
12 dr Page 10 Sabedo 20 de Mayo de 1949 ATLANTIC VOICE VOZ Saturday, May 20th. 194A TOKEN OF FRIENDSHIP NATURE RALLY AND VARIETY THE LEADING FURNITURE STORE than passing events. And to PROGRAMME my highly affectionate friend, whose photograph BY SALVATIONISTS BERESFORD DUNCAN appears above sincerely offers his numerous clientes and the public in general: extend this token of friends a new and varied assortment of Furniture hip, on his having at anotof late models. on Weekly and Monthly her of life mile stone. The night of Monday the Payments.
The pleasure we find in 29th, of the current month life are, at times, largely is fast approaching, and in Seeing is believing. so pay us a visit and be dependent on some of convinced. We do not compete, our the local Salvation Army Cir good friends. May the chance it has been ear markeď We excel in our Line For information: nels of our reiendship never for the annual May Queen be allowed to clog; but that Rally and Entertainment. The IN SIQUIRRES SEE NORMAN BRIGHT an open way be ever kept programme will, we gather Agents in Limón. Ripton Hazel, Delroy Hunter between heart and heart. present another uncommon Here is wishing you, Delroy, event in the social features 82. Mr. Delroy Hunter many more birth anniversa of the Army.
Stand by us lest we fall support us with your united ries and the fulness of life strength Eeat, and drink, day and night at LA MAGNOAccording to all we have blessings.
LIA Dixon little place West of the city Market.
heard, the very keen selection Birth anniversaries are of of the lassies, who will con ten regarded as much more Sincere Friend MOTHERHOOD TRIBUTED BY METHODISTS test for the Queenly honours, have made it very diffi cult to even hazzard a guess This year celebration, in re. Hazel Gray, Youth; HAPPY LANDING as to the one who will occu conjunction with Mother da Brown, Memory; Lilleth py the royal throne and viela Day was sefittingly conducted Markand, and Enid Lettma.
It the LANDING Boys and Girls where her sceptre over her reaim. So by the Methodists in the city Mothers of Long Ago. Pec at this time publish the names church last Sunday and entwi Edward, Adina Rowe, Avis you will be served your Frescos. a variety Le ned with their services at 11 rray, Leonor and Ruby of the chosen contestants; of delicious Pastries. Chicken Orders on but sufice it to say that whoe a and and p. The mann, Mothers of Today; TI Saturday Nights.
Rev Holmes officiated at Condle Bearers were Ang ver triumphs will admirably Make the LANDING your Cool Spot.
St the first and final, while Mrlia Steele, Gwendoline fill the bill. We have also Located North of Lindo Ice Factory been told that the setting of Barrett, presided over phenson, Hilda Lewis, Maia that of the afternoon in White and Mrs. Finley, the Throne and other decora OUR MOTTO IS which the youngsters partici tive aspects will top all pre pated.
Commendable performance Service with a Smile all the While vious ones. Last year queen will, naturally, transfer her The Pageant Mothers of were evidenced both from vie BUTLER Proprietress reign to her successor.
Long Ago was splendidly por dividual and collective Variety programme trayed at evening, entwined points. The play was clim is with colourful costumes andzed with the words The in the making and all points lighted cundles. The personifi dles of Motherhood will neve MISCELLANEOUS AGAIN ON SICK to a grand entetainment.
cation of the characters wel be extinguished.
ADVERTISEMENTS AGENDA SALOMON CHIN Folk of the city, Lines and Coast! Without your suppor THOMPSON SUPPLY Our good citizen, Mr. Ma LA IBERIA we shall be knocked out. Please support us eat and drix AND WORKSHOP lachi Walker, having expe ESTRADA at LA MAGNOLIA Dixon little place West of the ci Po rienced another reverse in Precios Económicos Market.
Everything in the technical the condition of his health, line can be made, repaired is now, on the advise of the or supplied. Assortments of Medico of the Company he Beds, Springs and other use serves, a patient at the Tuful equipment. Building rrialba Hospital in order to NO 89 Fifth Avenue toward obtain more special medical from the Municipal Bath. attention. We wish him a spee dy restoration of his former GRANT AND CRAWFORD sound health.
NEW HARLEM BAR AND RESTAURANT We also regret having mention the further criti Opens Day and Night Clean cal delopment which has occu and Cozy Reservations. Good rred in the health of Mr.
bNative and Foreign Liquors Christopher Bernard, and fesh and experienced Mixers necessitated his entry into the MU. Building Rheumatism, pain in joints and local hospital Mr. Bernard is muscles are due to the formation a widely known and popular of sharp crystals from excess uric LEONEL MONDOL citizen an dthe husband of acid which weak kidneys have East Indian Barber and Hair.
the Directress of the allowed to escape into the system.
Day The kidneys should be filtering this Culturist. All sanitary arran.
School associated with the excess uric acid (and all other poisons and Cathedral Parish. We are su impurities) out of the bloodstream. That gements and general clan is why, at the first twinges of Rheumatism, surroundings. In front of the re both Mr. Bernard and his you should take special steps to satisfy contain is getting to work clearing away be old Motive Power Clubhouse. much esteemed wife will yourself that the kidneys are working impurities and poisons.
properly, Within a few days the kidneys are once the recipients of the sincerest HAPPY De Witt Pills have been specially pre more at work trapping poisons and imsympathies of our entire com pared to act directly on weak, sluggish, purities in the bloodstream and expelling LIQUID FOUNTAIN them from the system by Nature marvellous munity clogged kidneys. They soothe inflammation, hcal, strengthen and restore them. mechanism.
You have visible proof of the direct action That is why De Witt Pills prove so in the heart of the Abaca FOR MEN of De Witt Pills within 24 hours of taking wonderfully effective in relieving Rheuthe first dose. You know for certain that matism. They go at once to the root of District at Twenty Five Mithe wonderful internal antiseptic they the trouble the kidneys themselves.
les Richly cuoked and bighly Felt and Straw Hats.
flavoured meals Everything Shirts and Underwear in the line of refreshing THE LATEST, CHEAPEST Drinks prepared to meet AND BEST.
your taste. Supplies for the Do vour shopping at housewives Made specially to end the pain of Rheumatism, Backache, Lumbago, Joint Pains and all THE PEOPLE HOUSE Carms of Kidney Trouble. Of chemists and storekeepers everywhere.
Ġet quick relief RHEUMATISM to DeWitt KIDNEY AND BLADDER Pills Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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