
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Satuday, May 131. MOON LOS CENTIMOS DE HOY SERAN LOS COLONES DEL MANANA, SI USTED SABE AHORRAR il Isia COMIENCE HOY: DEPOSITE SUS AHORROS en el MATINA ART AND UNIQUE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT MINTO The charm in the appearance of a man is a well designed and smartly fitted suit The Matina Art and Unique Tailoring Establishment guarantees, at all tinies.
BEST FIT. REAL MATERIALS and UNPARALLEL WORKMANSHIP Our central location makes it convenient for the men of the Abaca Industry and other vicinities to deal with us.
Realiza Toda Clase de Operación Bancaria GRAN OPORTUNIDAD LA FORTUNA ES UN LARGO AHORRO Si usted necesita los servicios competentes.
Confianza distinguida y con larga experiencia como administrador de propiedades en la Provincia de Limón DIRIJASE: GEORGE LAZARUS FROM TWENTY. SEVEN MILES proper knowledge of UN ESTORNUDO Miles made its debut on ved at rightful conclusions. ES LA SEÑAL DE ALARMA 23 350 our APARTADO 449 LIMON The Cheerful Cricket, of Club of of 27 have arriM PERSONAL Frindly Club to the of city Twenty. seven Miles will Observe Anniversary of Limon last Sunday. The continue to whole. hearted players were beaten by the ly support the officers of We are very glad to learn Pathfinder Selection, but the Club, who are, at pre iProntol haga esto. ayuds of the recuperation of we are not dismayed Coming on the heels of in sent Grant, Genoral a impedir que los resfriado, much regarded collaborator, the least. It was a splendid Captain; Manderson, Sub se desarrollen me, the 27th, instant will Mr. Ismael Murray of Mati gister the anniversary of match, and our boys gave Captain; Moors, Fiela Póngase unas pocas gotas de Vick Va.
tro nol en cada fosa nasal. En pocos na. It stated that during Eagle Aces Friendly Clu an excellent shewing on a Captain; Herman Moss, Sc momentos, la asensación de tarpidez the past few weeks he suf and we note the attractive nasal, la gana de estornudar se calman.
strange ground. We are sucretary; Roneless, Treasu La respiración es otra vez fresca y des fered from an attack of ill vitation re those who witnessed the rer.
pejada. menudo, ese resfriado na cards, printed molesta a Ud. ya más.
gold coloured letters, wh game, and were possessed Leg Before Wicket Va tro noles medicina especial para la nariz y la parte alta de la garganta, have been issued in conjui donde casi todos los resfriados comien Mr. Murray adopts this me tion with the celebration zan. Usado a tiempo, estimula las pias defensas de la Naturaleza ayuda dium to express his profound the Club natal day.
CACAO CACAO a la Naturaleza a rechazar el resfriado gratitude to all who rallied CRUDO, SECO, DE PRIMERA CALIDAD amenazador antes de que realmente se afiance. Tenga Ud. un frasco de around ho mand especially to The Cheery Riversiders a MIEN BENEFICIADO Va tro nol siempre a la mano.
Mr. Joseph Pugh, who other slated the joys of the nig Compramos cualquier cantidad, aunque sea pequeña wise helped.
y hasta mil sacos.
in the Mark Parish Hall.
CACAO. dry, of First Class Quality and well cured.
We purchase any quantity, however small and up to one thousand sacks. LA FLOR DEL CAFE.
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Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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