
ZA ts Saturday, May 6th. 1944.
HAPPY LANDING Pursuing their devastingrican air forces have inten food and military deposits.
raids over the enemy stras sily augmented their activi During the night of last It the LANDING Boys and Girls where tec positions and mous ties during the past several Wednesday large squadrons trial centers in Germany days and nights, giving specerating from England and you will be served your Frescos. a variety and the occupied territories cial attention to the Nazi Italy dealth heavy blows on of delicious Pastries. Chicken Orders on the British and North Ame defence system and their a number of important poin Saturday Nights.
scattered over a wide Make the LANDING your Cool Spot area, in Germany, France Located North of Lindo Ice Factory St. MARK SCOUTS AUGMENT SPLENDID and Holland.
Oslo OUR MOTTO IS ACCOMPLISHMENTS Air units of the Mediterra od nean division are also, ef Service with a Smile all the While The magnificent display It has also been reported fectively operating over Bu the of the Boy and Girl Scouts that on arrival in San Jose charest, Dalmatian BUTLER. Propriedress of St. Mark witnessed the troop paid respects to coast, and a number of stra last Tuesday afternoon, on the Governor and then to tegic positions in Italy. The their return from San Jose, His Excellency the Presi attack on Bucharest in said NEW ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL OF OUR where they had augmented dent of the Republic and to have been made by four MUNICIPAL COUNCIL their splendid accomplish were accorded high compli motored units, which cauments in Scouting, was selfments by both dignitaries.
sed a tremendous amount of In line with the constitu President don Rafael vident of the brilliant re led by the Military Band damage to the railway systional changes which are ta Eduarte Sandoval; Vice Pre presentation in the Capital, ef this city, they participa tem in the city area.
king place in conjunctions dent, don Victor Emilio The city troop was reinfor led in the moon parade on Allied military circles are with the new Presidential Escheverria; Secretary, Lic. fced by eighteen well equip Monday. Assembled at a of the opinion that the reTerm 1944. 1948, we note don Fernando del Barco. ped boys from 25 Miles and later hour the same day oncent aerial attacks have desthat the following distinguis The Atlantie Voice ex two from Estrada, who ar laza Viguez, they enjoyed troyed a very high percenta hed members of our citizen tends its hearty ex congra rived here by the Guapiles the warmth of a spectacu ge of Germany aviation in ly have been selected totulations to these gentlemen passenger train and joined lar reception in which in whid Sheldustry, as also the vital rail constituye the new Adminis and wish them the greatest their comrades. The ninety President, Dr. Rafael Angel way system and must, seriotrative Personnel of our mu auccess during their term of four scouts, boys and girls. Calderon (Guardia, Deputy usly affect the defence pla nicipal council. office.
made an imposing spectacle Manuel Mora Valverde, and ined by Hitler against the as they marched to the rail other high ranking persona coming invasion. Tento road station and boarded MRS. ETHEL PO LEWIS PASSES INTO THE ges participated. Troop Lea 000 lives were supposed the special train for San Joder Rupert White is said to lost as the result of the aeUNKNOWN te.
have been sensational in vial attack on Treviso, wheoldotius 12 Balistent the performance of his as te a military parade is said We are in receipt of the his highly regarded wife, We have been assured sign as Band Major; Japhet to have been taking place very sad news that the icy doña Orealia and the other that members of the troop Birch was also highly acclai in honour of von Ribbentrop hand of death has fallen on members of the bereaved administered First Aid to med for his performances as and General Graziani.
Mrs. Ethel Parson Lewis, family.
several persons who got in trumpeter and bugter. The Intense activities are rethe mother of our widely It has been arranged that disposed while en route and principal officers of the ported from Italy where the esteemed citizen, Mr. Ernest Requiem Mass for the also continued their work Troop include, Adrian Ma Jaerial units launched an unu Cecil Lewis of the Hotel His repose of the soul of the of Mercy during their stay son as District Scoutmaster. sually sharp offensive apano. America. It is unders deseased be celebrated in in the Capital.
Doris Gray as District Scout gainst the principal enemy tood that Mrs. Lewis died the Cathedral of this city mistress, Gertrude Clarke bases and communicating li almost suddenly on the 24th on Monday morning the 8th FOR MEN as Scoutmistress and Ha Ines in the north of the coun of April last in the Isle of instant, commencing at six rold Clarke as Assistant try, particularly along the Springs.
o clock Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Felt and Straw Hats.
Motos western coast. AI adopt this medium to invi Shirts and Underwear We tender our sincerest te the attendance of their THE LATEST, CHEAPEST condolence to Mr. Lewis, friends and sympathizers.
AND BEST We are not advertising we are sppealing. Please give us a benefit. Eat at LA MAGNOLIA.
Do vour shopping at Dixon little place No loafer waiting room! No gossip station! The ideal West of the City Market.
THE PEOPLE HOUSE place for yourself and son is Dixon Barber Shop. West of the city Market.
Jack Orane Sucs.
OS Cub Master.
CACAO Having placed themselvesfollowing Tuesday night, on record to anually obser the 16th. will conclude the ve the celebration associated observance.
with the tribute to Motherhood, the Baotists of this None should abstain from city will pay their homage identifying themselves with on Sunday the 14th. instant, this special Tribute to those in conjunction with their u whose tender care and sual divine services. Mot faithful love have never faihers Day Concert, on the led us.
Ons The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao DE 2230 RAICILLA. IPECACUANA RUBBER CACAO CACAO CRUDO, SECO, DE PRIMERA CALIDAD MIEN BENEFICIADO Compramos cualquier cantidad, aunque sea pequena y hasta mil sacos.
We are Agents for THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOY CACAO. dry, of First Class Quality and well cured.
We purchase any quantity, however small and up to one thousand sacks. LA FLOR DEL CAFE CARTAGO OFFICES: MON. SAN JOSE od aan de Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    EnglandFranceGermanyHitlerInvasionItalyManuel MoraManuel Mora ValverdeMilitantes del PCCRNazism

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