
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE Editor: JOS THOMAS MAY 6th 1944 NO 421 YEAR IX The laws of social benevolence require, that every man should endeavour to assist others BOX 199 by his experience. He who has escaped into LIMON, port from the fluctuations of chance and the gusts of opposition, should make some improvements in the chart of life, by marking the rocks on which he had been dashed and the shallows where he had been stranded.
30 DOO Situadostima will hand overafael Angel Calderón ZIZ TAARID 11 ys 1:148 was THE CHANGING OF THE REPUBLIC CHIEF DR. CALDERON GUARDIA, who will, og mentioned in MAGISTRATES the leading article herewith, cistec Is aidi hand over the country preThe photographs of these two illustrious bsidential office to Lic. don sons of Costa Rica have on inany previous ocTeodore Picado on Monday casions graced these columns in connection next the 8th, instani.
with different important actuations. Today, they attract special attention because of the coming event when, on Monday next, the 8th.
Guardia over the Presidency of the Republic period 1944 1948.
LIC. DON FRANCISCO SECA CHAMIER ECTED VICE. PRESIDENT The outstanding deeds of the out going MaNATIONAL CONGRESS gistrate have undeniably established his marked capabilities and keen gift of perception The newly construrted notes who represent the part to the exalted position tional Congress which well cular interests of our Peo regarded by his fellow Lino qualities which he has ever unselfishly function during the 1944. Vince before that legislative renses as evidence of the employed in advancing the interests of his feconstitutional period, Body.
nigh regard had for his perllow nationals. Throughout his four years of bed its inaugural. session We tender our sincere consonal attributes and legisl service in the exalted position of President of last Monday, the 1st of the gratulations to both legisla ive qualifications.
current month amid the usual tors, but more especially to The Atlantic Voice wishes our democratic countıy Dr. Calderón Guardia impresive ceremonials, and the latter, for as we has shewn himself possessed of noble and coupr. hem and the entire perso: vitnessed by an unusually. viously sta ted, his electi»nnel a period of much success, rageous characteristics; and we shall in the iarge throng of interested stately Hall of memory indelibly inscribe his spectators drawn, no doubt, JAPANESE CONTINUE ADVANCE IN CHINA name and assign him the company of the laure from the thousands of visilled ones whose footprints have outlined the tors to the Capital for the Chunking reports that kilometers west of the rail pathway to lofty aspirations, iundet Vay Day celebrations. violent fighting is still rred resolin way.
Ten thousand ves and honoured deeds.
enemy The election of the admi progress 65 miles south of Cheng Hsien in the provin troops are reported to have Dr. Calderón Guardia succesor will find the nistrative personnel effected and resulted in Lic. ce of Honan, and that the e surrounded Yuhsien, while field of his presidential activities furrowed and don Jose Albertazzi Avende nemy are contiuing their ad others have occupied Kiasin sewn with the seeds of true charity, praiseworño, who had served the pre vance southward, along the located 130 kilometers south they forbearance and unswerving democracy Hankow vious Congress as First Se Peiping rail west of Chengchow, se which, it is felt, he will so faithfully nurish that cretary, being elevated to way, and have reached the Mingkang forty miles they will not only bring forth fruit abundant the fall important position region of Yenchen, while a north of Hsiyang: New Delhi states that the during his term in office, but also during the of President with that of the nother force, are on their Vice Presidency falling to worthwart from Sinyang Allied authorities are fully long years Adininistration will, undoLic. Francisco Fonseca Cha third Japanese force is said satisfied with the present mier, one of the two Depu to be operating one hundred general situation on the figlubtedly, be faced with serious difficulties and hting fronts in southeast potent internal and external problems. Like his sia, especially in Burma, predecessor, don Teodoro wil lalso be confront where a decided improve ed by a circle of stern oppositionists, but though ment has been effected and a big enemy defeat momen the powers of evil be nany, and active, those tarily expected.
for good are more nurrerous, more enduring and, above all, immensely stronger.
An exceptionally large Ja Costa Rica is destined, we feel convinced, panese force in strenuously To Members of Cacao Cooperation to play an iimportant part in the immediate endeavouring to maintain Mixta)
their position in north Bur post war period and we rejoice in the knowledma, but their efforts have ge that during the corning four years, at least, all been defeated and their her destinities will be Dr. Calderón Guardia.
Our prices for the following Products are position is now said to be May the incoming Administration be one of CACAO, per quintal.
very precarious This region peace, progress and real happiness for each and 50, 00 colones is regarded as of great ecra every one.
COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 47. 00 Colones tegic importance as it will enable the Alledo to unite COCOANUTS, per hundred. 23. 00 Colones with the Chinese and prepa BROWNE ABRAHAMS re the may for direct opera tions against the main terriAll Freight and Cartage will be at Expense Venta de Mercaderías. Depósito de Azúcar tory of Japan.
of the Cacao Co operation The Australian Premier Agentes estimates the loss Japanese MUL EN OL MA TA RAL soldiers in the southwest Pa Frente Unidad Sanitaria RAUL VELAZQUEZ cific at over 100. 000 as well Manager as between 140 160 war ve First Aid Anticeptic. Alkaline Tablets sels, 200 270 merchant ships Apartado 362 Limón and about 000 aircraft.
The incominay ahead.
Notice Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    DemocracyPresidentes de Costa RicaRafael Ángel Calderón Guardia

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