
our an amu Page ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, April 15th. 1944 SPECIAL SESSIONS BY JEHOVAH WITNESSES JOSE ACHIONNG. KING AND HIS 1944 TROUPE The local Hall of the Uni. were Mr. and Mrs. Binns versal Negro Improvement and Mr. Edward Hart of Es Comerciante detallista In seasonable attire an over with young DaCosta of the Association provided ample trada; Mr. Benjamin Bennett whelming number of our citi Jamaica Town Settlement, at accommodation, on the after of Liverpool; Mr.
Licores, Abarrotes, Cristalería, Silbert Materiales de Ferretería y zenry attended the Teatro the piano.
noon an dnight of last Sun Spence of Moin.
the The day, for the special sessionsDuring his discourses stage background léctricos todo se encuentra en rrasty on the night of the 27th, ultimo, was of scenic beauty, so also conducted by Mr. H. Sich Lecturer is said to have kept este establecimiento, The Show started with the costumes of the troupe.
enlist of the Unted States of in harmony with the literaMiss Alfreda Sobers presen Miss Elfreda Sobers effected, America, under the auspi ture published by the Watch ting the patriotic emblem of we learn the artistic designs ces of the Limon Company of Tower Publishing Company Costa Rica, while the orches and work. Featured in the vo Jehovah Witnesses.
of Brooklyn, New York. Inter trampiessvely played the cal contrbuitions, was The meetings were well pretations in the offical lan National Hymm. Return well known Lester Cole. He attended, many of the adhe guage of Costa Rica were ef ing from his trip abroad whe has returned to the stage in rents from the Line Towns fected by Mr. Williams.
re he ha augmented his ta upper brackets. Henry King being present. Among these lent the business of the sta maintained his claim as ge, Henry King reassembled effective showman and DEATH OF MR. ZACIUS LITTLE some of his former cast of sing comedian. The compa FOTOGRABADO characters and added The ny personnel consists of By his charasteristic cultu sympathisers commanded the DE LA TRIBUNA Thriling Sisters and Happy Lester and Cole; Wiral deportment, Mr. Zacius deepest pathos. The fraternal go lucky Boys, who provlliams; Francis, Miliner EL MEJOR Little, who came to this counceremony was impressively vided the Hits in Conga, and Gumbs, the Rumba DE try nearly twenty years ago, performed at the grave by Buck Dance, Jitterburg, Co wonder The four thrilling Sis CENTRO AMERICA was the recipient of the sin Messrs. Ruben Samuels and medy and Song. The combina ters are and Wicere good will and frieidship Adam Rottray.
tion was not of a quantitative Miams; Nelson and of all whom he contacted. Among the bereave survi order, but admirably measu Brown.
Very regrettingly his earthly Ivors are our very good citi red up to the melodious inte On a whole, the entertan career came to a close at an zen Mrs. Dorcas Dehaney, a the Atlantic Voice tenders rest and spontaneity of the ment proved a very marvellearly hour of the morning of nephew and aniece. To these its deepest sympathy May his Show, he musical items we Yous effort on the part of the Sunday, the second instant. and all the other relatives soul rest in peace perpetual, re under the guidance of Le young talent.
The ate Mr. Little was a bert Brown and his Boys, native of Brown Town in TALVEZ YA NI TE ACUERDAS.
the parish of St. Ann, Jamai REQUIEM MASS FOR LATE MISS ELSIE BEID ca: He was an ardent frater Cuando tú eras la niña y yo el ligero nalist and was associated On the morning of Monday whose yourg life was dedicated soñador de paraísos escondidos, with the Rose of Ardath Lod next, the 17th. instant. a Re to the work of the Parish.
volví hacia ti mis ojos abatidos ged of the Ancient Ader of quiem Mass will be celebrated in An invitation is, by this meque vagaban sin luz por el sendero.
Free Gardeners. The last the Cathedral in this eity to the dium, extended all friends and encontré en ti un ideal: el verdadero Rites extended his earthly re memory of Miss Elsie arcón de mis ensueños ya perdidas Reid sympathisers to attend the Mass.
mains highly befitted his en mis ojoz. cansados y ateridosdeavours. The funeraj service se embriagaron de amor. noble y sincero.
was conducted at the residen Hoy, ya todo ha cambiado; soñadora ce of mourning, by Mr. Wi tu silueta, cimbreante y seductora Iliem Daysley, catechist of te aconseja el olvido, al fin mujer. the Ct. Mark Church; and en ta pecho de hembra cruel y yerto, the procession headed by the el infantil cariño quedó muerto Titled Property containing Lebert Brown Band. The como loca aventura del ayer.
concourse of mourners Forty (40) hectáreas of land.
and ROBERTO RODRIGUEZ DEL MONTE FOR SALE Limón Trading Company The cultivated areas consist of 85 hectareas of well planted two years old CACAO 17 hectareas in good bearing condition and, in addition two and a half (2 12)
hectareas with bearing cacao in need of cleaning. four apartment building equipped with kitchens Barbecue and other home conveniences.
The Property is situated nthe vicinity of Santa Maria at 15. 19 miles.
For further particulars apply.
PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR JOS. THOMAS POST OFFICE BOX 199, LIMON Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER No loafers waiting room! No gossip station! The ideal place for yourself and son is Dixon Barber Shop West of the city Market.
HAPPY LANDING REMEMBER It the LANDING Boys and Girls where you will be served your Frescos. a variety of delicious Pastries. Chicken Orders, on Saturday Nights.
Make the LANDING your Cool Spot.
Located North of Lindo Ice Factory OUR MOTTO IS Service with a Smile all the While BUTLER. Proprievess WE PAY THE BEST PRICES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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