time that a West Africar tes are receivirg under reverse warned to have their essential the first attack on the be obtained in the market and expeditionary rce has been sent land lease many supplies and belongings packed in trunks or blockade runner. further gone, too, are the days when oversea, though in the present services that are essential to suit. cases. Thus, in case of tack was made by a Libera books were priced to suit the war units have fought with dis our mutual fighting strenght. danger, they can take with them from a Czech squadror. AI average man pocketbook. High tinction in the Abyssinian cam. Teh British Commonwealth of into the air raid shelter the art:berator operator operating wi prices and acute shortage, howe paign and other African theatres. Nations has already spent. cles they need most. But sui:the United States Navy fi ver, have not completely curbed As is pointed out here, the de 000. 000, 000 to aid our forces. cases can no lorger be bought, sighted eleven destroyers the Chinese craving for books. feat of the Axis in North Afri Through lend. lease ard rever So the German tries to get one next day. and other aircraft They have ways as least party ca has made it possible to bring se ſend. lease, we are making by exchange. Here are some ty the United States Navy join to satisfy their need, and one this first instalment of the Bri certain that all our weapons are pical advertisements in the press: with planes of the British Cox of these ways is to pay a visit to tish Commenwealth man power used where they will hit the en Will offer shoes, brown leat.
tal Command in attacks whi.
the book store.
to bear against Japan. emy the hardest, regardless of her, for large suitcase or travled to the final assault by new arrivel in Chungking The experiment will be watch. which country produces them or sling bag.
British cruisers Enterprise would be greatly impressed by ed with great interest, for many whose forces employ them against Exchange fine, valuable laGlasgow.
the milling crowds in its nu of these West African are jungle our common enemy.
dy leather handbag, anused, No message was more appr merous book stores. But a great dwellers, and are naturally more for large suitcase.
piate than that sert to the Co majority of the crowd are not readily trained for jungle warfare Further contributions to mu Coats are eagerly sought too, mander. in Chier of even potential customers. They from the four colonies of Nigeria. tual aid listed were the evacua against cold winter days Home Fleet on the Scharnhor go there to do their daily read than Indian troops. They cometion of whole areas to make Microscope. Goethe works: victory by the Prime Ministe ing.
Sierra Leone, the Gold Coast room Por American troops; the fifteen volumes, half leather; Chinese white collar worker and Gambia, and the contingent immobilizatior. of thousands of valuable books on art ari art him who knows how to wai Mr. Churchill: All comes for example, when he feels like, includes almost every branch acres of Britain richest agri. story. Will exchange or wo.
And among those who kn reading a book he canrot afford of the service, cultural land to provide clearen mar winter cuat mans coat how to wait must also be will drop in at a neighborhood The West African troops ha ce for airdrome spaces and train. Child bed, wagan ard cluded the men of the thr book store fafter office hours. ve a full complement of British ing grounds, and the use of Bri chair, in first class shape. Will Atlantic Navies who keep u There he will. without ceremony 0, who wherever pos tain limited manpower to build exchange for womans winter ceasing vigil over the sea lar.
pick up the book from the sible are men who know the coun camps. Washington said lend coat.
and the men who escort the shelf and read a chapter or two. try and the people. The Royal lease was instituted when the voys over the seven seas, Another way, to get a few hours West African Frontier Force has American people had come to BEHIND THE ADS whose service, though lit by enjoyment with one favorite expanded considerably since the realize that the whole Western stirring victories, has saved book with very little expense begining of the war.
Hemisphere was in peril, and The censor, apparently tain from defeat.
involved is to drop into one of The Japanese have acquired with that the entire fabric of doesn always mairtain a tight the so called tea house libraries. their skill at jungle fighting by human freedom. What began control over these advertise.
CZECHS TO FOLLOW tea house library is an offs a long term programme of train as an emergency measure, grew ments. In the Munchner Neuste RED ARMY pring of the war and was found ing, but West Africans have an into the idea of a common pool, Nachrichten someone offered to Premier Stalin and Preside ed to provide reading facilities instinct ffor if that can never be to which each wồuld contribu exchange a fold boat (wo seafor she book starved public. Ope, learned, and they should be far, te according to his power, and ter) for a radio, if possible rot Eduard Beres pf Czechoslov rated on a strictly business ba less prone to malaria thar British from which each might draw a people set. In other words, kia have concluded an agreeme sis, these libraries are stocked or Indian troops, or, indeed, the according to his needs. a radio which can pick up fore providing for the Czechoslov: with a complete list of popular Japanese themselves. We shall ing stations, administration to enter the books for customers who can hear much more of them. ASIA DEVELOPMENT meland in the wake of the afford a cup of tea, LANGUAGE EXTENSION OF FRANCHISE ble moment establish its o FOR BRITAIN civil and military government.
NIGERIA GIFT TO IN BARBADOS Japanese is now a compul.
If the Russiars head RED CROSS sory subject for all races in Nigeria and the Gold Coast Czechoslovakia, their arrival Our Barbados Correspondent schools in Malaya, but the Ja are sending greatly increased the Carpathians would create Sir William Hunt, Chief Com writes. Barbados has follow panese invaders have found supplies of timber to Britain. means of smuggling arms missioner, Southern Provinces, fed the example of the West In that they cannot oust English Besides mahogary, which is the Czechoslovak undergroun Nigeria (retired) formally pres. dian colonies by adopting mea from everyday life. It is still used for Admirally work, the now rapidly rallying behind ented to Major General Sir sures of political reform. re the lingua franca, under the Ministry of Supply is now tak nes appeal to prepare for John Kennedy at the Red Crosscent Act of the Legislature ex new and pompous name of ing supplies of sawin timber uprising.
ard St. John Headquarters an terded the franchise, the reduc Koango, or Asia Development from the Gold Coast Govern. Hitler, nervously realizing ambulance subscribed for by tion in income and property Language.
ment saw. mills and also frommenace of his tyrany in Czech the people of Warri and Burutu. qualifications being an apprethe new pilot saw. mill in Ni slovakia, has just started mal When the war is over the ame ciable advance towards adults has decided to extend its life for geria. This general utility tim ing concessions to the Czechs. bulance will be returned to suffrage. The extension of votes another year to allow for the ber can be used for purposes releasing a number of prom Warri and Burutu for the be. to women is particularly welco fregistration of the large rumber ranging from making ammuni nent Czech politicians from com nefit of patients there.
me, and the House of Assembly of new voters, tior boxes to ship building. centration camps.
a WEST AFRICAN TIMBER Army and at the earliest pos.
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