
were over 801 me atThe shirking of duty or running away from the things we feel we ought to do has a per.
Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX. liarly demoralising effect on our high purpo YEAR IX LIMON, MA Y27th. 1944 NO 424 UNPRECEDENT AIR RAIDS OVER GERMANY AND NAZI OCCUare PIED EUROPE FACING THE ISSUE On Wednesday last, the tion.
ixth day of their consecuti 0001 The day operations incluviolent On thursday last, e monstrous aerial offensi de several violent aerial en attacks launched We desire, today, to express an impartia e against Germany and the counters and resulted in the. against important enemy ins opinion in connection with the vigilance of ccupied territories, the outs loss to Germany of 34 ma tallations in south France. the representatives of the Junta de Abastos anaing number of 6, 500 chines. The Allied loss was a Strategic military positions or the Auxiliarry Price Control Committ, Allied airplanes raided mal total of 45, which the com in Italy were also the objec We firmly believe connective and consci ny of the enemy more im petent authorities regard as, tives of intensive raids by cious thought is essential when treating portant military centers and very small, in view of the 300 of the planes of the the different phases of communal activities; affected damages of a most successes achieved and the Mediterranean force. 55 Nazi serious character.
unprecedented number of planes were destroyed against particularly, as in this intance, with thoberto which may possibly develop into what is ca No less than 000 tons of planes which were in opera 31 for the Allieds.
explosives were rained erally know as profiteering. to the serious ré airodromes, factories, rail IMPORTANT ALLIED VICTORIES IN ITALY judice of our economic interests. All should chways and other military ob deavour to prevent this evil from becomin; jectives. The important NaThe troops of the Fifth and destroyed in the Pontinas standard of living in these dark and terris zi Capitals of Berlin, Paris Fighth Armies are reported swamps.
days. Though we should, at the same time. and Vienna experienced di to have gained important Other Allied successes refer refully avaiid losing our sense of proportioned sastrous attacks. The aviation victories during the course of to the cutting of the when faced by two opposites. actories in Niberdorft, and the past few days.
railway line between RoGraz in Austria, as also those and Napoles. later Every system, wheher political, religir e sono?
of Zagreb in Yugoeslavia suf Effectively aided by tanks, advice states that the Allied social, economic or otherwise reflects the. fered heavily.
the Canadians of the Eighth, and the bad, the merits and the demerits of he who operate in the valley of forces of the Anzio region GT civilization it serves. Each is however, cap Liri, broke the Hitler Line and crossed the river Melfa.
of being fully controled. To secure a just Moving by way of the lysis of the causes which have brought a mountains, the North Amerithe abnormal increases in the value of our can troops of the Fifth ry. day requirments, we must, undoubtco tacked and captured the im take under close consideration all the elemen il portant position of Terracina and persons concerned. First, the supplier crust on Wednesday last. The capproducer, being faced with heavier production ture of this place is regarded coats and greatly increased living experes, is, as of extraordinary import, obviously, compelled to place a higher not only because of the exceedinngly large number of his product. Then, the trader, if he inters to remain in business, must bu at the incre prisoners taken but because it enables the Americans quotation and in turn, charge the consum continue their advance along higher price. We see nothing incorrect in the Apia way and brings them activities. the evil lies in the manner or pr in close proximity to the tion in which the increases are made. The other troops who have in General Clark scrupulous may seize the opportunity to Genl. Sir Harold Alexander Jitiated the offensive on the lessly advance prices. Its against these tha Anzio front, and places the who commands the noted vigilance of the competent authority mu in Supreme Command of remainder of the German North American Fifth Army directed, and accorded the wholehearted 0Allied Forces in Italy forces in danger of being in the Italian Campaign operation of the general citizenry.
War The most effective means of stemn situation is, we think, by the inauguratio Canada Navy Multi well regulated aid to stimulate production pied Twenty. Two ticulary with respect to the first line neec Times our dietry. Unless something of the kind given immediate attention, there is reaso To Members of Cacao Cooperation believe that very soon, in this city, there 24 The information has been be much to of fer the consumer.
officially releaser that the Canadian Navy is now twenty Our prices for the following Products are two times larger that it was at the out brear of the war.
THE LEADING FURNITURE STORE Its man power is also said to CACAO, per quintal. 47. 00 colones be almost on a par with chat BERESFORD DUNCAN COCOANUT PITH, per quintal. 55. 00. Colones of the Royal Navy.
offers his numerous clientes and the public in gener COCOANUTS, per hundred. 23. 00 Colones Among its important wiits is the Prince Robert. an a new and varied assortinent of Furnitu anti aircraft auxiliary fruiof late models. on Weekly and Month All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense She is equiprcc with Payments.
of the Cacao Co operation Powerful anti craft fire po Seeing is believing. so pay us a visit and ver and prov ded with speconvinced. We do not compete, ciai protectio: agarrist ae. ial attack. It was the Price Ro We excel in our Line RAUL VELAZQUEZ For information: beat which, in September Manager 1040, surprised and captured IN SIQUIRRES SEE NORMAN BRIGHT the German freighter Weser Agents in Limón. Pipton Hazel, Delroy Hunter off the west coast of Mexies.
OR to Notice ser.
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