p. 12


Página 12 Saturday, May 20th, 194 Toma BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN as they three CHINA COUNTS LONDON MONUMENTS CALM AS THE CLIFFS OF LIBERTY KOHIMA TENSENESS GROWS Every facility and acommodaTo an Englishman the Whi Jap incandiary bullet ion is being prepared for the Oranges ant lemons, say the te Cliffs of Dover symbo izenave touched off Naga huts On clear days the coast of time when the Allies can flood bells of St. Cl ment Thus an what the Statue of Liberty does the tark. For a few mome France is clearly visible. On one China with a scraft and equip old cock ney doggerel. But Lon.
to an American: Home!
cecasion a local newspaper pubThey there was a magnificent bli ent. That is why China is doners may never hear those also stand for resistance to the Sut the tanks kept firing. lished a panoramic photograph counting the days until her bells again, even when peace forces of tyranny and despotism. ninutes after two, 12 of a section of the enemy held blood transfusion route is res breaks out.
The little round Dover, nestling among the geance dive bombers coast. This picture of France tored. Chinese air force, is church of Da Samuel Johnson cliffs, its citizens using their peared from the west, and was taken from England. It smashing as had as economically and flower gelers, is a splerdid arcient caves as bomb shelters, off one by one to dive brought home the fact that the 1ossible at Japanese targets, ruin, roofless and windowless, is that southeastern English release bombs into Jap pisiti English are not only living wisiaking every vard earned bomb with a ghosti, beauty on nights thin sight of the goal, but are 2, 000 years, these chalky promised to be the Kohima bazı city. so often reported bombed. along the ridge behind ay its way.
when the moon chines through.
so close taat is possible to Huge airfield: are being con. Although the interior is burned nences have been the back They pounded enemy str take a picure of it showing such suructed throaghout Free China. out, the blackened stone wails ground for some amazing sights points arid communications details as towers and buiklings.
undreds of thousands of Chi remain in place, a tribute to and goings on all having to do But througn all this pressure with the history of England.
de ridges to the left of nese coolies, working feet of solid masonry head of us and to the right the average Englishman goes centuries ago, are carrying Undisturbed on a pedestal be The White Cliffs touch English is.
his way among his boinbed siones in baskets hanging from hind the church there looms the life intimately in almost every building saying little. There is smboo poles slung over their pudgy figure of that great talker, way. In peace they are the Tommies here seem very se houlders in a slow, steady pro Dr. Johnson 14 is really ramar but his character and his years mists, which tell navigators of the Jap and his tricks, If plenty going on inside of him markers, gleaming through the that they have the measure Ss, le veiling these vital air kable how many churches were of war training enable him to elds. They chant rhythmically bombed.
fast milk boats from Holland be a ticklish and difficult keep silent. The English are they work. They know what that they are near their destina cation, for the Japs hold roted for their restraint. Night ney are working on and they The worst destruction begins tion and day the great fleets of pla geographical advantages.
work hard. These airfields are at Ludgate Circus, leading up In the summer of 1940 the weight of power, however, is nes drone out to blast a way zger than anything seen the hill to St. Poul and beyond undaunted in citizens of Dover for the invasion. Throughout our side. From Kohima the aina before, with long run. futile signpost points to the stood on the cliffs and watched pur road stretches more th the country there are signs of ays capable of servicing the Church of Nicholas Cole the Germans in France preparing 30 miles southward to Imphe military activity. Most persons for the invasior: which gest, newest, longest ranged Abbey the first church to never Thrown back from Kohima a will have a relative taking part craft.
be completed by Christopher came. Today, they look across when the day comes. Their very for gun flashes. They take these the Assam Bengal railway locked in their effort to The first paese in the cam: Wren after the greast fire of silence is felt throughout the ign to reopen the Burma road 1666 saying: Open daily as matters of course. What they Japanese are, reported to jength of the country. Every talk about most, in quieter mo is been coinpleted with the a. to y. The roof and body works in England. Thous ments between hits, is the fact out assault on the Manipur ifting their forces for an conquest the Hukawng the windows tre now wide open ands of them hold more than Hley by the Chinese that the time from which you pital. They are really twenty four hours a day. With forces driv one job. Your waiter in the ho killed over 4, 000 Japanese nothing but its modest stone see the flash of the gun fired hotel dining room will work in to the attempt by military on the French side until the recaptured an area of 1, 800 walls standing amid four blocks cessity. They can no longer a war factory during the day. uare miies achieving this of desolation, where every other barmaid also holds a shell bursts against the White ve off the country they ha daytime cey decisively defeated building has been razed to Cliffs or in Dover is, usually, overrun, and in their rear. the its Job. When ev rybody is working ack Japaneas 18th division, basement, this little church, exactly one minute! They have Chindits are remorselessly na so hard there is less time to sit learned to beat the shell to the ng at their thin lines of su 10 of whose regiments makes a perfect war memorial, were around trying to keep from dly mauled.
as impressive in its way as the caves in that time.
