p. 12


Página 12 Saturday, May 6th. 1944.
BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN was saw some to the Mass Education for Japan Transportation Negro Jonah Still Snules Progress Bull and a Goat ROS 40, 000, 000 Difficulties Harold Harper has led on cf It is not 22 Recently, a survey ship African People generally realised making a chart of an inlet in the most remarkable lives, but that practically every Japan in faced with camera the tropis. According to cusacute then he is a remarkable ian. in The principle that the Hollywood studios istom a party was given on boaro transportation difficulties which cduation for the natipc chiefs, The gun Everything seems to have hap equipped with British lenses. was fired in their honour. They should be adapted to the aptitu. threaten to cripple her war ef pened to him and yet he mana. That is no new development; it were doighted s0 delighted des, occupations and traditions fort, according to reports of the in fact, that they presented the success Comanding Officer with a livr of primitive colonial peoplas und Tokio radio, which reveal offi ses to keep smiling and is de merely ilustrates the termined to fight the Nazis to achieved by Britain optical bull and a poat.
should aim at producting onders cial anxiety over Japan abiliris last, breath. He had studied glass mahers in the years bet canoe to servey a small over ons One officer was sert native of the people belonging to their ty to supply her outpost garriJanguages at Berlin University ween the wars.
the Africas coast. a precauown race, was laid dowa in a cons and to feed her people at in 1914 and had joined Messrs.
tin he took a revolver, although Iecent research in Britair, has as he saict himself, he had neColonial Office paper on educa. bome.
18 Thomas Cook as an interprete proved of real war benefit. For ver fired at anything more that tion policy in 1935. The Advisory The crisis comes under two. for he speaks Arabic, Greek, example the time. schedule fired into tae water and a few fish On this occasion her Committee on Education in the readings: a shortage of shiphas something wriggle. One of the Colonies, set up by the Coloniai ping, owing principally to sink. Gaelic, Icelandic, French, Ger for the anx taling of glass man, Russian, Japanese, Hin beer substantially shortened. Office, has now issued a Reporting of Japanese merchant ships austani, and Basuto. He was on rurther development has meant a 21 ft. Jou. python. By a mi native buys dived dowr. to see wasHe which proposes more compreheny Allied submarines and Japan his way to Ireland when the much saving of time, material; had shot in clean through the llion to one chonce the sive action than has ever hither inability to keep páce with her first war broke out and the Ger and labour. Not so long ago, the head. He took the skin home officer 20 been undertaken. It proposes icsses, and an overburdened rail mans torpedoed his ship. More highest quality and it made a fine the glass for handbag way system hard pressed to com that mass education of the.
ghastly though was the next and shoes for his wife.
40. 000. 000 people of British Tro ply with new requirements such plow which came to Harper in struments corld only be obtain before the wardento complete a most powerful and accurate in for th was To complt Arother incident took pical Africa should be underta as evacuating Japan main citihe Skagerrak straits off Den ties and feeding her scattered ken, the first stage being the ed by saying the glass from lar survey in the Persian Gult it mark when he was serving as ge blocks that had elimination of illiteracy within a population. 135 offi.
emerged was necexser; to send an a seaman aboard an ammunition from the pts. Now, by new men to a certain hill top. As cer, a petty cfficer and given time. the period of two Japan critical shortage of ship. econd German torpedo methods of annealing, it is pos the natives were not friendly, to three decades is suggested.
shipping has been admitted recame along and the whole ship sible to secure glass of the hig ashore at. ght Next day it was recided to put a party This mass education shall em.
peatedly by Japanese officials.
the went up, killing 1200.
natives hest quality by moulding.
Indeed, Premier Tojo told the brace both adults and children, discovered what had In April 1942, Harper was in been done, ad set out to capand women as well as men. The Diet that the losses in shipping Malta and again subjected ture the party. Covered by the muzzleloaders of the natives ending of illiteracy is not in it could not be minimised and that constant bombing. Here he saw they were bought back to a self the aim but only the spearhe was endeavouring to reduce Anti Nazi Activity lage near the shore. On little children machine gunned head of the campaign, which will them by vstrengthening both sea bcard the survey vessel, in a bathing pool by a Nazı plaCommanding Officer ordered the centered around the particu and air protection and by step re and, despite all the Demonstratiors and strikes the gun to be uncovered and agony lar problems as well as the lo ping up ship building. Home Mithat he himself has suffered, he have taken place in Southern brought to the ready. fullarmed platoon was then landed cal traditions of the various peonister Ando revealed how tighsays that this incident outwel. Jutland, Denmark, during the to rescue the prisoners which ples Essential to the scheme is tly Japan is feeling the pinch ghs all others in heaping coal past few days.
it did successfully after a short palaver.
