
Notice ce connec are NOTICE he Page ATLANTIC VOICE Satuday, May 13th. 1944 WIN TUDITZ WRITERIK REQUIEM MASS BAPTISTS TO CELEBRATE MOTHERS DAY In a most soul. atirring ANA IO STATI manner, a Requiem Mass, for the repose of the soul of Mrs. ani toupim geo to y Ethel Parson Lewis, was lebrated in the Cathedral on We gather that the Bap it isexpected, be in aften som To Members of Cacao Cooperation Monday morning the 8th. tists of this city will be con dance.
instant. The Rev. Father Hu ducting special services tomoOther than The Concert in bert was the Celebrant, and rrow, the 14th.
the chants were pathetically the regular divine worship, tions with the Mother Day Our prices for the following Products are rendered by the choriaters.
Mother Day will be entwin celebration will be observed large number of the Ca ed, and a special Thankagi. on the night of Tuesday the CACAO, per quintal.
50, 00 colones thedral congregation and ing Message also delivered to 16th. and promises to be of the members of one of the a distinctive quality. All toher worshippers were in atCOCOANUT PITH, per quintal 47. 00 Colones tendance.
fraternal societies who will, cordially invited.
COCOANUTS, per hundred. 23. 00 Colones DONNIF SARGENT All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense SUFFERS FROM of the Cacao Co operation ACCIDENT Aadress all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos ineering Requirements to de ingeniería dirijase a Master Donnie Sargent, RAUL VELAZQUEZ ROIG son of our widely regarded Manager fellow. citizens, Mr.
and BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 Mrs. Sargent, was unSAN JOSE fortunately, the victim of a Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos fall which caused the dislo cation of one of his fingers.
Folk of the city, Lines and Coast! Without your support We extend our sympathy we shall be knocked out. Please support us. eat and drink at LA MAGNOLIA Dixon little place West of the city to cur little friend and hope El salario mínimo, fijado el salario mínimo, fijado por era colones Market.
effectively resume the use of por la Junta es de 65 cts. cincuenta al die ses detones In a most soul stiring la hora y el número de taba equivocado. Ese salario his school.
fué fijado en sesenta y cinco bat to horas es de ocho, como céntimos la hora y la jornaLlegada de Prisioneros lo indica la ley da en ocho horas diarias.
BACK FROM SPORT Pedimos excusas a nuestros VACATION Por una mala información lectores por esta mala inforque recibimos, se publicó en mación aunque no haya sido nuestro número anterior que culpa nuestra.
Mr. Stanley Street the very genial Assistant Superintendent of the Merchandize Department of the Costa Rica Banana Company, has return EXCELSIOR TAILOR ed from a short vacation said to have been spent in one of CLIFFORD STEELE the neighbouring Republics. We understand Mr Street Front of British Pharmacy, Limon City. immensely enjoyed his trip.
To enhance the charm of every man is a well designed It is pleasing to once and fell tilored suit with a guarantee behind it.
more have his distinguished presen BEST FIT, BEST MATERIAL, ce in our community.
BEST WORKMANSHIP We make Dress caps, Cadet caps, Scout caps, Scull Algunos de los miles de prisioneros capturados al Eje en Túnez caps, Sailor cops and werking caps of all kinds.
por las fuerzas norteamericanas, llegan a un campo de prisione, SALOMON CHIN ros en los Estados Unidos escoltados por la policía militar. LA IBERIA EL GOBIERNO la finca será la suma de se ESTRADA Vi neede la pág. senta y siete mil noventa y Precios Económicos cénti dad, partido de Limón, a los siete colones, veinte No loafers waitiug room! No gossip station! The ideal Sefolios ciento sesenta y cinco mos (67. 097. 20) La place for yourself and son is Dixon Barber Shop. West of THE LIVERPOOL y ciento cuatro, de los tomos cretaria de Hacienda ordenathe city Market.
ENTERTAINERS ochocientos treinta y dos mil rá que se haga la inscripción setenta y cuatro, respectiva correspondiente. Comunique rente. Este resto mide mil se a la Secretaría de Hacien We are looking forward to seiscientas sesenta y siete da y a la Oficina de Control the good things which, it un hectáreas ly cuarenta y tres Publiquese Calderón Guars HAPPY LANDING derstood, the Liverpool Enáreas. El precio de compra de dia.
tertainers will unfold in the Hall of the St. Mark Parish It the LANDING Boys and Girls where on the night of Monday the you will be served your Fresco. a variety 22nd, instant.
BROWNE ABRAHAMS of delicious Pastries. Chicken Orders on Miss Brown, the pomoSaturday Nights.
tress of the function, si makMake the LANDING your Cool Spot Venta de Mercaderías. Depósito de Azúcar ing this effort with the view Located North of Lindo Ice Factory of assisting the amount need Agentes.
OUR MOTTO IS ed to adquire certain essential MULY EN OL y MA TA RALL articles for furthering the Frente Unidad Sanitaria Service with a Smile all the While work of her shool. Her praise worthy nedeavour merits the First Aid Anticeptic Alkaline Tablets BUTLER. Proprietress fullest support from the genApartado 362. Limón eral public.
361 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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