
U IZ WIN ITAL ப ப ப ப ப பயம யம a our is Page ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, May 27th, 1944 Bly bn LIVERPOOL ENTERTAINERS HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA shib or diw bogobo 136 The yt:3 mecity of Limon charming Liverpool cited Little Jim in ample Beautiofully situated in front the Sea.
Death of Mr. William entertainers proved themsel form. Roaming by Master Keith ves Lamp Lighters. They Lewis perfumed the atmospcame, entrenched themselves here; while Miss Lewis waxed Airy, Cool, Comfortable Rooms and spectacularly conquered charmingly with her HespeSpecial Dining Room Service Death has further pruned their audience in the Hall of rus. Full of flavour was the WELL STOCKED BAR WITH NATIVE the rank of our coloured ci the St. Mark Parish on the recitation Children in Bed AND FOREIGN LIQUORS tizenry of pioneering days by night of the 22nd. instant. by Miss Henry. Many others taking, on Friday nine days with a streamline of thirty of the Group gained high ratERNEST CECIL LEWIS ago, the life of Mr. William seven items, they ascended the ings but, unfortunately, space, Proprietor.
Keith, after a rather leng heights of their ambition. We does not permit mentioning thened period of illness.
were particularly impressed them in entirety.
The departed fellow towns with the altruistic damonman was a Jamaican from The entertainment stration of the boys in the was a SALVATION ARMY MAY QUEEN CONTEST the parish of Westmoreland.
company, who, obviously, signal success for Miss Brown, He was very prominent in rethe Directress of the School, were alive to the realization Two days hence and a new anticipate, of all the past ligious and social activities.
queen will reign over every years.
The obsequies were performthat they had journeyed from and her effort was admirably thing of the Salvationists for ed by Mr. Edward Ritt of the their district to give their best appreciated by a very repreto the public of our city.
sentative audience. She presthe ensuing twelve months We are now in a position to Methodist Church, in the pre ided at the organ, while MaThe finishing touches in present the names of the con sence of a goodly number of Among the troup was Mas jor Lynch offered the open: connection with the contest testants, they are the Misses mourners and sympathisers. ter Lester, a cute looking and ing prayer and the writer are said to be all attended to Lena McKenzie, Ruby Lynch His loss is mourned by his striking youngster who though presided over the programme.
and that the contestants, with Vivian Thanks, Gloria Black, widow Mrs. Eliza Keith, se young, tactfully embellished VITTUU LAMARAZZA their distinctive jsupporters. Violet Cunningham and Ruby veral children and grandchil his songs with pleasing man are in battle formation await Mullings. The designer and dren in this Republic and nerisms. His best number ing the bugle call. Our genial maker of the royal robes, Miss abroad. To them all we tender were Captain Ship and Put SAYING townsman, Mr. Peter Muir, Ethlyn Booth, promises that our sincerest condolence. on your Ta Ta. The Misses will be Master of Ceremonies the sceneries will excell all Cohen and Wright proved We have to find a new equiwith the largest audience, we previous ones.
themselves graceful dancers librium in international trade.
With The Methodists and pleasing harmonists. Dy it is clear, too, that we cannot We arent advertising we are sppealing. Please give us namic deliveries were effect hope greatly to increase benefit. Eat at LA MAGNOLIA Dixons little place West of Lovers of holesome ama ed by Master Jose Cadenhead expor trade in a world that the City Market, sement will na. wen, ass his top num. ber being King Olsorganised by rival trade poured their cosire.
Much humour was licies, extravagant protectionism, ami.
BRITISH WEST INDIANS ON WAR SERVICE satisfied on Tuesday ribi caused by the rendition of chaotiz exchanges and every kind the soth. insti. ir ie Met: Heab by two boys and two of obstacle. Mr. Richard Law.
Designated an Ace Airring to the incident, Lynch dis Church of his sty. whe girls. Master Maurice placed After the war, given a geGunner twenty three year said he shall never forget the the personu of the inil a lot of pepper souce in his neration of peace and wise go.
old Sergeant (Lincoln Orvi the thrill of it.
League will be at the enter recitation The Psalm of Livernment, we can achieve a level lle Lynch, a native of Kings fe. Master Marcus Hines of prosperity such we had ton, Jamaica, is mentioned was tickling WAR SHORTS with his Oh, known before. The inventive as having distinguished him These young ladies adopt Folks. Cohen, the sensa genius of mankind is capable of seif within the first nina this medium to extei. tional Tot of the group, click providing us with immense ma: months of takinn up When the important city hearty invitntion to ou pu ed off the function with the terial advantages. Mr. Ralph of Odessa was captured by blic in general with the Royal Air Force in Welcare. Miss Brown Pe Assheton.
the Russians the Germans England. On his first operareported to have lost tional flight he is said to ha10, 000 trucks, 6, 000 automo ve materiaily assisted in the biles, 6, 000 railway waggons destruction of enemy and 95 food, amunition and fighter.
at fuel deposits. Their loss After concluding his edu cation, Lynch volunteered for Sebastopol is stated as vastly, air crew duties with the Ro greater, in addition to 25, 000 of their man powes.
yal Air Force, and left his Island home for Canada PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR train to be a rear gunner Shortly after reaching EnThe North Americans are gland, Lynch went through officially said to be emplay an when he his trophy an air gunner ing, with great success a spe wing, mounted on a pedestal helicopter. in the transpor cial type of aircraft, called for his all round eficiency.
their While in a raid oves Lud ting and landing of troops behind the Japanese widgshafen Lynch and the forces in Burma, other gunner in the Halifax Saw a Junker 88, just as it had begun its run over Washington advice the veals that orders have been target. The fighter was about 350 yeards away to starbcard, issued to augment to a large extent the programme with and when it becan to edge in, the two gunners manufacture respect to the opened fire.
of heavy artillery for Two of Lynch guns the jarr med, but he saw trace: North American Army.
from the other two hitting REMEMBER the fighter port engine. FOR MEN Then the fighter starboard Felt and Straw Hats.
engine was hit. Flames shot Shirts and Underwear WE PAY THE BEST PRICES out from both engines and THE LATEST, CHEAPEST the aircraft fell, crashing in AND BEST the fires of the target. Refer Do your shopping at THE Eblioteca Nacional not ர ப pumunna taining end, a work are an Limón Trading Company to wan Dried Ipecac Roof Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER redocumento es propiedad


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