
ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, April 15th, 1944 CARD OF! THANKS IN MEMORIAM In fond and loving remembrance of our loving daughter and sister Havinng been the recipients of the marvellous tokeus of Condolence by means of Cards, Letters, Telegranıs and otherwise, from our many Ifriends and well wishers, as well by those who assisted at the funeral of our dear and loving ELSIE REID Page 10 THEIR SECOND MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARY Our very good friends, Mr and Mrs. Philip Henry of Li verpool and this city, have to day arrived at the second an niversary of their marriage; and the commemorative date has, we have no doubt, reca aled the happy event which united them as husband and wife.
The Atlantic Voice wishes them continued happiness, prosperity and a lengthened wedded life ISABELA CHAMBERS who died at Pacuarita on April 3rd. 1944 we adopt this medium to express our wholehearted appreciation and thanks. April 6th. 1943)
Just a year ago she left us, Joy was in her starry eyes, Now a tender cord is severed And our hope in ashes lies.
We shall meet her, but now we miss her, There is still one vacant chair; We shall linger to caress her When we breathe our eveninng prayer.
Parents Brothers Sisters Jerome. Jonathan Louise IN CHERISHED MEMORY On Wednesday, 12th. innstant, we pictured anew the sad scene of three years ago when Death stole away our laving son and brother José Arguedas Le Franc (April 12th. 1941)
the Oh, Death hadst thou but spared his life, Whom we now lament and remember in solitude Oh, sweet be thy sleep in the lap of the grave.
Mother and Sisters was ANOTHER SUCCESS ACHIEVED BY FRIENDLY CLUB On the night of the 11th. re the hour fixed for the prej field Daysley. Gouldbour instant the crowd in the Hall liminary concert.
ne, McKnight and Craw of the St. Mark Parish were In a markedly friendly and ford. The results of the vot excited and facinated by the harmonious manner the field ink were recorded by Mr. Cla progress of the voting con was taken by the contestants, rence Edwards.
test for the Easter Queen to the Misses Verna Coe, Ele Pror to this phase of the reign over the festal night of na Evans. Vivian Gayle, Enid entertainment, a rather thri the 15th. under the manage Grant and Lurline Dixon Hling programme was presen ment of the Eagie Aces Frien were respectivey represented, ted with the Riverside Orchi than dly Club. The building was in the order named by estra waxing warmer unusually crowded long befo Messrs. Arnold Grant, Win ever. The sonf numbers featured Messrs. McRae, Cole; Nasmyth; and ANNOUNCEMENT Misses. Dixon, Dou glas, Evans, Grant and Mirror Tops. Wood and Fancy Canvas Westney.
The road to victory Folding Chairs by no means strewn with ro The City Pioners in Furniture and every thing for the ses Miss Verna Cole and home Among our latest Novelties are Offered in Weckly Drawings her supporters excitingly led the way until in the fina lap, Mahogany polished Bureaus with circular Miss Evans and her over You are welcomed to our Establishment adjoining the wheming backers triumpled Canalias Book Store.
Mr. Jos. Thomas presided over the entertaiment.
BERESFORD DUNCAN The contest is over and the COMMERCE AVENUE LIMON CITY victory won. Tonight, the Co ronation ceremony and Dan ce will be effected, when all Las the invitees will, we feel sure, be afforded severaj hours Pildoras De Witt of merriment.
alivian rápidamente MISCELLANEOUS los ADVERTISEMENTS IN UNFADIN MEMORY Today, we register anew our unfading memory for our loving Daughter and Sister.
PEARLE POYSER who left us, on this day, twelve year ago It is not death (to close the eye long dimmed by tear: And wake in glorious repose to spend eternal years.
Jesus, Thou Prince ct Life, Thy chosen cannot die Like Thee they conques in the strife To reign with Thee on Iligh.
MAMMA VIOLET RUBY. GANG DOLORES en las COYUNTURAS IN MEMORIAM The 15th. day of April 1944 brings the sad memory of nother anniversary of our beloved daughter and mother GWENDOLINE de CORDOVA who departed this life on April 15th. 1928 Sadly shine the Stars at night, Ou the tomb where lies our loved one She whose life we could not save.
Some may think we have forgotten When, at times, they sec us smile, But they little know the sorrow That the smiles hide all the while. THOMPSON SUPPLY AND WORKSHOP Everthing in the technical line an be made, repaired or sup.
plied. Assortments of Beds, Springs and other useful equipLos dolores en las coyunment. Building NO 89 Fifth Aveturas y en la cintura le innue toward the Municipal Bath.
dican que sus riñones no funcicnan normalmente.
GRANT AND CRAWFORD Estos órganos están inactiNEW HARLEM BAR AND vos y permiten que las RESTAURANT impurezas y venenos, al no Opens Day and Night. Clean ser eliminados de la sangre, No solamente eliminan las imp and Cozy Reservations. Good se alojen en los músculos rezas y venenos, sino que también entonan y fortalecen los riñones. Native and Foreign Liquors y coyunturas.
Dentro de las 24 horas de haber Estos venenos (especialmente el and experienced Mixers tomado la primera dosis de Píldoras exceso de ácido úrico. si no so. Building De Witt, la orina se tornará azulada rápidamente eliminados del or Esto demuestra que el excelente ganismo, pueden producir doloros. antiséptico que contienen las PilLEONEL MONDOL inflamaciones reumáticas. Para doras De Witt ejerce su acción en la combatir el mal, es preciso llegar de East Indian Barber and Hair.
propia raíz del mal: en los riñones.
inmediato a su causa: el funciona Cuando sus riñones hayan recupeCulturist. All sanitary arranmiento deficiente de los riñones.
rado su actividad normal, esos dolores gements and gyneral elean Las Pildoras De Witt se elaboran en las coyunturas, punzadas reumáti surroundings. In front of the especialmente para corregir la inacti cas y deprimentes dolores de cintura vidad de los riñones. He aquí por old Motive Power Clubhouse.
desaparecerán. Además, como la gné son tan recomendadas para causa de sus malestares habrá sido dolores articulares, reumatismo y eliminada, usted podrá contar coa HAPPY dolores de cintura.
algo más que alivio temporario.
LIQUID FOUNTAIN in the heart of the Abaca District at Twenty Five Miles.
Richly cooked and higby flavoured meals. Everything in Repocialmente recomendadas para Reumatismo, Lumbago, Dolores a les the line of refreshing Drinks Coyunturas y Trastornos de los Riñones prepared to meet your taste.
Supplies for the housewives.
Mother, Daughter, Son NOTICE Píldoras De Witt para los RIÑONES y Aadress all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a ROIG BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 SAN JOSE Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos VEXIGA. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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