
Yielding to immoral pleasure corrupts the mind, living to animal and trifling ones debaEditor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 ses; it; both, in their degree, disqualify it for its (EAR IX LIMON, MAY 20th. 1944 No. 423 genuine good, and consign it over to wretchdJAPANESE ON DEFENSIVE IN INDO. BURMA FIGHTING AREAS AN AWAKENED INTEREST FOR RACIAL An official communique sta short distance south of the strong to withstand the final tes that the Japanese are Japanese base of Myitkyina, assault.
SOLIDARITY low on the defensive on all the argest and most importhe Indo Burma fighting cant in north Murma, its fall North American troops Being fully aware of the fundamental fact fronts, with the exception of is expected at any moment, have taken prossession of the that real or genuine advancement rests to a the Arakan, where their pa as it is not thought the de Island of Wadke, off the trol activities are still on foot fending force is suff ciently coast of New Guinea.
great extent, upon the cultural and other noble hough by no means of a real efforts of a race or nation, we deeply appreciate offensive character. AFTER CASSINO. THE ADOLF HITLER LINE te the interest being expounded by many of Lord Mountbatten reports our citizens, particularly those of colour, in con that the Chinese troops, who After an unusially lengthen followed by the taking of the junction with a call for further racial solidarity.
mre advancing south of the ed period of at times, the Hill, on which stands the The crisis of individualism, if permitted to Mogaung valley, have cut the msot violent fighting with famous Benedictine Monaste long iemain with any class of humanity, will enemy direct communication heavy losses in man power ſry, by Polish troops. be productive of evil, particularly at this time Jine, south of Molakawng, and material to the contest The French troops, who when the struggle is so persistent for the sur and are increasing their pre ing forces, the Noted Veterans operate with the Fifth Nort sure against the Japanese in of the Eighth British Army American Army, are reported the gloom which overshadows the world, today vival of the fittest. However, nothwithstanding that zone.
have succeeded in wrestling to have occupied Esperia, one Three columns of Chinese the strong hold of Cassino of the more important fortifithere are opportunities available to all enterand North American troops, from the Nazis. This impor ed positions of the Adolf prising and united peoples.
having captured an airbase al tant victory was shortly Hitler Line. Troops of the Unity and solidarity are factors indispenFifth are also said to have sible in our every day life, if the loads which secured control of a townTHE COMING INVASION OF EUROPE ship in the near vicinity of We should all bear in mind that today belongs bespeak progress are to be effectively lifted.
the port of Formia on the to tomorow, just as the seeds belong to the Speculation is still rife as, me information of a reliable Bolf of Feata Allied air unts are in the shoot and the roof to the building. Today owes do the when and the how the nature to what really is takits best to the morrow. The future cannot pre Allied High Command willing place, Nazi air units have meantime dealing heavy initiate the long talked about been making flights over the blows on the enemy vital judice the present the evil comes on the and anxiously awaited inva south and southwest of Encommunicating lines and reverse.
ion of Europe.
zand, Fifteen of them were If humanity is to effectively and permanenThe Prefect of the ProvinThe statement has been hot down during the night ce of Genova has ordered the tly advance, there must be incessant operamade that no less than one »f Monday last. It is of cour immediate evacuation of the tions continual endeavours, all motivated by and a half million North e known that an unprecedvarious an honest desire of maintaining the principle American and other Allied ented number of naval units city of Genoa and other districts.
of unity. All should awaken to the fact that troop, have reached Great are now in the waters around each and every one, regandless of racial differritain and are fully prepar Britain, and that all mov The enemy forces are said ed to launch the attack onements of a civil character to be completely dominated ences, have a rightful place in the Wheel of Western Europe. Paris ra have been prohibited with the as a consequence of the broa Progress, and destined for one common good.
dio broadcast, a few days Outside world.
king of the Gustav line and ngo, stated that General Ens Marshall von Runstedt is the subsequent raid advance PENSHURST TRAM SERVICE AGAIN TO THE enhower had eighty divisions said to have completed his of the French and Canadian FRONT and fifty thousand parachute preparations to repell the in troops across the mountains.
troops completely equipped vasion. Enemy patrol launches British and Polish troops, If it be destined that the Fernando Asch, were effect and awaiting the order to and bombing planes mightly operating in the area above move. keep watch over the Channel the Cassilina roadway have much discussed transportationed for the retention of the In an effort to obtain so waters.
contacted advanced positions system, known as the Pens service. And, if it be true that of, the Adolf Hitler Line, hurst Tram Service. must certain private parties have which it is thought is the last. gain pass under private own advanced a proposal for its stronghold in the Nazi defen ership, then we are firmly in acquirement, we are confident ce south of Rome. agreement with the sugges our newly installed Minister tion that owners of Agriculture, don Jose JoaTroops of the Fifth Army should be none other than quin Peralta, will not suffer have launched a heavy assa the recently established Ca the same ill wind to again.
ult against Riazzo, two miles cao Co operative Association, blow against this important off the important Pico Otri We pleasingly recall the section of the agricultural acTo Members of Cacao Cooperation Formia roadway Canadian splendid efforts which, under tivities of our Province. As it Mixta)
tanks are reported proceeding the able leadership of our is understood large toward Rome, from Cassino, energetic and sincere fellow majority of the small cultivadespite enemy opposition. citizen and agriculturist don tors of the immediate Our prices for the following Products are and nearby regions are members to the Cacao Cooperation, we CACAO, per quintal. 47. 00 colones HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA feel sure they will put forCOCOANUT PITH, per quintal. 55. 00 Colones ward every possible effort to City of Limon secure owership of the very COCOANUTS, per hundred. 23. 00 Colones Beautiofully situated in front the Sea.
indispensible system of trans portation. And all, who can, Airy, Cool, Comfortable Rooms should aid such efforts.
All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense Special Dining Room Service of the Cacao Co operation WELL STOCKED BAR WITH NATIVE JOSE ACHION NG.
AND FOREIGN LIQUORS Comerciante detailista RAUL VELAZQUEZ ERNEST CECIL LEWIS Licores, Abarrotes, Cristalería, Manager Proprietor.
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