
ATLANTIC VOICE Why Procrastinate?
28 a It is nothing short of a fallacy for those who tor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 were born of alien parentage in this truly demoYEAR IX LIMON, MAY 13th. 1944 NO 422 cratic country, which teems with opportunities for all her sons and daughters, to persist in exhibitSTA RICA AND SOVIET UNION RESUME DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS ing such procrastination with respect to securing full national recognition.
ae official announcement the regime of Dr. Calderon los Jinesta, Costa Rica Am.
Costa Rica had resumed Guardia, and being fully ap bassador before Many, we are confident, have already sethe Mexican lomatic relations with the proved by Lic. don Teodoro covernn ent and Sr. Constantiriously regretted not having qualified themselves Ob iet Union is said to have Picado, when President Elect, re Oumansky, representa as Costarricans yet they continue to let the earth received in the Capital the matter was brought to ative of the Soviet Union demonstrations of much happy conclusion on slip from under their feet.
NO Monday It is stated that Sr Duman and satisfaction.
last, the 8th, instant, in Mexi ky, who has be: Once again we call the atiention of our ty. noster The negotiations towards a co City, by means of the simul with the power of Minister Ple young people, particularly those of colour, to the establishment of the rela taneous exchange of the uste nipotentiary and Envoy Ex serious prejudicial effects their indifference is as were commenced during Imary Notes between don Castraordinary of the Unior having, not only on their own interests but those the Soviet Republics, will HIS FOURTH ANNIVERSARY AS BRITAN of their offspring.
shortly come to Costa Rica PRIME MINISTER present his credentials bos In view of the present day world wide hapour Chief Executive.
penings, and the effects they will and must proWe, today, grace these trusted with the power and The Atlantic Voice aids duce on post war international movements, it is lumns with the portrait responsibility of prosecuting its expression of since ve satis du Britain outstanding son the conflict against the ene faction that friendly relations of paramount importance that none should be Winston Churchill mies of civilization. He did again exist with a natio 1, who with out legal national recognition.
10 has just celebrated the not flinch and under his se people are bravely defen benn arth anniversary of his unexcelled leadership the ding the cause of humanity WINGS OVER NAZI FUROPE pointment as Greate Bri British and their allies have civilization against Naziin Prime Minister. Never, dauntlessly faced and withs cism.
For more than twenty five part. Important positions in is said did any of histood the terrible unslauughts consecutive days Allied air Italy and the Balkans are alof their common enemy, AN IMPORTANT units have been showering so being subjected to almostrou while serenely persevering their death charges over Ger daily attacks from the uits in their plans for a TRANSACTION final many industrial centers and of the RAF and American and complete victory In keeping with their well military objectives both in Forces based in Italy.
victory of which we alrea known efforts to encourage the home territory and in During the early morning dy see the signs.
and foment agricultural acti the occupied areas.
hours of last Thursday heavy At no time did the over vities throughout the Repu Nevr, it is stated, have and medium bambing planes force powering of the European blic, particularly in connec these operations been so terri of the Mediterranean countries bewilder or inti tion with the production of fic as those undertaken dur attacked and seriously damag midate Premier Churchin primary food stuffs, by the nig the week in course. Squa ed tailway instalations and. rather each additional creation of agricultural colo drons consisting at times of industrial centers in Budapest Nazi successful aggression, nies and the partition of more than, 000 units have Bridges and viaducts between seemed to have increased lands among the agricultu efected outstanding damagel Rome and Florence were also his tenacity. The fourth rists is need of same, we ob on railways and other milita the objects of bombardment anniversary of his Premier serve the official announce ry objectives in France, Bel as well as the important air Winston Churchill ship finds him surrounded ment that the Pococi region, gium, Holland and Germa plane plant in Wiener Neus and wholeheartedly suppor along the Old line, known as ny. Constant atacks are also tadt, Austria.
redecessors assume the ted by a bulwark of nations the Parismina Banana Compa being made on the vital de Seven thousand tons of ex nerous duties of national who have sworn to stand ny.
fences of the Germans along plosivs were launched against adership at so grave an united until the enenties of The lands cover, it is stat the French coast, over which a number cw enemy imporour in the Empire histc their liberty and nationaled, 1, 677 hectarias and have it is likely, the long looked tant positions during the eve y; and never had Eng freedom are utterly destro been bought for 67, 097. 20. for invasion may proceed in ning of last Thursday.
ind peril been so great, yed.
then each succeeding day We pray that God will GERMAN AGAIN BADLY BEATEN BY SOVIETS as faught with illimitable continue to strengthen him The vitally strategic port of days of terrific fighting, will soldiers, estimated as engaged ossibilities of the greatest and endow him with the Sebastopol has again fallen clear the Crimea of enemy ac in the final fighting ir.
ils. At the very flood tide wisdom necessary to carry under control of the Soviet for tivities and open the way for around Sebastopol, is still unf the Nazi aggression, on the fight until the finalees. Its capture, after a final the invasion of the Balkans. qertain. It has been stated Vinston Churchill was en moment.
assault which covered three The fate of the 200, 000 Nazis from German sources that an appreciable number escaped and are offering some res sistence in the extremily 40 the peninsular Military experts are of the opinion ahe Russians will now direct their moveinents against wow which is the entrance to 200 the important points of In east Europe and Calati which protects Hitler petroleum wells in Rumanie. However, in vief of recent activities of the Soviet air units the belief also exists that the victorious Red Armies may proceed across Rumania tothe Danube and by way of Buchart in the northeast.
Mosceow reveals that during the Crimean campaign no less than one hundred and twenty enemy evacuation shijs were ha del ama de casa destroyed.
and grama DON FORTUNA PARA ייןT 92 YA ESTA a la VENTA, en todas partes, el FORMIDABLE ORTUNA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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