ahe active and understanding when he disclosed, that rice no upon his constant fire of hatred Popular anti. nazi sentiment participation of the community longer could be imported from for the Germans. On the way reached the boiling point when am st:ongly convinced that itself The cooperation of all Indo China, Thailand and Burma back from Malta he was torpe a bridge in Soenderborg shelled the time is near when the sucgroups working in African ad and that Japan would have to doed again. Altogether, he has by a Gerinan warship, killing a cessful struggle of the art es of zoinistration and welfare be self sufficient at home. It may had six ships blown from under Danish worker. The bridge had the Soviet Union, the USA od particularly and educated Afribe assumed that Japan loss in him. Now he has joined the not ben raised to allow the ship Great Britain on the buis of cans and returning soldiers is shipping tonnage now amounts merchant marine as a colle to pass.
the agreenients reached at Teurged as well as the use of all to approximately 3, 300, 000 tons. re is a Negro who knows the heran will lead to the final de Big crowds demonstrated in the various educational techniAgainst this must be set Japan full horrors of war and whose the streets of Soenderborg, forfeat of our common enemy. ques which have lately been replacement capacity, estimated personal history can on: be ancing the shops to close. ThousMarshal Stalin.
evolved, such as at between 500. 000 and 800. 000 broadcasting. do not wish the quiet coninspiration to all of his race to ands participated in the slain The cinema, mobile libraries and tons a year oporabout 300. 000 fight on until Hitler an: fidence which we ought to fee!
all so on. The aim of this proposal tons in the interval, so her to his works are utterly destroyed. Clashes with the German troops through to be replaced by false worker funeral procession ir view of what we have com for speedy and widespread detal losses may be about 000. 000 velopment of education is to seensued. So serious was the street tons. The transportation crisis optimism, which would eng RAF by Daylight fighting that Germans resorted cure the goal already stated by inside Japan avpears to be equa der any sort of feeling of comto barbei wire entanglements the Government as (1) the im y acute and has prompted a se. Every month except one dur.
placency. Several arrests was made.
provement of the health and liv. ries of regulations rationing traing 1943, RAF fighters, fighterMr. Alexan ing conditions of the people. 2) vel even for military men and bombers and medium bombers The Chinese share with the improvement of their well government personnel and ban carried out at least 3, 000 dayl.
a passionate determinatıs to being in the economic ning all non essential travel. Ight sor tits on offensive operaSayings sphere; preserve their freedom wherever (3) the development of political Railways are to be used to mons. This does not include sorelse they might lose. It is vitally There lies before us.
institutions and political power transport (troops and war sup ties made for defensive purposes now important ti the future of the until the day arrives when the plles; litor evacuate city popula or to protect Allied shipping.
clearly attainable, the glittering world that the Chinese Reputions to rural areas and to carpeople can become effectively The total daylight sorties ma prize of air supremacy that can blic shout as soon as pous ble self governed, ry food and urgently neededde by the RAF during 1943, to paralyse German war industry become the great democratic commodities. JOB 09 the end of Novembtr, was more and tren port and clear the road centre of the Far East.
HO than 80, 000. an average of for the pogress of the Barbados Agricultural Allied Sir Stafford Cripps armies to Berlin 7, 272 per month. We are now entering upon Development oldings in the island, besides a The total bombs dropped by Sir Archibald Sinclair. the most vital phase of the war.
considerable number of peasants these sorties was 3, 500 tons. Day We must. endeayour to main Under tixt Colonial Develop renting land and located labou night bombing by the RAF was You have come victoriously tain our puysical standard and ument and Welfare Act the Bri rers who rent land from the on a small scale until the end through your first battle since etaying payer at the highest tish Treasury has made a num plantations. Recently a number of May, but steadily increased the formatiou of the Fourteerth pitch of íficiency.
ber of grants to the Barbados. of peasant farmers have been in strength from June onwards, Army and of the Eastern Air Tre Duke of Norf The most important is 172, 000 added to the staff of the Agri reaching a total of 1, 000 tons in Command You have given the The tusi is heavy, the for the extension of the Agricul cultural Department. The House November.
Japanese a crack they will re toil is long; the trial wiille tural Department. This grant will of Assembly has now passed a For attacking such targets as member. They are learning that severe. Let all try our cit materially help in advancing the Bill authorising the Directo: of locomotives, the RAF has relied just as wus cannot be woa by to do our duty. Victory may standard of peasant agriculture Agriculture to increase from two a great deal on the cannon gun. sudden and treacherous ssaults, not be so far vill in the Colony. It is of great im to eleven the number of Junior Other targets included shipping, so, too, big battles are not deci certainly not be denied to us in portance that this should be done Peasant Agricultural Instruc cailway rolling stock, power sta ded by su: prise attack. the end for here are over 18. 000 peasant tors.
tions, airfields, òil installations. Admiral Lord Louis Mounthatten The Prime Minister.
and away and Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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