
on sooner Us with us.
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, May 6th. 1944.
specialize in this English Power Cricket Club, WandeREPUBLICA DE PANAMA Present.
Branch of Sport Cricket to rers Cricket Club and the salute you in the name of Construction Cricket Club, Agents Esteemed Citizen our Limon Central Pathfinder all of this city; and of the and Sportsman: Sport Club; of the other cen Victory Teсm of the disWe take this grand opporters of the same sport the trict of Madre de Dios, who SMYTH COMPANY are here present to contest YUR in a friendly match, as well MATINA ART AND UNIQUE as all the various Clubs Folk of the city, Lines and Coast! Without your support, TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT the Lines which will we shall be knocked out. Please support us eat and drink MINTO Sie or later come to this Port to at LA MAGNOLIA Dixon little place West of the city The charm in the appearance of a man is a well confront teams of this local Market.
designed and smartly fitted suit The Matina Art and Unique Tailoring ity; and, ultimately, in the Establishment guarantees, at all tinies.
name of the many persons JETCRAFT BEST FIT REAL MATERIALS and interested in this Sport.
UNPARALLEL WORKMANSHIP In the names of the alreaOur central location makes it convenient for the men dy mentioned, we salute you, The earliest experiments ven to them. On the request of the Abaca Industry and other vicinities to deal and ask that you accept this on this new power unit were of the Commanding Officer humble form of gratitude for made in England in the year of the the oiiPRICES TO MEET THE TIME your efforts in securing the 1933, we are told, by Group ginal engine was sent to the demolization of the ruins of Captain Frank Whittle. His United States in the latter the preposed hospital on the first engine worked success part of that same year, 1941.
AN APPROACHING ENTERTAINMENT Plaza Yglesias, and to again fully in 1937, and two years Since then, as the result of allow us the opportunity of later the Air Ministry placed close collaboration between Rich music will be in th glish Branch of the Natio playing on it. For that we an order with the Gloster the the United Sta atmosphere at the Hall of nal Educators Association, have today invited you to Aircraft Company for an ae tes Air Forces and the air the St. Mark Parish, on under the guidance of Miss bowl the first ball in this en roplane fitted with jets. The craft Ministries in both coun the evening of Monday the Brown. As our citizens counter of the Victory Club engines were built by a Bri tries, a number of these er 22nd. instant, from and af: have never failed to extend of Madre de Dios against a tish firm known as Power gines have been build ter the hour of seven thir a full share of hogpitality Limon Selection, to demon Jets, Limited. This aeroplane installed in a suitable typ ty.
to the guests within our strate the gratitude and ap made a successful first flight of aircraft made by the Be: special feature of the doors, we are confident our preciation we hold for Aircraft Company Severo entertainment will be the op friends from Liverpool will and the Municipal Council hundred sucessful fligh.
portunity afforded those in be the recipients, of an over over which you preside.
Like the British, the Ame have been mucie in the Unite attendance of listening to whelming audience.
rican authorities inmediately States and England, and enjoying the strange The very reasonable char Attentively yours.
recognized the tremendous of them at high altitudes at voices of the well prepared ge of fifty centimos for adpossibilities of the Whittle extreme speed, without a si entertainers of the Liver mission will, we feel sure, ELISEO DIXON.
unit and full details were gi Igle mishap.
pool Day School of the En be within the reach of all.
General Coptain Pathfinder Stand by us lest we fall. support us with your united Sport Club.
THE LEADING FURNITURE STORE strength Eeat, and drink, day and night at LA MAGNOLIA Dixon little place West of the city Market.
Limon, April 1944.
BERESFORD DUNCAN offers his numerous clientes and the public in general: a new and varied assortment of Furniture of late models. on Weekly and Monthly Payments.
from Seeing is believing. so pay us a visit and be convinced. We do not compete, We excel in our Line For information: IN SIQUIRRES SEE NORMAN BRIGHT Agents in Limón. Ripton Hazel, Delroy Hunter an you in 1941.
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The kidneys should be filtering this excess uric acid (and all other poisons and impurities) out of the bloodstream. That is why, at the first twinges of Rheumatism, you should take special steps to satisfy contain is getting to work clearing away yourself that the kidneys are working impurities and poisons.
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Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash and Dentrifice.
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SAN JOSE minor colds, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS KIDNEY AND BLADDER Pills Made specially to end the pain of Rheumatism, Backache, Lumbago, Joint Pains and all forms of Kidney Trouble. Of chemists and storekeepers everywhere.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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