
Page ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, May 20th. 1944 Campo pagado THE PASSING OF Mr. FRANK ALEXANDER IVAHA VO ZVIN FON FOND MEMORY NUGENT QUESTION Seven days ago was registered the fourth lamentable anniversary of the death of him who was our loving HusIn the little town of Cats On the afternoon follow The Editor band and Father hall. in the parish of St. ing the funeral ceremony La Voz Atlantica. Mary, in the Island of Ja was conducted by the Rev. Limón.
JOSE VIVO DUTHIL maica, Mr. Frank Alexan Father John (MAY 14th. 1940. der Nugent Pirst saw the ri dral at the residence of wish to put this question sing of the San on a day in moourning situate in the to the Public: The time had come when he should no longer live in the the long ag. Becoming in Jamaica Town Settlement; flesh; and for this he suffered and died. But we shall be infused with a desire of see he also headed the proces. By what right do some of us remited when this old order of things will give way to ing strange lands and peo sion to the dinint of entrain denounce the doings of Kin more glorious ones in the new and better world.
ples and unfamiliar surroun ment. Two sons of the decea ter when in our own organiza Widow Sons Daughter Cdings, he left his homeland sed being associated withion we practise the same for Costa RX a.
the First Limon Cadet Troop evil? In them, we have our He is said to have drawn the full uniformed ranks, Hitlers, Goerings, Goebbels deeply from the well with muffled drum and bu Himlers and fine rest.
spring and to have contae gle raccompanied the body In Ever Green Memory ted an intellectual stream to the place of burial. In The honest and sincere men full of useful knowledge addition, a large number of alway suffer injustice and Two years still find me brooding in solitade over the sad for the jadeit heart of man mourners and sympathisers persecution, the same as in passing of my loving Sister and to have also, in his own paid their last respects to Germany.
way, earned a joyous sprin him who in life they had Edmund Moore. LYN WILLIAMS gtime of life. However, un higly regarded and estee(MAY 22nd. 1942)
fortunately, like the falling med.
Limon, May 17th, 1944.
leaves of Antumn, in the The deceased is survived In that memorable spot is lain a mind of angelic mood, brief period of ninety minu by his widow, Mrs. Louise COSTA RICA SODA of happy wisdom, meditating good, much designed and tes of a very acute attack Nugent, an ardent member done, Harmonious thoughts; a soul by truth refined of illness, he sipped the bit of the Cathedral, and eight WATER FACTORY entire affection for all human kind ter cup of death during the children. To these bereaved night of Saturday the 13th ones we exuendowproFABRICA de HIELO y CLARA SAMUEL instant.
found sympathy.
REFRESCOS Limón No loafers waiting room! No gossip station! The ideal FLORIDA ICE AND place for yourself and son is Dixon Barber Shop. West of the city Market FARM CO In Fond And Loving Memory LA FLORIDA JAPS LOSE 23 PLANES IN SIX MINUTES BATTLE MADERAS The grave is the ordeal of true affection, such as we cherish FABRICA DE HIELO for our loving Mother and Sister The information has just portant base at Truk in New been released that on the Guinea, in vrhat has been thirty machines and the JULIE WRIGHT 29th. ultimo eight North described as one of the engagement lasted for only American planes, operating most extraordinary actions six minutes. The eight Ame who departed this life on the 21st. May, a year ago, leavfrom an vplane carries of the present war. rican plans returned to ing us deeply grieved and overwhelmed with lamentation.
shot down twenty three e The Japanese forces is their mother ship without Ou this the first anniversary of her passing, we calmly nemy planes over the im said to have consisted of being hit by even one shot. recollect the comfort of that love, a noble attribute of the soul, which ever survives the tomb.
Daughter. Sister Brother Grandchildren Limón Trading Company No loafery waiting room! No gossip station! The ideal place for yourself and son is Dixon Barber Shop. West of the city Market.
PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR DEATH DEPRIVES LIVERPOOL OF ANOTHER USEFUL RESIDENT Dried Ipecac Roof Cocoa, Coconuts and Cópra RUBBER None on this transitory Obviously, in a fair state Orb shuld keep from the of health Mr. Joel Brown tablet of memory tha fact of the district of Liverpool that death is sure. All retired on Saturday night the should so live that on its 13th. instant he did not advent, the spirit will be see the morning light He worthy of reception in the is reported to have passed promised Reala of Blessed into the Great Unknown whi Happiness Pasa a la Página 11 BROWNE ABRAHAMS REMEMBER Venta de Mercaderías. Depósito de Azúcar Agentes MUL EN OL y MA TA RAL Frente Unidad Sanitaria WE PAY THE BEST PRICES First Aid Anticeptic. Alkaline Tablets Apartado 362 Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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