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Página 12 Saturday, May 6th. 194 LE BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN Rags to Germany nese crew. ய ய on BO The com The Chindits Britain Friendship Two Ethiopians Soil Erosion Mastered for China Read Back by Education It takes more than couEvery time our bombers After a stiff and brisk enga An experiment in the preven fighters roar over Germ rage and daring to win battles.
Prime Minister Churchill gement on the Vulturno Front, a tion of soil erosion has been many tons of rags have hel Imagination must be linked reiterated firmly England party of Allled troops were carried out over a period of them on their way.
with sound planning and split resolve to crush the Japanese Many thousands of bi small years in Kenya Conony, the dis second execution. The Chirdits and elimina e their militarists searching the ruins of a prints are used in the proc when he received the Chinese town when they heard voicestrict of the Suk people. Owing tion of the wings and fusel are winning in the Burma jun Goodwill Mission to Great Bri hailing them in the dark. After to the agricultural Suk having of aircraft; some 20, 000 gle because they are masters of tain.
a game of hide and seek during cut down the thees and the pas supply the details of the er all these. Glider borne troops, nes. All these designs became convinced toral Suk having overstocked British, Americans and Indians, Dr. Wang Shih chieh, head which they printed on specially tough of the mission, said: China that the voices were seeking the plain, erosion had become per made from cotton rags dropped from the sky are slic finds no lack of ardent friends contact and not beatirg a clan a serious threat and desert cor on the airfield, when the ing through the lines that tie in any circle in Britain.
the enemy to his bases. Rein He mentioned several lead destine retreat they finally 10 ditions were apparent by 1931. craft stands ready for the off, it carries with it charts, special paper for which Porced row, they have carried ing daily newspapers in Loncated two dark tgures climbing In that year a British District don and in other cities in both out of ruined cellar. When Education Officer started a made from cotton rags.
their oulposts simost to the Chi England and Scotland that the figures finaliy emerged they scheme of giving the native sacking and hessian has torder. If their plans had given consistent support and ed to make the needle which is used as on antiyil succeed, one wing of the Japa to China cause since Sep took off their red Italian head schoolboys small holdings threw them on the instructing them in cultivatember, 1931. Among the uni gear and tion packing for ammurlig nese Army invading India will versities, special committees ground. They were two Ethio tion. Their success was so mark relt, which is produced fr be trapped in the wilderness have beeit set up to propagate pians. They explained that they ed that at the annual Local mixed woollen, cotton and lin.
and another cfending rorth friendships for China. In the had bee forced into the Italian Native Council one of the chiefs rags, helps to line the aircra conserving warmsth for Burma, may ise defated at Myit field of industry and commerce, the Federation of British Army after the fall of Addis agreed to start ar agricultural kina Industries is taking a very Ababa several years ago ard demonstration plu: and in the The pian reud: like a moving keen interest in giving techni that thay had been obliged to following yors many other picture scenario. It was to plant cal training to Chinese students fight in Libya, Tunisia, Sicily chiefs asked for such plots. The and the British operative So Higher Education in self sustining fighting forces school ciety has displayed unrivaled and finally in Italy where they boys from the original deep behind the enemy fronts. Trenerosity in making contribu had also beer. used as military were trained as instructors and West Indies The oniy way to do this was ſtions to the war relief ir. China.
police. They alone of their sent out to these areas. By 1939 by air. But in this virgin forest As for the general public. Dr.
whole committee of members outfit remained and the experience of the chiers Wung paid special tribute to the Commission High sland there were neither supply the work of the United Aid to seeing an opporlunity, they had of the Local Native Counci!
Education in the Colonies wit dumps nor landing fields only China Fund and the China remained behind while the Ita had fully convinced them of co opted rej resentatives frck The two dubious and uncharter Campaign Committee.
lians retreated and ther: started the need to prevent scil erosior the West Indies has bec indefatigable leadership moticlearings, which were promptly vating these iwo organizations advancing on their own in the and issued orders to their por appointed to review existir facilities for higher educatie christened Broadway and he said, has enabled hem to hope of contacting the destruct ples to stop forest in the British Colonies in the Piccadilly. Week after week extend their influence into Allied troops They knew that on the hills ani control graz Caribbean and to make recon the commardos packed every nook and corner of Briand any enemies of the German coulding on the pasture land. Ju 19.:1 mendations regarding futur tain: 26 university development fo: unupacked their gliders, trainonly be the frie ds of Ethio the local streari. carrie away these Colonies ing men and muies for the grim the soil when th:y were in spate mittee will spend some month get On the future of Anglo pians and they warted to work ahead Chinese friendship, Dr. Wang anywhere that would be in during the rain, ad imple in the West Indies considerin Chindits landed in the dead said: We must try to know Allied control whence they tely dried up during the dry the problem on the spot, an each other in sehools. in col.
