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BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN on enover in ti of PRINCESS ELIZABETH. HEIRESS FATEFUL DAY BRITISH FORESIGHT, INTERNATIONAL TO BRITAIN CROWN INFORMATION Fifty five years ago last Thurs The cruiser HMS Jamaica. COUNCIL day there was borr in the Bohe which fired one of the torpedoes mian township of Brourov (cor which finished off the Scharnrupted by the Germans into horst. actually represented the In a paper read to the British Braunau) a freak who has since Scharnhorst in one of the Society for International Biblioachieved two of the most noto many mock battles that were car. graphy, Plan for Mobilizing Bibliographical References to rious distinctions accorded to any ried out by the Home Fleet of human being in one lifetime. the Royal Navy, to prepare itself the Contents of the World Non.
for the great day when it would Fiction Literature it was pro First, he made himself Humani meet the Scharnhorst in real posed that in order that valua.
ble information subjects ty Enemy NO 1, and secondly, combat. The exercise in which though which might appear in unexpen involuntaril, he has the Jamaica played the part ted types of literature should not succeeded in welding thirty four of the Scharnhorst followed in be lost by incomprehensive clas.
civilised nations into a steel clad a remarkable degree the course sification and recording, an In.
confraternity determined to smash of battle during the actual ternational Information Council, the once and for all the sirgle nation gagement. In this exercise, council should be set up. This whose petulant arrogance, over Jamaica adopted the same should include representatives bearing behavior and insolence tactics that the Scharnhorst of national information commit throughout the ages have adopted later when she met the un leashed incessant warfare for the Home Fleet. Likewise, the cruis tees, and these again should be made up of national informatius scle purpose of lording it ers and destroyers and the batbureaux, each dealing in a spe Yesterday, 21 April, Princess, Elizabeth, as the elder sister, the entire world and enslaving tleship Duke of York followed cialized subject, who should car the same tactics they followed Elizabeth of Great Britaiñ reach wwho arranges their games and all other nations. This creature, during the battle.
ry out the work of recording the ed her eighteenth birthday ard, outings. Her public appearances one of the most sinister megalocontents of national literatura in conformity with recent legis so far have beer few but suffi mariacs who ever saw the light, At one time or another nearly These national organization lation, officially attained her ma cient to give her the bearing and to whom one can hardly apply all the ships that took part should be intended to serve go jority. Not only the people of confidence necessary in the fu the name of human being, the final action also took partvernment departments as well is the United Kingdom, but also ture. At 11 years of age. Princess known as Adolph Hitler the in the anti Scharnhorst exer as the public, and should be sub those Britons living in the Domi Elizabeth joined the Girl Guides mistermed Fuehrer of the socises. In these mock battles by sidized by government funds The bibliographical reference niors and Colonies which form and like any other member gained called Third Reich. He it was the Home Fleet, every possible Scharn should be subject. classified the British Commonwealth of by merit her badges and promo who, in an access of ircredible action and tactic the horst might employ was re.
Nations and all other Britons tion. Since war broke out, she vanity, said a few years ago, when a standard international code an abroad have felt the deepest in has of course had the opportuni the presages of this second world hearsed. The possibility of her on receiving the material terest in this yourg woman who ty of speaking personally with war were already gathering: attacking a convoy, engaging national committee should class.
units the Home Fleet, one day will be their Queen. This her heroic compatriots from the want to fight at 50 years of age, fy it and the various bureaux or trying to reach the Baltic is a red letter day for the Prin Army, the Navy and the Air For while still young, and rot as a should send copies of the refe were all tried out; also the pos. rences to their opposite numbers He it was cess. since henceforth when occa ce and has learrt the hard realities greybeard of 70.
sibility that she would put to in other countries by air. It is sionarises she can act as official of the world conflict. She pos who set in motion the most powdeputy for her father, King Geor sesses a natural dignity derived erful war machine yet devised, sea with other ships was fore suggested as a start that an An ge VI, should he go abroad. This from the simplicity and sweet knowing full well that other na lif half a dozen German destro should initiate the work, seen; the exercise had to act as glat Soviet American porganization nor means that at an age when other ness of her heart, and her cha tions reither wanted war yers were all ready Alten young people are attending their racter shows a warm humans were prepared for it. And he it Fjord to protect her.
of university courses, Princess Eli sympathy combined wiwth firm is who now is in the course MAPS zabeth may be called upon to ful understanding of her duties.
reaping the whirlwind which he He wanted to fil the arduous and dificult tasks When some 200, 000 British himself sowed.
