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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, April 15th. 1944 MITTE os BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN can BRITISH COLONIAL POLICY SAM SHIPS PAPUAN EXPLOIT AFRICAN PARLIAMENT AMERICA WILLINGNESS 93 GO The aim of the British colo Most of the Liberty ships Dashing ahead of advancing Britain and the United States 333 22 anou nial policy is selo goverr:ment lend leased under the bareboat Australian troops, Sgt. Thomas have been the custodians of parfor the Colonies. This policy is charter to the British Govern Currie Derrickurled grenade The Nigerian Legislative Cour liamentary government in its being continually implemented ment, for operation urder the after grenade, and reduced no cil comprises twenty three of time of world. wide travail. And by a step. by. step process. The British flag, have, by agreement fewer than 10 Japanese posts. ficial members and nineteen in this fellowship of custody the various Colonies are in various with the War, Shipping Admi thus securing importart ground non official members, seven of two have a special relation to stages of development in their nistration, been given names in during the final assault on Satel whom are European and twelve each other programme towards complete a series starting with the letters berg in New Guinea; he has been African from amor:gst the most The British House of Comself. government from Crowu: Sam (as a compliment to Ur awarded the prominent natives; lawyers, doc mors invited Congress to send as Colony or Protectorate.
cle Sam. The latter part of the Undoubledly Sgt. Derrick stors or important chiefs from delegation to visit it. This action ió The legislative mandate of name has not followed any par fine leadership and refusal to the interior.
is a symbol of something that this programme is the Colonial ticular pattern except that on admit defeat, in the face of a The sitting opens with a pray has deep roots in the past and Development and Welfare Act the whole in some adaptation of seemingly impossible situation, er, which is read by the Gover points toward part of the answer passed by Parliament in 1940. place names or rivers has been resulted in the capture of Satel nor while the assembly stands in to the problem of post. war Under this Act British taxpayers used, e. Samouse. Samesk. berg, stated the citation. The devout silence. The words are world organization, pay tribute to the Colonies. Even Samtwleed. etc.
only possible approach to the very beautiful and ac Among the Allies, indeed in all before this Act, the British Gov Bareboat charter. by the town lay through an open patch cepted by all members. After the all the world, Britain and ourerrment made a number of way, means that the ships are situated directly beneath the prayer. the assembly begins to selves are the two great nations grants for technical research chartered to the British Govern cliffs. For two hours many at discuss the questions on the in which parliamentary governand loans to colonial government complete in every detail, tempts were made by the Allied agenda, a printed copy of which ment survives and functions ments to balance their budgets. but bare of crew and stores. troops to clamber up the slopes, is in the hands of each member; freely.
Thus the Act represents not a The principle of naming the but on each occasion they were questions asked by various mem Parlamentary government is new policy so much as a codifi ships in a series was established prevented by intense machine bers with the replies given by only the beginning of what Brication and extensior. of existing for reasons of operational con gun fire and grenades. the competent authorities. These the world, Britain the United policy. The Act authorises anvenience, the point being that it shortly before last light it ap questions deal with affairs of lo States are the two great nations expenditure (by the British tax is obviously useful both to the peared that it would be impossi cal or general importarce. One. nations share many institutions payer) on social welfare in the British and Shipping Aut ble to reach the objective or even of the most important items on and points of view some of which Colonies up to million 20 horities if ships of a certain type to hold the ground already occu the agenda is a Bill authorizing either do ot exist in other counmillion) a year for a period of and flag are easily recognisable pied, and the company was or the Governor General to fix tries or exist in a less degree.
ten years. In addition, there is a by name. The Ministry of War dered to retire. Sgt. Derrick as minimum wages and regulate we have a common system of grant of 500, 000. millior) Transport has followed the same ked to be allowed to make a last generally working conditiors and law, built up over centuries in a year for research. At the same principle with other groups of attempt. Moving ahead of his the registration of industrial Britain Embedded in our fundatime some 10 million. 40 mi ships. Vessels built ir Canadian forward sectior, he personally workers; an African member mental laws, we have a common Mon) worth of loans previously yards, for example, and oper destroyed with grenades, enemy puts forward an amendment to possession of free speech, freeadvanced to the Colonies were ated by the British Government posts. He ther ordered his second the effect that it should state de dom of the press, freedom of recancelled, because the payment have the prefix Fort.
section around on the right flank. finitely that it applies to all ca ligion. So many are the instituof interest would have strained The vessels built to British It came under heavy fire. tegories of workers. This suggestions, points of view and ways of Colonial resources. To employ order in the United States are Without regard for personaltion is vigorously supported by life common to Britain and the the 500, 000 a year allocated for Oceans. and one class of ships safety he clambered forward all the Africar members and the United States that the word research the Colonial Products built in United Kingdom, yards well ahead of the leading men of European representative of the foreign is a misnomer when Research Courcil was set up in are Empires.
the section, ar. hurled grenade Lagos Chamber of Commerce, It used about Britain.
