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the as have CHINESE ASSURED THE FIGHTING THREE STRUCK TERROR THE WIND BLOWS VENGEANCE It is for Generalissimo Chiang INTO ENEMY EASTWARD The three British operational On the wall of the Intelligen Kai shek to give the signal for chiefs, Admiral Ramsay, Gen Maoris are well suited to fierce, in the forces of the the offensive as soon as he conPolish Southce Room of a bomber eral Montgomery, and Air Mar guerrilla type of warfare. They cast Asia Command the Japane. squadron that now operates siders it strategically wise, for shal Leigh Mallory, al have fine proved it two and a half years se will be up against a very for from an RAF station in Eng.
the new Chinese army reed not fighting records in this war. ago when they fought, then midable pody of experience in land is a map of Europe, West worry any more about required against tremendous odds, on the jungle fighting. Beside British Asia and North Africa. On the supplies.
ADMIRAL RAMSAY comes heights of Mount Olympus. The cfficers as well as the many ot map are strings, coloured yellow.
ing as much to the beter healt.
back to British shores after put Germans, despite their racial her British soldiers of all ranks They radiate from England to in northern central China Pro ting the allied armies into Cici arrogance, have a wholesome who saw service in Burma, the a circle of 60 different pon vince of Honan, southerr ly and Italy, and with the repu awe of Maori bayonet charges. re is a force of West African from Brest to the Baltic ports.
tral China Hunan, and South and it tation of being outstanding They struck terror into the troops serving in Indian They are the record of the bom.
China Kwangtung.
an organizer of amphibious ope enemy in Crete. fellow New theatre, who are among the fiber operations of the Polish sniper, rest jungle fighters in the Air Force that was rations. As a naval officer com Zealander famous as a disrupted, There the Chinese still are hold away by the world. This is the first African and re united, at last, in Eng.
ing two sections of about 200 marding the Dover area, he or was sc carried a Expeditionary Force ever to be land. They are the jouneys of ganized the Dunkirk evacutions, sight of them surging over miles each of strategic trunk to them betribution.
and in 1942 planned the North hill in an are of glittering steel, sqrt overseas. Units of nes running from Northern to African landings.
shouting their war cry, that he have already fought with distinc As early as July 1949, two Southern China, that is the Pei risked his life to stand up and lion in Abyssinia and other Foolish bomber squadrons and ping Hankow and Harkowcheer them at the top of his frican theatres. Now that the GENERAL MONTGOMERY two fighter squadrons had been Cartons railroads, of which lungs. Rommel complained bit Axis has been driven out the formed. On September 7, 1940, the Japanese for years terly of Maori thoroughness in African continent it has been prestige among British troops one Polish fighter squadron des been occupying the termini North Africa. He encountered possible to transfer some of them troyed over Essex no fewer than ard civilians alike amounts aland the bulk of the lines.
it many times before the happy to the Far East. Many of these is enemy aircraft with six pro most to a legend. His dramatic Or several points of these day when Maori troops entered West African soldiers are jun bables or damaged, for a loss of success in Africa was due in no gaps it seems that the Japane Tripoli in the vanguard of the gledwellers and were therefore three Hurricanes. In July 1940, small measure to the confidence Se have brought in some reinvictorious Eighth Army.
At already jungle wise even before the Czechoslovak Air Force was of his men a confidence born forcements, possibly indicating Takrouna a handful of them their training began.
of his insister, ce that every man reborn on British airfields.
the beginning of preparations scaled a sheer cliff, overwhel.
in the Eighth Army down to the med the astounded enemy Across the North Sea came the for offensives, Soutr Chira at They are good. humoured last private should know his Norwegians. They arrived in unerve center the seaport of the top and held the position men of splendid physique from floatplanes, part in the battle and why be against ferocious counter attacks. the four British Colonies of Niin fishing smacks, Canton, so far has been indeven in rowing boats. They were was playing it. It was due also Maori officer, Lieut. geria, Sierra Leone, Gold Coast numerically few and went on pendent of railborne supplies to his close collaboration with earned the Ngarimu, but may equally need them in Air Marshal Tedder, a collabora Cross by hanging on all night icers. Every man is a volunteer in a fighting force. Then they Victoria and Gambia, led by British of Canada where they were formed the future.
tion which must be repeated with three men to a position as there is no compulsory militavane back, to do battle Do Experts do not underrate in Europe. Recently he defired his platoon had taken the day ry service in the Colonies, The with Japan remaining strength in the Hun.
