
KORI was SO the preNOTICE da, Page 10 De atos de ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, April 22nd. 194 SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY SEVERAL RECENT DEATHS REALE The social atmosphere at, from the Nine Miles was richly perfuments and cool beverageslawe wish our highly refresh he city. Dainty ded resident many We have been given the band of Angela Alvarado and med on Sunday the 16th. ins were served on a backgro birth anniversaries.
information that the under 52 years old. He died on the tant, when Mrs. Alber und of appropriatte orations Participa mentioned persons, who we 8th, of the current month, ga: attractively arranged her re associated with this sec Frederick Jones, formerly residence and assembled her BRITAIN AI DTO UNDER REVERS tion of the country, have of the district of Cieneguita associates and friends for died in the San Juan de Dios and 64 years of age. He en the brilliant surprise par LEND. LEASE Hospital, San Jose, gfk the institu oitonnAă. ty she tendered her husband Britain is reported to have transferred both within ang 30 Alfredo Sterling Doanaltered the institution on the who, on that day, reached spent more than 526, 170. 000 out of Britain, as also (Donald. formerly of this ist. instant and died on the the three score and ten on goods and services given the000, 000 on shiping services city, a son of Heardon Ster 7th.
United States of America, un reverse lent lease 198ling and 38 years of age. He years divinely prescribed as man, who also had re the life of man.
der reverse lend lease, during sible for many comforts fc entered the institution on the sided in Cieneguita, and Business had necessitaa period of eighteen months individual American 23rd. June last year and died whose only, name is given asted Mr. Alberga going to Li ending last December. This a while in camp or when of On the 31st, ultimo. Nathaniel, died in the los mon and so aided in keep mount provided, we are told, a ve.
Jacinto Montero Falco, The cost of airfields an former resident of Guacimo was apital on the 2nd, instant. Heing him in the dark regard third of the supplies required admitted on Waand 52 years old. He died on vious day. He is said to have ing the preparations for the by the American forces in the pots for the RAF represe. Treat. On his return, he United Kingdom, thereby sav bout 473, 000, 000, of the 30th. of last month. He been a native of Jamaica and was a son of Antonio Monte 59 years old.
was encompassed by his fa ing more than 1, 360. 000 ship only 40. 000. 000 will fe 90 tons.
count of the United State mily and their guests. His li ro Segura and Patronila Fal Paneny. Brown Cowell. In addition to this large quantity of construction ttle five year old adopted co and entered the hospital 31 years old, formerly of Liof the 10th. February this verpool and the wife oi Her son, Willie Bryan, added to scale aid, which covered: 548. rial for the fields, hos 000, 000 on constructions for the barracks, workshops, hote year.
bert Brooks, She was born his emotion, by his cute ren American troops, nearly 700. offices built for the Amé Mariana Gibson, who once at Moin and the daughter of dition of the opening remar000, 000 o ngoods and services represent 2, 180. 000 tons.
resided in Siquirres and was James Brown and Emily ks, interwoven with the bir of the age of 44 years. She Cowell. She entered the in thday greetings. The Tot. Give us the benefit; help us to grow don pass died on the 24th. ultimo, stitution on the 20th. ultimo having accomplished his Meals, Cofee Cool Drinks, Mondong Soup, etc, at LA Juan Serrano Duran also and died on the 4th, of the task, Mr. Sam Watson befit NOLIA Dixon little place West of the city Mar?
late of Siquirres, the hus present month, tinkly introduced Mr.
Abbott of the Limon Seventh We are not advertising Day Adventist School, as. we are sppealing. Please give Master of Ceremonies. The ANNOUNCEMENT us a benefit. Eat at LA MAGNOLIA Dixon little place West of the City Market.
participants included many Mirror Tops. Wood and Fancy Canv.
COSTA RICA SODA Folding Chairs The City Pioners in Furniture and every thing for WATER FACTORY home Among our latest Novelties are FABRICA de HIELO y Offered in Weckly Drawings Aadress all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos REFRESCOS ineering Requirements to de ingeniería dirijase a Mahogany polished Bureaus with circu Limón You are welcomed to our Establishment adjoining ROIG FLORIDA ICE AND Canalias Book Store. BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 FARM CO BERESFORD DUNCAN SAN JOSE Charges Reasonable COMMERCE AVENUE. LIMON CITY LA FLORIDA Precios Módicos MADERAS TA FABRICA DE HIELO FETED On the night of the 27th, ul timo, the home of Miss Ida Bennett at Old Harbou was MISCELLANEOU the scene of a merry party among whom were the Sunday ADVERTISEMEN School Children and Teachers, to give a send off to her daugh HOMPSON SUPP If you suffer frequently from backache ter, Miss Violet Barnes, the SeAND WORKSHOP you can be fairly certain that Kidney Everthing in the technie.
cretary of the School, who was Trouble is to blame. The kidneys are an be made, repaired or two of the hardest worked organs in leaving for Limon on vacation. plied. Assortments of your body. They act as the They very representative ga Springs and other useful body filters preventing imthering gave proof of the high ment. Building Nº 89 Fift purities and poisons from esteem held for Miss Barnes, nue toward the Municipal escaping into the blood.
The officers of the local English GRANT AND CRAWFOR Weak and sluggish kidneys cannot do this important job properly. Not School Board, Mr. Rodman, NEW HARLEM BAR mutil those kidneys are active again President; Mr. Paddyfoot, Se RESTAURANT can you be certain of getting relief from aches cretary: Mrs. Myrie, Treasurer, and pains.
and Messers. Phillip sand Opens Day and Night, That is why De Witt Kidney and Bladder Pills are prepared especially to act directly on Davis, Trustees; also two visi and Cozy Reservations.
Native and Foreign Li the kidneys. Quick relief from backache follows tors who were the guests of Mr.
the first dose for that very reason. Within 24 and experienced Mixe hours of your first dose, De Witt Pills get Phillips. They attended the Sun Building to the source of your trouble. the kidneys.
day School Anniversary. The ev You will have positive, visible proof of this ening entertaining items were LEONEL MONDOL direct action.
Once in the kidneys, the beneficial in purities are filtered out of the bloodstream.
of a great variety. Daintily shod East Indian Barber and gredients in De Witt Pills set to work. Your backache and joint pains quickly feet at times, moved to the Coltarist. All sanitary. soothing inflammation, healing and restoring. vanish.
rhythm of professor Dudley At the same time, a remarkable internal If you suffer with backache don be gements and neral antiseptic clears the kidneys of all clogging content with half measures. Get at the Band, while, at others, the me surroundings. In front impurities and poisonous matter. In a very real cause of the trouble with De Witt todies of a noted song awoke old Motive Power Clubhe few days your kidneys are helped back to Pills and enjoy quick relief from those healthy activity again. Poisons and im weakening, nagging attacks.
memories of long ago. At the HAPPY approach of the hour of parting LIQUID FOUNTAIN over the glass of Nectar, the in the heart of the Abac hostess was toasted for her faith triet at Twenty Five Mi ful services and future success. Richly, cooked and Made specially to end the pain of Rheumatism, Backache, Lumbago, Joint Pains and all With thanks, Mr. Editor, for flavoured meals Everyth the line of refreshing forms of Kidney frouble. Of chemists and storekeepers everywhere.
space, prepared to meet your ta THE SPY. ISupplies for the housewi Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
BACKACHE GOES when kidneys are active again!


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