
e 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, May 27th. 194 Tonight Entertaiment OS ININ V. MEMO MORIAM NOTICE ROIG we Gone form this land of strangers, just to years ago, our loving Father SAMUEL CHARLES NATION. MAY 22nd. 1942 Though we miss his fatherly and sound guidance, bow to the Wilt of Him who has given us the divine injunction. am the Resurrection and the Life, he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.
We cherlish the memory of our Sather in the depth of our hearts.
Sons. Daughers. Grandchildren Kata HERRIBLURILE In Memory of Our Departed Co Worke We are on the threshold of the first sad anniversary of our departed beloved co worker In commemoration of their CONTRA brilliant progress in affairs, Aadress all your EngPara todos sus trabajos social, the personne of the 17 18. ring Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijare a Eagle Aces Friendly Club will entertain their invited guests with a Seasonal Hit tonight, in the St Mark Parish Hall, BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 Our re illuminated streets SAN JOSE and a lovely late Spring moon it will, no doubt, enhance the Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos desire of the guests to attend.
The Riversiders are slated to dish out the Swings.
MR. CHRISTOPHER BERNARD SUCCUMBS TO ILLNESS Consequent on a further ficient data, in connection Persons and Movements veopment of a sericus na. with the exceedingly, sad ut taking place in the ill event, we can only make this Among those of our esteem ness of our esteemed fellow abridged announcement ed citizens who left during townsman, Mr. Christopher Meantime, we extend the the course at this week for Be nerd, he was transferred Mr. se Bernard and chil the Capital were, to the San Juan de Dios depth of our sympathy to Dr. Hilario Cuevillas. the Hital in the Capital for dren who have been dealt United Medical and Sanitary special treatment; he breath this further heavy blow wi Department and resident phy. ed his last there a few days thin three weeks of the first sician for local section of the a.
anniversary of the death, of Northern Railway Cº.
Not having yet received suf their daughter and sister. Mr. Salomon Berenzon, of the well known Hollywood No loafers waiting room! No gosip station! The ideal place for Store, also went up in connec youself and son is Dixons Barber Shop West of the city Markettion with important matters pertaining to his commercial New Tuberculin Test as a pure simple autolytic activities.
ancontaminated by the meMr. Buchanan, a wiA new tuberculin test, dium on which the tubercle dely known agriculturist of which makes it possible to bacilli are grown, and in the Cahuita region, also had ose tuberculosis within which all live bacilli are kill to leave for San Jose in the twelve to twenty for hours, ed and removed interest of his unfortunately sa ed to have been develop impaired health. We wish a medico of Denver in This tuberculin alss, for him the best results.
th: State of Colorado, United the first time, we are informStaces of America; he applies ed, eliminates all danger of mi a transparent adhe a pattent reaction to for SALOMON CHIN sive o the skin and watches eign elements being mista LA IBERIA reaction.
kenly diagnosed as an indiESTRADA tuberculin is describedl cation of tuberculosis. Precios Económicos WILLIE PRYCE who, in the flower of his manhood, was hewn don by th sickle of death on May 30th. 1943.
His life association with us was of priceless value. Our joys and sorrows he was always ready to evenly share.
The love we had for him cannot be told. We treasure his memory as a Sainted Srize Employees of the Merchandise Departmen Costa Rica Banana Company, Limon 3184 IND In The Grave But Not Forgotten Great has been our affliction sine ethe Angel of Death in his raving for the beautiful, the great, the lowly, the rich and the poor, did not spare the life of our beloved Son in law and Brother in law WILLIE PRYCE MAY 30th, 1943 In our coming in and going out, we have inflamed our souls ith remembrance of Willie. He was never weary in the greatness of his ways. May his soul for ever rest in Peace.
Awani RINN De Witt Pills quickly relieve Dougal and Roel Grant and Family JOINT PAINS SAYING mocracy comes about when all willingly submit ourse to various forms of control find the Army in England cause we believe that by ti in very good trim. It will prove we can best be enabled to to be the best Army we have together to attain what we ever had. General Sir Bernard while at the same time pre Montgomery.
ving the maximum degree freedom for the individual. Voluntary discipline of a de Sir Stafford Cripps.
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DeWitt KIDNEY AND BLADDER Pills Made specially to end the pain of Rheumatism, Backache, Lumbago, Joint Pains and all forms of Kidney Trouble. Of chemists and storekeepers everywhere PRICES TO MEET THE TIME Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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