
an and we war ar 09 to Saturday, April 29th. 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE Page 11 Regarding Costa Rica War Efforts The ALAJUELA. JUPITER FOOT BALL ENCOUNTER The Visitors shut out the Homesters and earned the visitors natched to high Although Costa Rica isily announced under cultiSir Goals.
not officially lending her vation of the valuable plant.
Don Alejandro Morera was presented strides. Morero then registered his third paint and volunwith a Gold Medal from our Sports League man power to the war The plantations are divided tarily surrendered his place to efforts of the United Na among the Good Year Plan. It would hardly be amiss to dro apparently decided to sa another of his team, who tions, an appreciable num tations Company and the classify the scene at our play tisfy us with an exhibition or proved a lamp lighter, his ber of her sons are known Plantations Company and grond last Sunday afternoon his outstanding ability. In the foot work being of a most to be contributing their bit National Department of as a world serie, rather than proverbial twinkling of an thrilling character. The fifth in the different war affec Agr. culture along the as an province game eye he was earned skiti ted zones, meantime Iecal Line Region of this Zone, orbate, in rem com the for his side: Vargas, a team of Górijo, and the sixth by activities are making mag and the United Fruit Com multitude of our sporting ci mate, made the second, Mo that of Garrito Araya.
nificent contributions. pany on the Pacific side of tizena who assembled, long rero scored his second shot, Evidence of this latter the country. In addition to in advance of the time fixed amid tremendous cheers. Li costly and beautiful ball fact is being splendidly de these established planta for the start of the monstrated. Our exporta tions the Department of There was, however, aspe rungs of the ladder at game. mon was now faced with three as the trophe was presente to voor het ons dider at the the victor, by another grotions of the Balsa Wood Agriculture has 60, 000 cial reason for the exceptional close of the first half time. cious act of doña Blanca It have increased to such plants listed for distribu gathering a great sports On reoccapgng the plazo, was afternoon of great large quantities, that along tion among privste persons. man had arrived with the all rifles were recharged and sport and will long be rewith those from Nicaragua whose land are now being invading side and was to the passes and defence of membered.
and Ecuador, they are offi inspected by authorized cially reported to be grace the occasion with his so technicians.
completely filling the The suspense Sidelights of the War was broken equirements of the United start has been made Nations that importations with respect to the cultiva. rived on the scene. He was ας Alejandro Morera The Nazi Command are re are told, include the casualties into the United States of tion of the Cinchona on a received with rousing cheers. ported using political and efected in the Crimean area.
America, from the Republic extensive scale for the 20 After the teams had been cther prisoners on the Anzio: Enemy loses in material of Colombia, have been duction of quinine. Other photographed, don Bolanos, battle front in Italy. The ba covered, it is stated 5, 010 suspended. The Balsa wood efforts are also being aug the Referee, and the Captain talions of delinquents are as tanks 20, 000 cannon of difis being largely used in the mented in such a manner as of both teams escorted doña signed to the most dangerous ferent types, 10, 000 hearson construction of war planes will surely place Costa Ri Bionca de Blanco, the much sectors in order, to complete tillery pieces and 130. 000 of a certain type, such as ca in the front ran kof the the Mosquito. machine guns. 800, 000 squa countries of this hemisphere esteemed wife of the President their penal service and Activities in connection from wich of the Jupiter Sport Club, to gan their liberty. Each meme re kilometers of teritory we with our Rubber industry tributions will be made the the starting point where she ber of these battalion, must re also recovered by the Rushave made such rapid stri war efforts of the United gracefully kicked off alled sians the either shoot down an des, that no less than four Nations as well, too. Pigskin the starting plane or capture at least five of With The Baptisés thousand acres are official their post war requirements.
signal. In harmonious strains Allied soldiers, the Military Band added the engagement The Baptists of this city The players getting in acwill, we learn, pay their en EXCELSIOR TAILOR tion, volley after volley whizThe British Government es nual tribite to Motherhood zed in the calmness of the timate that their war expen on Sunday, May 14th.
CLIFFORD STEELE afternoon. All eyes were, of ses during the 1945 fiscal course, centered on don Mo year will amount to 24. 000 The good things to be said Front of British Pharmacy, Limon City.
To enhance the charm of every man is a well designed rero, the noted professional. million dollars and have as of Mother will be interweven and feli tilored suit with a guarantee behind it.
He played at half center and ked Parliament to appropriate with the day regular divine obviously tok things easily such a sum.
worship; and on the Tuesday BEST FIT, BEST MATERIAL, Carlito, of the home team, night following, a Mothers BEST WORKMANSHIP missed a well directed shot.
Day Concert will be presented.
79 We make Dress caps, Cadet caps, Scout caps, Scull corner position, favourable Rehearsals for this entertain caps, Sailor cops and werking caps of all kinds. to Limon, followed but withThe Soviet armies have ei ment are said to be progress out the desired result.
ther killed or captured a to ing splendidly.
The attacks and counter tal of 500. 000 Germans dur SURSION TRAIN TO CAPITAL ON 7th MAY The general public is assur attacks were, at this junctu ing their great offensive re, more or less on an equal the southern fronts since lasted the customary hearty wel All Limon is talking There are reasons to bebass. pause took place and July. This total does not, welcome to all the services.
Jout the excursion train lieve that, were it possible, don Morero was introduced sted for Sunday the 7th. every admirer of the incom: to the Manager of the local place for yourself and son is Dixon Barber Shop. West of No loafers waiting room! No gossip station! The ideal of the coming month of ing Chief Magistrate would Branch of the National Bank May, in order to take to be present at the inaugural the city Market.
and other personages who the Capital all who wish to Ceremony. May the way be occupied the chair circle, and be present at the following strewn with roses for those day outstanding event, of our citixenry and others presented with a beautiful when Lici don Teodoro Pi who will be in the city of gold medal, the gift of the Limon Sports League. Doña cado will assume the Pre San José to participate in Blanca de Blanco had the Titled Property containing sidency of the Republic. Ithe demonstrations and ceTremonials.
added pleasing task of pinForty (40) hectáreas of land.
ning the medal on the recipient, whose feet nad sound The cultivated areas consist of 85 hectareas of well HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA intelligence had earned him planted two years old CACAO. 17 hectareas in good great fame and wide popular bearing condition and, in addition two and a half (2 12)
City of Limon ity. On resuming his place on hectareas with bearing cacao in need of cleaning.
Beautiofully situated in front the Sea.
the pleayground, don Alejan four apartment building equipped with kitchens a Barbecue and other home conveniences.
Airy, Cool, Comfortable Rooms The Property is situated nthe vicinity of (Santa María FOR MEN at 15. 19 miles. TITO Special Dining Room Service Felt and Straw Hats.
LIMON BELTELIS on FOR SALE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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