
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE to erano The humblest among us can, by diligently using their opportunities, help to swell the Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 common tide, on the force and the set of whoYEAR IX LIMON APRIL 15th. 1944 se currents depend the prosperous voyaging 418 of humanity. When our names are blotted SOVIETS INTENSIFY VICTORIOUS OFFENSIVE ON ALL FRONTS out, and our place knows us no more, the ener Moscow reports that the Vital importance to Ruma sions are on the alert gy of each social service will remain, though Soviet forces have greatly nia petroleum trade. The prevent their escape. Thou we should ever remember that each social disintensified their advances planes are also reported to sands of the Germans and service will not be forgotten.
on the four fighting fronts have seriously damaged the Rumanians have been taken during the last few days, ships which the Germans in prisoners, as also vast quan with disastrous results to tended to use for the eva tities of valuable material.
THE ELEVENTH OF APRIL the enemy in man power and cuation of their troops from During the night of Wedmaterial.
nesday last Soviet bombing The eleventh day of the month of April is After crossing the valley In the Crimean region, planes destroyed a large con numbered among the greatest of the historithe River Sereth, the Se the enemy resistance has centration of German mili: nd and Third Armies con been completely destroyed tary trains and deposits in with it is closely interwoven the memory of cal events associated with this Republic: and ue their movements over and the Kerch peninsular en the town of lwow in Poland.
the Rumanian plains to tirely fred of them. The The Strategic and historic our national hero, Juan Santamaria. Befitward the all important pe 150, 000 (men involved are port of Sebastopol is reportingly was the day observed (last Tuesday. troleum region of Ploesti as desperately endeavouring to ted on the point of being throughout the country.
well as toward Bucharest. avoid annihilation by way captured by the Soviets. Heroically did the young Alajuelense, Juan Heavy Russian bombers of Sebastopol, though it has Santamaria, answer the call of His Excellency have destroyed the port of been released that the So ITALY AND YUGOESLA President Juan Rafael Mora to the nation to Constanza, which was of viet naval and aerial diviVIA TO CO OPERATE rise in defence of the country against a power ful foreign foe. Having invaded the country, LIMON IN THE NEW NATURAL CONGRESS IN WAR the noted buccaneer William Walker and his The announcement has According to the advice for the Presidency with Dr.
henchmen had, on the morning of the 11th.
reaching us from the Capi Oscar Pacheco, our other re been made that representa: day of April 1856, prevailed in the battle of tal, we glean there is every cently elected Representatitives of Marshal Tito and Rivas. but the final victory was earned for likelihood of distinct ve, for the Vice Presidency. Marshal Badoglio have con the nation by the never to be forgotten hegroups of Deputies being no If no changes occur one of cluded a treaty under which roism of Juan Santamaria, who notwithstandminated for election to the the Representatives of our the Italians and Yugosla ing the showering of their bullets proceeded to Presidency and other admi Province will, therefore, oc, vians agree to uniformly cothe place where the enemy had stored their nistrative positions in the cuppy the exalted position operate in the fight against National Congress of Vice President. This is ex Germany.
arms and ammunition and set it afire. He which opens on tre 1st. of ceedingly gratifying for it The Pact also provides, it perished in the flames, but still lives gloriousMay proximo.
not only augurs well for the is stated, for a settlement of ly in the memory of his fellow nationals for One Froup is headed by! general interest of the Pro the dispute between both whose freedom he sacrificed his young life.
Lic. José Albertazzi Avenda vince, but is marked eviden countries in connection with May the spirit of Juan Santamaría s, heño for the Presidency, with ce of the high regard had that section of the Dalma: roism find an abiding place in the heart of includes Lic. Francisco Fonseca Cha for the personal attributes tian coast which with every son and daughter of this democratic and mier, of this Province, selec and legislative qualifications Fiume. The demand bel embracing country.
ted for the position of Vice of the two who now repre respect to Trieste is to President. The other proposent our Providence of Li allowed to remain open unsed Dr. Rafael Angel Grillo món.
til after the close of the war ITALY KING TO ABDICATE IN FAVOUR OF SON two new NOTICE It has been released that, IMPORTANT ENEMY BASES DESTROYED IN FAR EASTERN WAR ZONES It is somewhat generally Victor expected, in Allied circles, Pursuing their line of acti 4, 000 mile front hage, run the Kuriles slands, particu His Majesty King vities for theu ndoing of the ning from New Guinea to larly Matsuawa, which lies Manuel of Italy, has announ that the Badoglio governretirement will resign and anothEmpire of the Rising Suns the north of Japan, and rea about 1, 068 (miles off 1To ced his decision to.
the North American air un ching to within a thousand kyo. The Island of Oneko from public life on the day er headed by the Prince its have recently conducted miles of Tkyo.
tan also suffered. Units the Allied troops enter the brought into being, and in a most furious offensive a Planes cperating from from the forces controlled city of Rome, and that he which representative of the Prince different antifascistas par gainst many of their most their bases on the Aleutian by Admiral Nimitz and Gen has named his son strategic position along al Islands effectively attacked eral McArthur participated Humberto of Piedmont his ties will participate.
in the assault against the successor.
Caroline Isles, when the im portant base at Truk was rai ded for the 71 th. time dur MUL. EN. OL ing the course of a single FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC month.
NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR Burns, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
Other aerial raids To Members of Cacao Cooperation successfuly carried out Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash (Mixta)
gainst the Islands of Men, and Dentrifice.
Dublon and Ponape. The ALKALINE TABLETS Our Prices for the following Products are Marshall Isles are said to IS GREASELESS, FREE OF SMELL AND suffer daily attacks. More PLEASANT OF TASTE.
CACAO, per quintal. 50. 00 colones than 400 tons of explosives were dissharged during the COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 55. 00 colones MA. TA. RAL operations of Saturday and good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains, io Sunday last.
COCOANUTS, per hundred. 23. 00 colones de The North American for TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it. ces are reported in control AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense 912 of the greater number of of the Cacao Co operation bases on New Britain, PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, A.
in which zone the Japs, are be SAN JOSE RAUL VEL AZQUEZ lieved to have lost ten thou: minor colds, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after Manager sand men since last DecemEXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS ber.
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