January last.
after grenade, so completely de Jis agreed that the Bill shall FULL MEASURE DISCOVERY IN GERMANY moralising the enemy that they apply to agricultural workers.
fled, leaving weapons and grena An African member points out AFRICAN PROGRESS You des. Not content with the work how dedicate a matter it will be It is related in Prague that a already done. he returned to the in some cases to fix minimum Councillor Awoonor. Renner great scientific discovery will be first section and together with wages. For example, the Euro looks forward to a federation of announced very soon. As reporFor four years Britain has had ted by the Czech grapevine ir a the third section advanced to pean plantations usually pay African States. This large issue to maintain in the home island a humorous manner, the German deal with the three remaining their workers at the rate of is not within the terms of referposts.
considerable force of armed men thirty shillings per month, whe ence of the Commission headed ethnologists now refute the who were not in combat. It has claims of the Japanese that they dashed forward and threw grena only half that rate fifteen shillOn four separate occasions he reas rative plantations pay at by Walter Elliott, which went to never been large enough to pre are Aryans. German West Africa. Its object is to scientists de at a range of six to eightings. but usually supply their study African education. But a clude hard service in fighting are said to have discovered the zones for great armies of British, unrefutable scientific evider. ce finally silenced.
yards until these positions were workers with food the Bill is un Commission with so imaginative animously adopted Dignity and soldiers, as well as many from that, with the possible exception a head and so well informed ordeliness characterized the pro and intelligent a personrel. it the colonies. Figures given to of the rather insignificant tribe the House of Commons by Mr. of hairy Ainus, the Japanese NON SECRET WEAPON ceedings of the Legislative Coun includes Julian Huxley and two cil. The African members Churchill tell the story. Total are not Aryans. se bo able Vice Chancellors will neborn orators, express their views casualities for the Empire have The Japanese, say the Czechs, The panga may soon be cessarily find itself considering been 667. 159, ircluding killed, failed to qualify as Aryans by famous as the Gurkha, kurki irs English with firmness, but in more than the details of the curwounded, missing and prisoners. their failure to heed the Ger and the Malay kris. It is a fear the most courteous and moderate riculum at Achimota. You can terms. There is no disorder in Britain alone has lost 387. 996. man request for a second front some weapon with short, make no decisions about educathis assembly; everyone listens This is equivalent to a loss of against the Russians.
broad blade, rather like a cleation without asking what educatissa about a million for the United ver. In fact, in peace. time it is while a member is seaking; theretion is for; and that is a pecuStates, with more than 300, 000 used very much as a cleaver for are no private conversations betliarly interesting question in an ween members. In short, this dead. Australia has lost 12, 298 Churchill and his followers and cutting through the bush and area which may some day devetiny African Parliament might kliled, which is equivalent to a associates such as to make one for digging. It is standard equiplop into the first modern Afriset an example to mary.
loss of 200, 000 for the Urited sure that they will continue to do ment for the Africar, troops now can State. The Commission States. New Zealand has lost. so. For full measure we may in Ceylon ready for the coming should have a fascinating time, 5, 622 killed, which is equivalent add the many thousands of ci offensive against Japan. The sharpening its edges for use in and its members will not be sato a loss of about 400, 000 for the vilian dead in Britain under Nazi frican soldiers carry their pan. close hand. to. hand fighting, tisfied with a few aeroplane United States. Britain and the air raids, and the 26. 317 British gas in leather sheaths. The wea in which they swing the panga trips and conversations with ofCommonwealth of Nations have merchant seamers who have given pon is officially regarded as an in the same manner they have ficials, but will really take troucarried their share of a heavy their lives in service to the com entrenching tool, but the African learred to swing it in cutting ble to discover the needs and load, and the character of Mr. mon cause.
soldiers make a practice of through the jungle, desires of Africans, are as a Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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