
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE o having foll a e desired end can be achieved. EveryUN The desire of the many for that which only the few can possess, is often the cause of perEditor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 petual hostility between men. Every man would YEAR IX LIMON, APRIL 29th. 1944 NO 420 be rich, powerful and famous; yet fame, power and wealth are but the names of relative condiosta Rica New Ambassador before the Government of the oftions, which amply the obscurity of dependance It is with feelings of the ristics, whieh America eminently and poverty of greater numbers.
chest degree of gratificabefit him to effectively over on we find it possible to take the multifarious duties ention that our widely associated with the distinWHY NOT UNITE AND BECOME STRONG!
garded Minister of Finanguished position, but be, don Francisco de Paula cause don Paco, being a utierrez Ross, has been Limonense, we feel that our Once again we are stirred to agitate for a lected to fill the vastly Province especially partici Selection of Footers to be composed of our portant position of Ampates in the honour conferreal first line players, who should be fully traisador of Costa Rica belied on him.
ned in regular team work in order to effectively e the Government of the It is understand that our ited esteemed States of America fellow defend our interests against all comers. We are national th residence in the Cawill be leaving for Washconfident the required material can be obtained tal Washington.
ington during the coming from among the many Clubs operating in our week. We, therefore, take midst. he appointment gratithis opportunity of tender After having followed the badly beaten is us, not only because of ing him our sincere congrapathway for so long a time, why not make e significance its gives of tulations and of expressing e great regard ou Exethe wish new departure and in a manner by which, we that he meets tive Authority entertains every success in the perthink, the don Paco outstanding formance of the arduous one knows that in unity lies strength. In a windly ifications and charactetasks which lay before him. atmosphere, it is only by chance a blaze is obtained by the striking of a single match, but by unit:nnihilation Raids Continue over Germany and Nazi Occupied Europe ing a number of them, ignition is sure to result, regardless of the condition of the wind.
Allied air units, by the in the space of tn days to the casioned the war factories, To allow our Football reputation to continue susands incessantil raid the 25th instant, Allied air units, railways, aerodromes and to meet such reverses as it has been, is surely infustrial centers of Germany operating from their bases in other important objectives, the Nazi occupied terri England, launched no less the enemy lost seven hundred compatible with the desire of every ambitious and ries of Europe.
than 50, 000 tons of explosi planes against 364 by the sincere Limonense. Let us get on the Credit side of had Units of the North Amer: ves over Germany and occu Allieds, who operated our Football Ledger; and early too.
the Force established an outs pied territories. In addition 33, 000 machines during iding record last Wednsday to the terrible destruction oc period.
We suggest the immediate selection of a num hen 1, 000 attacked a num ber of experienced players who will defend our of objectives in the cenSebastopol a Heap of Ruins cause in the future. No real difficulty confronts and west of Germany wisuch Information from Moscow activities from excavations a move. We had not got over the severe flogt losing a single plane.
Soviet aviation in the hills which dominate ging administered by the team from Cartago, ring the attack, effected state the and artillery continue their the port. Realizing, howe when, eight days later, we received another huincessant assaults against ver, the impossibility of miliating one from our visitors from Alajuela.
OSTA RICA SODA the strategic and historic their ultimate success, they will not some of our sports enthusiasts combine port of Sebastopol, which are said to be employing ATER FACTOR the Germans and Ruma six nostored transport plaand get us out the rut?
nians are desperately de nes for the evacuation of MUTLA 2000ULID ABRICA de HIELO y fending with all the means as large a number of their REFRESCOS at their disposal. The latest embottled men as may be In The Asiatic Fighting Zones Limón assaults are said to have possible, notwith standing FLORIDA ICE AND increased in such intensity the terrible losses they sufthat the port is now a heap fer from the fierce and deFARM CO More than 2, 000 Japaneminate no less than one third of ruins and an infrno in termined efforts of the Jast in flames.
Soviet air division to impe the fierce fighting which re from Chengshien to Siyang.
LA FLORIDA de the move.
suted in the capture of Mih Official announcements de The Germans are said to MADERAS Fiecre fighting is said to sien by the enemy. Mihsen is clare that the Japanese adFABRICA DE HIELO be directing their defensive be progressing in several of located 40 kilometers from vances into Indian have been the land sectors though the the Chenghsien railway in the definitely checkd and that heavy rains MUL. EN. OL are greatly province of Honan.
an Allied offensive on a affecting the movements.
jor scale has started with the FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC The Russians are suppoed Another enemy force has object of clearing the enemy NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR to have started a new ge reached it is said a point 80 cut of the invaded territory.
Burns, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
neral and intensive offen kiloameters to the south of The Allied forces continue sive from the Carpathians Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash Chengsien. As a result of their successful assaults to the extreme south of the their recent operations in the against important enemy baand Dentrifice.
ALKALINE TABLI TS The large number parts the Japanese do ses in the Pacific war zones.
have either been sunk CACAO CACAO seriously damaged in the MA TA RAL CRUDO, SECO, DE PRIMERA CALIDAD Sebastoro Iregion of the MIEN BENEFICIADO good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains, Black Sea during the past Compramos cualquier cantidad, aunque sea pequeña fifteen days.
y hasta mil sacos.
TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it.
AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS CACAO. dry, of First Class Quality and well cured.
We purchase any quantity, however small and up to SALOMON CHIN SAN JOSE Bon one thousand sacks.
minor colds, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after LA IBERIA LA FLOR DEL CAFE EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS ESTRADA CARTAGO Precios Económicos future. No rom our of the ma se or Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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