
720102 were Bon Esc Nedla three runs and was a.
was Saturday, May 6th. 1944.
ATLANTIC VOICE Page VULLATZ Last Sunday Game. Cricketers from Madre de Dios Defeated by PathHOTEL HISPANO AMERICA 12, finder Selection in Match dedicated to Colonel Fulgencio Campos. Local City of Limon Team earned forty six Runs and dismissed Visitors for Nineteen Beautiofully situated in front the Sea.
At the noon hour fost Sun THE MATCH After rest period Airy, Cool, Comfortable Rooms Babb ana Gonzalo took comday tre prayground in front Special Dining Room Service of our Police Headquarters The visiting side took the mand of the bowling for the was occupied by a large num field and sissigned Barrett homesters, with Barton os WELL STOCKED BAR WITH NATIVE ber of Cricket enthusiasts and Robinson as bowlers, the cke keeper. Weeb AND FOREIGN LIQUORS and ther citizens not only with Oscar Porter behind the and Davis opened the battfor the purpose of participat wickets. The opening pair of ing for Madre de Dios. Webb ERNEST CECIL LEWIS ing in the match between batsmen for the Pathfinder was on placProprietor.
Fifth ball of Babb de Dios and a Selection from Howard, but separation over in the hands in the the Pathfinder Club of this came quickly when Barrett wicket keeper. McLean No loafers waiting room! No gossip station! The ideal city, but to also pay tribune bowled Escoe for duck. filled the vacancy, earned place for yourself and son is Dixon Barber Shop. West of to Colonc! Fulgencio Campos Hoard shortly after lost his cne run and was bowled by the city Market.
who had been the moving place by gettng run. out. Gonzalo. Davis drove Babb spirit in securring the recon Vincent Walker complied first delivery for a double, ditioning of the Plaza for five run, and was also run then had his wickets shatA HIGHLY ESTEEMED VISITOR out door sports, and in whose out. Fscoe was caught by tered. Forbes earned seven honour the game was dedi Neal after runs bowled and Resulting from Among the last week end very cated.
visitors to this was Dr. pleasing interviw with the Sutton was caught by Ma caught by Gonzalo. Moore fraim Segura of the Dental genial Doctor, with which Prior to the start of son when he had placed four was short lived he lost hisLaboratory of Heredia. His cur colleague, don Roberto Captain Stanley Dixon of the runs to his credit. Myrie wicket to Bább. Vincent Wal presence was noted with mo Blanco, was associated, we Pathfinder read and present was bowled by Barret without ker, at long off, took Neal re than passing interest. gathered some very interesed the very excellent ad having been able to break off a delivery by Gonzalo. In Cameron Dr. Segura is not an enti ting and useful information dress, produced elsewhere in his ducks. After playing an quick succession, excellent hand for fourteen was bowled token of graBabb, re stranger; he is known to regarding out. door spor this issue, and by bartor runs, many of the residents of ting events. The keen spor titude to the gåest of honour was taken by Mason dismissed for the city. being himself a Li toman has expressed his ên who graciously accepted sa Cameron off Barrett For hav to Babb. The wickets of Romonense, who left us about tire agreement with the sug me and responding in his ling his leg in front of his binson and Barret then sixteen years ago in the in gestion outlined in our last characteristic broadminded wickets, Nasýmth was dis went down to the deliveries was with us last July, when selection of a team of foot rence to the wonderful intenot out man credit.
as Fiscal, he accompanieders to defend Limon against rest displayed and the efforts At this stage of the game, second inning was atthe team of Footers from all comers. He most cheer exerted by Dr. Sergio Vindas, bowler Robinson was repla tempted but the call of time Heredia who came to give fully remarked that whene don ced by Mason. Captain Di intervened The match Enginer us battle.
ver such a strong combina don Rogelin Pardo, The match was consequen xon faced Colonel the new bowler, tion is acquired we should don Enriqus Esquivel, the outlived the over, earned six tly decided by the scores of 390 NAZI DIVISIONS not fail to invite the pla Municipal Sathers and others. runs, and was then stumped the one inning, which stood yers from Heredia for keeper off at forty. six for the homesIN FUROPE a in order të have made possi by the wicket few days of real games. We ble the demolition of the con Mason second over. Gonza ters and 19 for the visitors.
lo Vonnicch was the not out Messrs. Egbert Jones and Military observers, shall certainly not forget.
in bastman, with four runs to Wilfred Lawrence umpired London, estimate that GerColonel Campos sincerely, rehis good.
many and her satellites con marked that he was moved trol, at present, approxima PERSONAL by the compliment in evidenTHE CORN DRYING PLANT ly three hundred and ninece by the citizens of colour ty divisions in Europe and Our very popular towns ho, though they had not urthat one hundred and nine man, Mr. Leslie Angus ged the removal of the im ty five of them are on the of The People House, left pediment are, yet, the first From time to time, we ha gements with our Governing western front.
us last Thursday for the to so admirably extend him ve referred to the edforts authorities for the importa Capital, where we unders such public acknowled under way by the National tion and erection of a Dry SALOMON CHIN and, he will be remaining gment, At the close of his Department of Agriculture ing Plant of sufficient capa LA IBERIA for a short while in the in profound expressions, the Co for the purpose of improv city to handle both the Corri terst of his health.
ESTRADA lonel delivered the first balling the conditions of the and other products grown The Atlantic Voice wis in the gam. The act crowned planters of the Old Line re in this area.
Precios Económicos hes him the best results. with loud and lond cheers.
gion of our Province, parti We are now afforded the cularly with respect to the information that the plan: Corn Industry.
will be ready for use during the early days of the comAs it well known this en ing month of June. This is tre section of our Atlantic certainly gratifying and we (GRANULADA)
Zone is admirably adapted sincerely hope no untoward to the cultivation of this ar circunmstance will interfon ESTA ES LA QUE UD. NECESITA: ticle of primer y necessity re with the important math Un producto noble, un acierto de la manufactura de proin the dietary of our people. ter.
ductos medicinales de gran acción y de indiscutiblo efecbut the producers have alto cuando se siente los primeros síntomas de: ways suffered serious finan Debilidad Nerviosa o Cansancio Cerebral cial difficulties on account COSTA RICA SODA Equilibra el sistema, tonifica el cerebro y da meva of the prequeft rains and WATER FACTORY energía, mayor fuerza intelectual y más deseos de vivir.
their inability to properly.
Por eso es indispensable para personas cansadas para safeguard their crops.
aquellas que por la indole de sus ocupaciones tienen que In FABRICA de HIELO y hacer trabajar más de la cuenta a su cerebro o su sisteorder to overcome this difREFRESCOS ma nervioso, ficulty, and in keeping with Limón Profesores Estudiantes. Maestros. Contabilistas their progressive activities Empresarios. Empleados de Banco, ete. etc.
in Costa Rica the Division FLORIDA ICE AND Tomen regularmente su of the Institute of Inter FARM CO KOLA ANCLA merican Affairs, which directs special attention to PIDALA EN TODAS LAS BOTICAS LA FLORIDA food production, was repor MADERAS ted to have concluded arran FABRICA DE HIELO crete structures and the com Mason ser rethe game.
a KOLA ANCLA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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