
Silentlona to the evacuade Maleme in Crete also suffer feat Tolbukhin who hold the tonifal importance or to secure medical attenmore Nothing confers so much ability to resist the temptations which perpetually surround Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 us as an habitual consideration of the shortYEAR IX LIMON, APRIL 22nd. 1944 ness of life, and the uncertainly of the pleasuNo. 419 res that solicit our pursuit. If our present state COSTA RICA PRESIDENT ELECT GOES ON VISIT TO CANAL ZONE were one continued succession of delights or a uniform flow of tranquility, we would never AND WASHINGTON willingly think upon its end.
During the earlier forenoon Teodoro will leave the Zone hours of last Thursday, Costa today for the United States Rica President Elect, Lic. of America, where he will be ONCE AGAIN THE CRY don Teodoro Picado, left by entertained the White Our attention has again been called to the special air transportation for House in Washington as the serious difficulties being experienced by the the Canal Zone where he guest of President Roosevelt.
will be the guest of General He will be accompanied by people who, fortunately or unfortunately, resi Brett, the Officer in Com his brother don Rene Picado, de in the very industrious district served by the mand of the Canal Defences and expects to be again in Limon. Zent branch line of the Northern Rail It is expected that don Costa Rica on the 27th inway Company.
We have been assured that the recent chan SOVIETS NEAR FINAL VICTORY IN CRIMEA ges effected in the stopping points of the pas senger and freight combination, which daily The Germans are re guard Sebastopol and forced traverse this section of the Company service, ported fighting desperately the Germans and Rumanians is seriously prejudicing the general interests of on both extremes of the vast to retire further inland, these people, the large majority of whom are southern front in Russia. The Large formations of the struggling farmers. The cancelling of many of Soviets have broken the first Soviet air service maintain line of fortifications which continuous activities over the the former stops now compels shippers to strategic position and along transport their goods over inconvenient distan TERRIFIC AIR RAIDS OVER GERMANY AND NA the routes giving access ces under all weather conditions and subjected the Black Sea. They are also OCCUPIED TERRITORYSINGAPUR THREATENED to a number of mishaps. It also forces them to effectively operating on the traverse the intervening mile or more, on foot, The reports reachings us where Joan of Are was bur Rumanian littora) with daily tell of incesant and te ned was also among the ruin object of destroying the ships under a piping sun or heavy showers of rain to intended for Nazi effect personal entrainment to attend matters rrific attacks by the aerial ed places.
divisions of the Allied forces The aerodrome at tion. forces under Genmilitary and industrial.
dominate, heights entirely rias under Nazi control. ed heavily from an attack May we again direct the attention of the Since Tuesday of the pre by bombers piloted by South we are told the city, while those under General Yere Company Management to these hardships have been discharged by not Americans during the daylesonthan 000 planes of the light last Wednesday.
which face a very appreciable and hard work.
menko are approaching from British and North American the southeast and have rea ing number of our people and the travelling record force of forces over aviation factories, than 1, 000 British bombers ched a point a little more public, with the sincere hope the matter will than six kilometers of the aerodromes, important comu raised numerous important be accorded such further consideration as will stronghold. The enemy is nicating systems of the Reich objectives from the coast of and with elsewhort with dire France to the heart of ger resisting fiercely though it is bring about the greatest good for the greatest effect.
many felt without the slighest chan number ilde last Thursday night.
ce of success.
The raid over Paris on the The enemy lines of Fierce fighting is also reJAPANESE INITIATE FURTHER OFFENSIVE munications in south same night of Tuesday last is Italy ported in progress in Poland, were also hard hit.
said to have caused the deaths IN CENTRAL CHINA where the Nazis have been of 640 persons and inuries to FOR MEN counter. attacking southeast 1, 700. In the noted city of The Japanese have started troops crossed the inundated of the city of Stanislanov in their expected offensive in region by three distinct rouRouen 120 persons were kil Felt and Straw Hats. an effort to save the vitally Central China with an attack tes and engaged their led, hundreds injured and Shirts and Underwear important base of Lwow, and against the Chinese forces in fierce fighting in the rethousands of houses destroy THE LATEST, CHEAPEST place a check on the Russian in the sector of Chungmow, gion of Paisha. The countered. Many of the city famous AND BEST advance westward.
in the province of Honan. attacks of the buildings of gothic construcChinese in Do vour shopping at Thirteen large German The object of the movement Chonmow is stated to have tion were also destroyed in THE PEOPLE HOUSE destroyed off this base dur is said to be for the purpose caused the enemy considercluding the famed cothedral.
Jack Orane Sucs. Thursday sunk in the Bay of securing control of the able losses.
The historic market square LIMON of Sebastopol; this gives railways systems.
The Japanese advance has total of 50 enemy naval units reached a point about 20 kidestroyed off thus base durChinese reports declare ometers southeast of Chening the past two weeks, that after receiving large chow, where violent fighting reinforcements the enemy is in progress.
SINGAPUR EXCELSIOR TAILOR THREATENED To Members of Cacao Cooperation (Mixta)
CLIFFORD STEELE The information has been released by the British AdFront of British Pharmacy, Limon City.
Our Prices for the following Products are miralty that during the early To enhance the charm of every man is a well designed morning hours of last Wed and fell tilored suit with a guarantee behind it.
CACAO, per quintal. 50. 00 colones nesday, Allied naval air units COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 55. 00 colones bombarded the Japanese base of Sabang located north of BEST FIT, BEST MATERIAL, COCOANUTS, per hundred. 23. 00 colones Sumatra and in the vicinity BEST WORKMANSHIP of the strategic stronghoid All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense of Singapur now held by the We make Dress caps, Cadet caps, Scout caps, Scull Japanese.
caps, Sailor caps and working caps of all kinds.
of the Cacao Co operation The attack was such a surprise for the Japs, that the RAUL VELAZQUEZ base was converted into a ſtimated that no less than 22 cal installations and other Manager heap of destroyed planes and of their machines were des important constructions laid ruined fortifications. It is estroyed, and wharves, electri in ruins.
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