
VUMUZ EXCELSIOR TAILOR se our Their visit is said to have consequent on the masterly Xiety to augment the points the resSaturday, April 15th. 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE Page AMONG RECENT CRICKET AT 27 MILES VISITORS The newly organized Che pidly. When ten had fallen erful Cricket of 27 Miles they had only mustered CLIFFORD STEELE We had the sincere pleasu competed on their own pitch venteen runs or five below re of contacting among against the Viclo vio Mathe total of the visitors, dre de ios on the sem Front of British Pharmacy, Limon City.
Then came the exciting moEastertide visitors from the To enhance the charm of every man is a well designed the present month Capital, Mr. Montero, the son ment among the players and and fell tilored suit with a guarantee behind it.
of doña Lia de Montero, to bat wit 12. 50 in TThe visiting de effected their respective supporters; and and the dye was soon the Directress of our Seconcast, were only able to accumu ate pair of batsmen, in his anBEST FIT, BEST MATERIAL, dary School, and his wife and a total of twnty two baby.
BEST WORKMANSHIP. when We make Dress caps, Cadet caps, Scout cops, Scull hinged, principally on bowling of I, Mason and for his side, was unfortunamatMoore. This rather small mutely stumped.
caps, Sailor cops and working caps of all kinds. ters connected wt hthe resi mber of runs gave rise to The very unsavory actions dentiaj accommodation and otherwise of their mother, feeling of defeat but once on the part of several of the again was the age old pro supporters of the 27 Miles who has left them to labour verb verified that a bird in Tearm cast a gloom over the PAGEANT OF THE RISEN SAVIOUR for the uplift of the youngt band is worth a dozen in the great old game, It is sinceers of Limon.
bush. As a result of the trun rely hoped that by now In connection with the us Saviour was portrayed in con ual Holy Week services, se junction with the evening dling of James Robinson and promulgators of the foul de Lindsay with veral believers in the Baptist service, and vividly present ON BRIEF VACATION behind the stumps, the wick Porter ed have repented.
Faith were baptised on Gooded a depth of philosophy in ets of the home team fell ra An Eye Witness.
Friday by the Rev. Forde. regard to the relation, divine week ago. We had the very The congregations at the res ly ordered between unconspleasing visit of Mr. Bert Delpective services were said to eious Nature and the human pratt. Our widely regarded forhave been very large and recreature. Exceedingly pathe VOYAGES TO COLON presentative, notwithstaiding tei were the presentations of mer Limonense, was granted a short vacation from his the continuous rains. This the Trial, Crucificion and Re Naval REPUBLICA DE PANAMA was partcularly noted at the surrection. The cast of charac ponsible duties with the celebrations on Easter Sunters were hghly appreciated, Department of the Panama CaAgents day, when there was an imand their personifications nal, and he seized the opportunprovement in the weather and orations merited the conity to visit his mother ard other conditions.
gratulatio is expressed by the relatives residing in this city. SMYTH COMPANY The Pageant of the Risen Pastor in his closing remarks. Though his stay was very short all were indeed glad to say Hello to Bert.
EASTER DAY AT ST. MARK CHURCH AT THE CATHEDRAL DURING HOLY WEEK WITH THE METHODISTS The usual services were cele door exercises had to be abanThe rains which had been fallbrated at our Cathedral during doned.
The solo Calvary by Mrs.
Holy Week with their accusto The cancellation of the out Gratifyingly we learn that the ing, almost incessantly, during Doris Gray and the Anthem med impressiveness. The neces door celebrations were mueh Season services with the Metho the week and up to early Sun Christ is risen by the Choir sary preparations, ir connection regretted, particularly by the dists gave manifeld blessings, day morning, graciously remair were most impressively renderwith the processions were also many visitors from the interior, spiritually and otherwise, Theyed in their own sphere around ed. Messrs. McCreath and effected but Nature held sway, who, however, largely alter:ded were all attended by large con the morning hour of nine there. Gray respectively played the ora with such frequent and heavy the in door services.
gregations. Other than the by affording worshippers to at gan ard violin accompaniments, showers of rain, that the out customed celebrations, there was tend the service at that hour. The Rector, the Rev.
evidenced the reception of new Slight drops again fell during Evans, fervently propounded the members and the presentation of the early afternoon, but ere the Easter Message of the Risen SaPACUARITA LOSES GOOD RESIDENT a splendid Young People Pro time for Evensong an ide al weat viour. It has occurred to the gramme.
her prevailed, and the parishion writer that none who heard the The district of Pacuarita whom the Atlantic Voice The Rev. Holmes officiat ers and friends of St. Mark touching sermon could avoia has lost one of its well known tene ers iots profound condo ed, and his respective discourses congregated largely in the sa experiencing the purest of feeland widely regarded resi lenee.
were, we gather, very inspiring, cred edifice to participate ir: a ing ard of being disarmed, il dents, consequent on the pas very appropriate service and wit even momentarily, of every sing into the Valley of Death We are not advertising. we are sppealing. Please give ness the appealing procession in thought of evil. The service was of Miss Isabela Chambers on us a benefit. Eat at LA MAGNOLIA Dixon little place which was represented the auxi most inspiring on a united whole.
Monday the third of the pre West of the City Market.
liaries of the Church.
sent month.
Miss Chambers was the po ssessor of a good motherly af fection and was always will ing and ready to tender com fort and cheer un learning of the afflications and other unfavourable conditions encountered by her fellow crea tures. The great esteem she had earned by her life of use fulness was much in eviden ce on the occasion of the in LA SALUD DE LOS ANIMALES trment of her morta remains Ouststanding tribute El preventivo más poderoso contra las pestes. Estimu lante activísimo para el engorde rápido de ganados, paid by the residents of this cerdos, bestias, etc. etc.
district and the surrounding Pestes, Diarreas, Enflaquecimiento, Asoleo, etes. ceden ráidamente bajo la acción benéfica de ARSENIPUR vicinity. May her soul rest in peace perpetual ARSENIPUR lo usan y recominedan todos los principales ganaderos del país.
Among the bereaved survi Distribuidores Exelusivos: vers are Mr. and Mrs. Jero LABORATORIOS CAR LOS VIQUEZ.
me Earle and children of this San José portado NO 18 eity, Mr. Jonathan and Mrs.
Louise Peace and family, to acSeñores Ganaderos. ARSENIPUR was Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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