will receive delegations fro of night after a wild flight over leges and through and amplifi.
could travel on to their own seasor; now the streams any of the Colonies they ar two hundred miles of tum cation and revision or text country and erilist in the servi clear and provide a fairly even not able to visit ano har the flow thcoughou. 11e year their views.
bled mountains Almost all the books and literature in both ces of their Emperor.
countries, and als) through With the improvement in the gliders were synashed or damagmore extensive and more direct soil and steady Water supply ed, but it was five days before cooperation of private indivi No Alarm there is already a distinct im Bullocks Battle Schot the enemy found the protecti duals, especially scientific, provement in local diet.
ve ring of fighters thrown out industrial and business leaders.
China and Britain and other The best Chinese and foreign Bullocks are now receivin into the jungle. Wieli within leading allies may well try to opinion agrees that while the that battlt raining in India to con Savings breathing spell the er focus their attention on crope ultimate Japanesc aims are not dition them for the noises any gineers with buiderzers, oxen and ration iver major problems shocks which they will be mnules had blocked out a sevi. such as future world peace or yet clea. no mojor threat Once more it has fallen to subjected to as members of th ganization and plnas for inter free China is incicated or even Britain to play a great part in new Indian pack bulldek con ceable landing field, establishing national economei cooperation. likely in cosideration of Japanies.
communications and assuring There exists no real conflict of pan overalla position.
the overthrow of a Continental Their schoolmaster is Lieu There supplies. It took hard fighting national interest between Chityranny that aimed to be a lenat Mills, who puu: is no doubt that present proto hold it: maty wounded went na and Britain. If full cooperaworld tyranny as well. Once mo them through a tough course tion between China and her portions of the fighting still out in transport planes, but held allies is achieved in Red flags are waved near then re we have come thriugh dark thunderflashes explode al major are relatively small and that the it was Now a whole belt of international issues, all minor Chinese have some of their best patches, and once more we around them, gas rattles ani these combat rings, all supplied problems can be solved readishall be there at the finish or sirens are encountered on the ly.
troops in the territories which by air, stretches halfway across forced marches through th the right side. Mr. Herbert the Japanese would have to bat jungle. They are also give Burma from east of the ChindMorrison.
tle through if they had battle dress. Their white coat any win River, where the Chindits To the fighting man, spring fantastic plans attacking are dyed with camouflage.
get their name, to within fifty is the herald. otf attack. To the Chungking Relatively large num really big factor in war miles of Yunnan. Most main the human factor. Tanks and farmer, it is the signal for re bers of troops would be roads of Japanese retreaa are newed activity, the time for sowquired is to setre guns are not sufficient, it considerable Sayings already reported cut, and only ing a harvest on which countless areas of Free China to the east the man in the tark and behind jungle cails remain. The Chird lives depend. To the worker, it of the the railroad, which gun thah matters. man is then No one can deny that if its are movirg into these, pocket more importart than a machibrings an opportunity to strive would become a large were to abar. don our bombin even harder for victory.
offering ideal conditions ne. General Sir Bernard for of industrial targets in German 13 Spring Millions have waited for this the orgarization Chinese Montgomery.
of the war would be prolonged by spring as for a shaft of light guerrilla warfare. The Chinese Even victory over the ag months, if not by years Th Spring is here, perhaps the piercing the clouds of oppres often have been able in similar gresor is only a means to an Bishop of Oxford.
most fateful spring in the history sion that darken their troubled campaigns to benefit from ini end. We all hope that the world The equipment of the forces of Europe he barriers off countries. Hype, the season tial retreat by collecting their will be so organ sed that the for overseas has now reache winter are breaking down, and Sternal companinn, is high in forces and staging a comeback possibility of attack o the se a very high degree of fulfimer all the night of Freedom is as our hearts to day. Let us justify when the Japanese lines were curity of peace loving nations Training is working uu to th sembling for tire supreme assault it by every means in our po considerably extended and wea will never occur again. for which everybody is waiting on tyranny.
wer. For hope smiles on effort. ker. ed.
Dr. Wellingtor. Koo.
Sir James Grigg.
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