NEW AIR ROUTES Every battle begins on a inap.
and which are her horitage, and for girls of 16 years ol age registered fight while he was young, Maps are thus the very first the which are her heritage, and for under the British Youth Plan, forced the democracies of Though little has been heard weapons of war They are an es perly trained. Her royal parents princess Elizabeth was world to show therefore that of the great air route and aero sential part of the equipment not among have always lived a happy, family the first to give in hr name.
they were younger and more vi drome development undertaken only of the but of vir ife and her education has there for her sixtoenth birthday, her rile than he ar. all his profesion by Britain, much work has been tually every officer in the field fore been ideal. The King and parents arranged a party in her al armies trained during the done in developing new routes, England has, for years, been Queen have cared for the upbring honour, and shortly afterwards, long years of uneasy peace. Now, extending airfields and creating producer of first. class maps ing of the two princesses since in her own right as Colonel ir at the age of 55, he can sit in new strategic bases. Perhaps the and has been able to apply Princess Margaret Rose, her Chief of the famous Grenadier Berchtesgaden and contemplate greatest development has been great amount of expert experien the imminent fall of his country, in Africa, where the Government ce to keeping the British Army younger sister, has always been Guards, she invited the membetween an inseparable companion, parti bers of the Regiment to a private whose pride and insolence have has spent 6, 000, 000 supplied and not only the Brit cularly since October 1940 when ball. With her large, intelli drawn against themselves the and 8, 000, 000 since 1940 largely ish Army but the American Princess Elizabeth spoke for the gent greyish blue eyes, her curly inexorable judgmert of the united in creating a reinforcement route Forces. Under Mutual Aid lend first time before the microphone chestnut hair and her slender, races of mankind Delenda est from Takoradi, in the west, to lease, Britain supplies all of the and the soft voice of the younger graceful figure, the prir. cess is Germania (Germany must be the Middle East. In all. forty maps used by the Army shattered. airfields, flying boat bases and and the in Bri princess also was heard at the extraordinarily attractive, whilst landing grounds have been pro tain or based on Britain, and end of the broadcast as they both her gentle smile captivates evryvided in the four West African most of the maps used by the said goodbye to the juverile one who has the honour of roar at the moment it passes Colonies. The four airfields audience, Princess Elizabeth meeting her. Today Princess in forces in the Mediterranean over, you will know that the British West Africa which childhood was happy and on the Elizabeth is earnestly studying plane was travelling at about being used extensively by the same lines as that of any rorm all branches of endeavour includ the speed of sound. The noise United States Forces were all ealthy young person. She was irg music. She is already fulfi and the plane will have reached developed by the Colonial SAYINGS Gotaught at home by Miss Harion ling public duties and is prepar you at the same moment. If you vernments, with assistance from The Moscow Declaration by Crawford of Edinburgh Univer ing herself in every way to assume should see a plane pass over you, the British Government. In 1941 the Great Powers has given sity. Naturally the princess had the burdens of the future it and then should continue to hear the British and Indian Govern new hope to the world by to devote more attentior to her Destiny should call her to the its roar coming from the direc ments decided to establish creating an atmosphere in studies than do mary other stu Throne of Great Britain.
tion from which the plane came, alternative route between Irdia which the machinery for dealdents, but prior to the war she after it has gone in the opposite and the Middle East. Much air, ing with political, economic, till had plenty of time for games direction, you will know that it field extension work has been and social questions can be nd recreation. She is an excel AIRSPEED LIMITS is flying faster than sound the completed in Egypt, the Sudan considered. High Commis.
lent horsewoman and frequently scund will be lagging behind, and in Gibraltar as well as in sioner for Australia. ompanies her father in his If you should ever see a plane and still be reaching you after Iceland. De the capital expendi accommodate British and Amerirides in the neighborhood of approaching silently at great the plane has gone. Do not ex ture of 2, 460, 000, 000 involved can Air Forces, all but Findsor Castle. Bon princesses speed, and find that its silence pect these experiences, in the in the provision of new airfields, 40, 000, 000 has been met by the enjoye bieycling but it is always is ended suddenly by engine immediate future.
camps and depots in Britain to British Government.
are theatre.
an Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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