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OSTAT: 9969 Saturday, May 20th. 1944.
ATLANTIC VOICE Page BRITISH WEST INDIANS ON WAR SERVICE CACAO CACAO Sergeant Benjamin Vivian Hazell, Flight Engineer, a native of JamaiCRUDO, SECO, DE PRIMERA CALIDAD MIEN BENEFICIADO ca, awarded the Distinguished Flight Medal for displaying high skill and devotion to duty in operations against the enemy Compramos cualquier cantidad, aunque sea pequeña y hasta mil sacos.
It has been recently re, they had discharged their away. It was however discoveated that up to the latter bombs and turned for home, ered that two port engines CACAO dry, of First Class Quality and well curedar part of 1943, nearly two when they sonn found their had been cut and the trim We purchase any quantity, however small and up to one thousand sacks.
thousand volunteers from the nächine alor. e. amid coned ming damaged. The machine West Indies and Bermuda searchlights, The pilot tack tilted over on one side. Ha LA FLOR DEL CAFE had registered their names volent evasive action, but zell advised the navigator to CARTAGO with the West Indian Com they hit a flak and the star direct them to the mittee in London It was also board engine caught fire. He airfield; meantime, he manistated that this shewed a eathered it and the flames ulated the engines, working MOTHERS DAY PRROGRAMME AT SACRED marked ncrease over the pre lied down without the neces off one tank at a time. He vious year total.
HEART SCHOOL sity of using the extinguisher. also had the wirelers operaUp to the time the The Lancaster then drop for stand in such a position pilation was made, the voHarmonizing with the pu Mother Day. Chorus, Bring ped to 3, 000 feet over heavily that he could change the blic Tribute poid, yearly, to Blossoms. Recitation, Great lunteers from Jamaica total defended territory, and Ha fuel cock When asked and Motherhuod on the second Mothers. Solo with chorus, led more than seven hundred zell remembering being told make use of the petrol tanks Sunday ofthe month of May, Land of Yesterday. Recitation Of these nearly 300 with Army, over ce during his course of training in turn, as the guages showed the Cathedral Parish present Praise of Womanhood. Quar fifty that of he pulled the boost zero. The bomber reached a with the Royal Navy and cutout control while under an base in the south of England presented a highly apprecia: tette, Sweet memories of Mo Hall ther. Recitation. The Mothers.
programme in the another three hundred with elevation of 10, 000 feet, the Sergeant Huzell was subof the Sacred Heart School Solo and quartette, Eventide the Royal Air Force. Several engine would be given a tre sequently assigned a teach the function took the have been taken prisoners by mendous boost and more ing position at on form Prayer. Recitation. Madonna Officers of a coursing manner, and Child. Recitation, Mother the Germans, many killed in horse power developed in Training Unit.
Wali action and others reported quick time; he did so, end the that is, without a presiding and Son, Salutation to Sergeant Hazell Exercise chairman, Mrs. Bernard, mothers present missing bomber rapidly climbed to centy, honoured with an award the Directress of the School, Closing item God bless the In addition to the above, 15, 000 feet. After Tonding, of the Distinguished Fligh Me who had the onerous the there are hundreds of Jamaitask Mother Day, crew counted 87 fiok dal for his many successful train of the youngsters, cans and other West Indians holes in the bomber. Nobody operations against the enemy 13 at work in Engand assisting presided at in which he displayed high following programme is selt ed with the presence of the the war effort in the muni: On returning home, on skill and devotion to duty explanatory: Rev. Fathers John and Hution factories, in civil defen another ocassion, from a Nu Hazell is a native of the city Chorus Ring out sweet bert, the latter being the Di ce activities; also as foresters rrenberg bombing, Kozell of Kingston and was a memBells of memory. Recitation, rector of the Choir.
technicians or as members of Lancaster bomber was attac ber of the Linotype staff of the merchant navy. large ked by a Junkers 88 which he Gleaner newspaper.
number are also said to be they succeeded in chasing (To be continued. attached to the Nursing Ser NOTICE SOVIETS MOVE AGAINST ESTONIA 09 Aadress all your Eng. Para todos sus trabajos 10 Among the many Jamaicans Moscow advice states large formation of Gerineering Requirements to de ingeniería dirijase a who have already distinguis there are indications that the man planes endeavoured to ROIG hed themselves, we note the Russian High Command are destroy concentrations of the recent mention of Sergeant concentrating a large number Soviet troops on the Lening BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 Benjamin Vivian Hazell, a of troops in the northern re rade front but the Russian SAN JOSE Flight Engineer, whose brain gion for the purpose of fighter units destroyed fifteen Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos wave saved his Lancaster launching an intense offen. and the attack completely bomber, which had developed sive against Estonia, failed.
great difficulties shortly after NOTE OF SADNESS FROM ESTRADA participating in a raid over We are not advertising. we are sppealing. Please give Wuppertal in Germany. us a benefit. Eat at LA MAGNOLIA. Dixon little place Among the residents of this of Jamaica, and had domie Sergeant Hazell related West of the City Market.
our district of Estrada, we can led in this Republic for about say, every grain of twenty years. He is sufvived thuthfulness, that Mr. Cyril by his son, Frank and other Saints, who we now deeply relatives, to whom the Atlan mourn, had live a clean, quiet tic Voice tenders its deepil godly and sober life, proving hearted sympathy.
himself a friend to all and an enemy to none. Sorrowing Friend The hand of affliction had CACAO laid its tenacious hold on NOTE OF him for sometime and after everything possible was loca REMEMBRANCE The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao lly effected to relieve him of On May the 22nd. 1942 of his suffering, but without suc most two years ago, the earthly cess, he was conveyed to the remains of him who wask hospital in the city of Limon, known to us as Samuel Char where he breathed his last on les Nation, were laid in their Saturday eight days ago.
last resting place in our Ha From the morgue at the lowed Acre.
hospital his remains were ta Our departed felow towns man ken to the Camp One Cemete we associated with this We are Agents for ry and there intorred, after kly Newsorgan. Journalism the Rev P Holmes of the Me was one of his most cherished THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVE thodist Circuit had conducted endeavours, and though his the funeral ceermony. Among en has ceased its material OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE the pall bearers were Messrs. activities, we somehow feel John and William Vose, Natha his spirit keeps abreast in this nel Smith and David Forbes. mighty field.
The deceased was born in We shall ever cherish his the parish of St. Ann, Island memory.
TO with Caribbean Packing Co.
RAICILLA. IPECACUANA RUBBER wee Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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