as one of the guiding principles before at Tebaga Gap in Tuni Royal West African Frontier China. They also consider the of modern warfare that the ar sia. They were killed in the Force has grown rapidly since possibility of some troops trans my plus the air have to be so early morning but by that time the war began. Thereeruiting SAYINGS fer from Marchuria, the recent knitted that the two form one the post was safe. The record campaign has been carried on in extent of which is still unkno entitl. If you do that the resul of the Maori Battalion has been she thousands of tribal villages Most English people are proud wn. But all are certain that the tant military effort will be so equal, to, if not better than, any in the jungle and bush, as well of the past of their country and largest imaginable Japanese of great that nothirg will be able of the units in one feel that in those old days division, as in the coastal towns. ANI feensive can no longer be a morto stand up against us. said General Freyburg. It is kins of West Africans have joi blazed the trail which modern tal darger to China.
volunteer battalion, formed at ned up from the skilled tra. Parliamentary democracy ir, ma CHIEF AIR MASHAL LEIGH the Maoris own request imme desmen of the towns to the pri Iniy lands is following or trying CARIBBEAN MALLORY is likewise no new diately on the outbreak of war. mitive hunters and fishermen of to follow. The Prime MinisCOOPERATION comer to combined operations reinforcement ter.
battalion has the villages.
enlisted at home; in all (When strategic requirements After helping to put the air um been volunteered More important than led to the granting of military brella over Britain in 1940 he 5, 660 Maoris have and naval bases in the West organized the air umbrella over for overseas service. In addition DAY. TO. DAY ROUTINE hung with Nazis is to get the industrial and financir Indies to the United States the Dieppe rair and directer air 000 have joined the Territorial inety nine year Forces and there are 10, 000 in The surgein who comes to grips with lease operations on that day ders who paid the Nazis, New Zealand.
some joint authority was im outstnding success.
with wounds and death, inspired the Nazis, who like perative, and it was found in the Nazis and were rewarded These are the men on whom the battleship which comes to the Aglo American Caribbean much depends in the them. Sir Charles Trevelya moBUILDING THE FUTURE grips with the eremy is a specta Commission, which has been mentous year of 1944. But few cular figure in military medicine functioning for two year and could have been chosen who would emphasise how per But just as important, like the Human beings always seem which has issued its first report, enpoy greater confidence and fect is the co operation between ships which only do to me of more consequence than convoy This practical example of the backing among the British the commanders of the British work, are the doctors who main art. To regard the creations of mixing up process of which people, ou bent and the American armies. Not tain the gereral health of the man whether in art or industry Mr. Churchill memorably spoke hing like it has ever been seen army at a high level. In the as more important thar man has worked harmoniously and NON LETHAL ARMS before in allies.
tropes and semitropics the efi himselt is a false view of life fruitfully. The Caribbean area These words spoken by the ficiency of the forces depends. Lawson, constitutes a strategic Whole; potent weapon, is the Prime Minister underline one of first and foremost on the hygie Hitherto we have always to treat it also as an economic wonder drug penicillin, discove the remarkable achievements of nist. And the day to day work whole may establish on a red by the British scientist. Ale the war. Side by side, on land, of the officers and orderlies of counted everything in money və steady basis what in the pastxander Fleming. This has pro Ton sea and in the air, British the are contribut lue. We must row count it ir has been a fitful material pros cuced astonishing results in and tho Americans, officers anding as much to the better helath goods and service. After perity, Others besides the Ame curing bad wounds and severe men, are working as a single and greater resistance of the for, war we shall have to live ricans and ourselves are deeply cases of wound poisoning.
force. The right man for the ces as that of the surgeons who our annual production year by interested; the Netherlands are job is the only criterion. Na perform miracles under fire, year. Mr. Ernest Bevin.
now represented on the research tionalities are forgotten in loyal.
council which the commission emergency of war in one of the ty to a common cause. The war must still be first has set uy. The recommenda. cardinal areas of the world is Each one of us can help to cood, sown in the furrows of and always first, in the order o tions of the commission affect less than it was. This change in strengthen the foundations on war, will bear fruit when peace priorities. In carrying out the United States dependencies the strategic situation fortana which this international good returns. This fruit will be gathe construction we shall profit fron of Puerto Rico and the Virginely does not mean that the will is built. In doing so, wered by future generations, living the experience gained terth Islands as well as the British wider aspects of the commis. sre helping to build the future. in the freedom which their fat last war.
Caribbean colonies. The grave sion task wil be neglected. The seeds of unity and brother hers fought to secure.
Sir John Anderson.
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