The caves in the cliffs, crowd he chief Chinese commander ruins of ancient Rome, Greece and Carthage, and should be the Hukawng valley is Lieutd today by citizens of Dover CANARY CAMPAIGN wherever BRITAIN BIGGEST neither razed nor rebuilt, there an. Tseng Tungko of the new air raid och alarm, were often used in the ist Army, graduate of the The aircraft industry, fr mous Whamjooa military aca.
When John Bull bulldogged resolve Jayan conquered the Middle Ages by smugglers, Wi the lliam the my in south China, who to carry on and see it through Dutch East Ladies, cutting Conquerer, in 1066, comparatively small beginin is is epitomized has been expanded into Brita ghting his rst Burma battle.
safer to bypass the at St.
James Allies off from quinine supplies. Cound it nder him are two seasoned Church, opposite the Piccadilly British scientists had to speed White Cliffs on his invassion. biggest single industry since 16 visional commanders, both Hotel, where the passers by up their wcik in perfecting And the cliffs were in eyeshot, Hundreds of factories had to substitute read; This church (though blit mepacrine, the for when little British vesels thom have been decorated bat constructed or converted to by end; individual units of ma: in ae United States.
tled the Spanish Armada zed) is still in use. The south quinine.
Forty yearaisle has been converted 2, tall, at etic, into Lieut. Gen.
To do so they needed canaries 588. The British put out from facture had to be carefully rate them in July, 1666, tobattle aentralised; ard all of them, an Lijen is commander of the a chapel with a tarpaulin ceiring for guinea pigs. at the ploying large numbers of and an :3th division. He went to Burma offertory box, which of 100 a month. Unfortunately, the Dutch The dirst bomb ever as soon as wa fiared up there reminds touests, We have lost the bird seed supply in Britain to blast British soil fell here kers quite new to the job. o be fed with a steady fl muchKad was the garrison commander please give generousiy. at that tim was at a very low on Chistmas Eve, 1914. a pre materials and parts in ord :Mandalay. His opposite numThe center of the church is a ebb. The scientists had difficulty sent from Kaiser, Wilhelm II.
toensure uninterrupted rise bar in the field is Franeh trained mass of rubble, However the in obtaining even half a dozen Military, men say that the Cha Major Gen. Liao Yao walls and Gisling Gibbons recanaries, nnel which they overlook, with utput. Massive though the Hsiang, uction of aircraft already y redos were sa vaged.
They appealed to the Minis, France only nineteen miles ummander of the 22nd divi.
an, who received the Legion try of Food, and a special supply away, is more important. But in 1941, the total weight of produced showed a furt Merit fór exceptional meri.
In Fleet Street, St. Dunstan of bird seed was made available they do not deny, the symbolic increase of 50 per cent in 19 has patched up its fire bomb canary breeding campaign furious conduit during the last alue of the cliffs, which rise turma campaign.
damage, and the sturdy figures was launched through the York 350 feet.
Afver the war Britain of Gog and Magog hammer outshire canary societies. In the De able to switch over drom the hours on the big bell. 21 years since then the York are not; we are martial races. peace production, to turn DO YOU KNOW shire fanciers have bred 2, 500 There is a difference. The Germmerse potential produc 1997 St. Paul itself has survived canaries, nad the research has mans do what they are told. bacity on to the manufact The British aircraft industry three different bombs, one of continued wituout a hitch. The Germans withhold informa of goods for civilians and has provided more than three which langed in the street and tion from their soldiers; we export.
During the inter Carters of the total struc St. Paul con inues to hold ser.
NAZIS MILITARY, take the men into our confidence years some British industries ture of dilu: eft delivered to vices on the site where prayers about what we are trying to do. re adopting new methods the RAF. per cen. came have ascended for more than ALLIES MARTIAL But you must give our troops engaging in the manufacture am the rest of the British thirteen hundred years, with leadership and establish absolute new products. But the tren Commenwealta and 18 per many members of the armed The Germans are a miiltary confidence between commanders dous achievements of the cent. from the USA.
forces in awei attendance.
racel We and the Americans and soldiers.
are not likely to be lost.
of edit in Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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