
OTES Page 11 TA We are the games D9 score teams ho po Miedendey, Chiquiren single. The honours of Saturday, May 27th. 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE THE HONDURAS COSTA RICA BASEBALL TOURNAMENT. indebted to the were faced, and after our profound congratulations to HAPPY LANDING god offices of Manager Adol side had the lead in the se both the Josefinos and our fo Johnson of the Cubs Base venth inning with runs own Limonenses for their ball Club for able the inevitable splendid accomplishment. It the LANDING Boys and Girls where furnish our much appreciated took you will be served your Frescos. a variety SEN readers with the following in Pio Command and the Cham handiche turned the tables with IMPORTANT of delicious Pastries. Chicken Orders on formation in connection, with twelve to our nine. During Saturday Nights.
played between the afternoon of the same viene de la pág.
Make the LANDING your Cool Spot Costarrican Selection and the dy our representatives were and those of the southern Located North of Lindo Ice Factory Honduranians. The team again wallopped by the Pe front have united, and that this may bring transportation by air is said ces.
the DE OUR MOTTO IS about to have been very pleasant The return match with the encirclement of no less than Service with a Smile all the While and with a perfect landing at Palic was effected on the 100. 000 German soldiers.
be Tegucigalpa air field on 13th. when the Costarricans The North Americans are BUTLER. Proprietress the morning of Saturday the 6th, of the present month.
The tournament included to four. The Peces triumphed Center of the important posix matches, featuring GRANT AND CRAWFORD the over our Selection on the sition of Cisterna which was MISCELLANEOUS NEW HARLEM BAR Palic, Peces and Sunday morning, with three occupied during the night of ADVERTISEMENTS AND RESTAURANT Olimpia. The Olimpia, the runs to two, as the result, it Wednesday last. This victory Opens Day and Night. Clean ccal champions, and the Pe is regrettingly stated, of sev will, it is expected, greatty asorovo, THOMPSON SUPPLY and Cozy Reservation. Good ces were stated to have been eral errro. The last game facilitate the final advance 911AND WORKSHOP 2014 Native and Foreign Liquors powerfully re inforced by brought out the Olimpians on Rome.
tren sati and eperienced Mixers the Crack of Nicaragua, and they were beaten to the Germany Commander in Everything in the mechanical Building such stars as tune of eight runs against Chief, Marshal Kesserling høs line can be made, xepaired or the ordered the evacuation of supplied. Assortments of Beds, LEONEL MONDOL gia and Sandoval.
tournament were therefore several areas in Central Ita Springs and other useful, equip East Indian Barber and Hair je first game was played evenly divided three winsly. The Battle for the posse ment Building to Culturist. All sanitary arranist the Palic and result for each side. Two home runs sion of Rome has begun in NO 89 Filtla Avenueris towardgements and general clean in a decided victory for were registered during the att reality.
the Municipal Bath surroundings. In front of the. ne Costarricans, who must tournament, one by Cope and inhabitacionind dintiimibolla old Motive Power Clubhouse.
ered eight runs against one the other by Carlito Hayling, 30122123503.
by the homesters. On the both off the pitching of ChiHAPPY NEW REPELLANT AGAINST BODY LICE morning of the following day no Melendez.
LIQUID FOUNTAIN the re inforced Olimpians We desire to extend WASHINGTON new, sulphuric acid, was fifst synIn the heart of the Abaca Dis chemical, trict at Twenty Five Miles scientifically thesized in 1874 by German Folk of the city, Lines and Coast! Without your support known as dichloro diphenyl scientist but it was not until Richly cooked and highly tla we shall be knocked out. Please support us. eat and drink trichloroe thane, but more fe 1939 that al Siwiss Chemical voured meals Everything in at LA MAGNOLIA Dixon little place West of the city miliarly called DDT, has re firm, Geigy, Inc. made comthe line of refreshing Drinks Market.
cently been adopted by the plete tests and reports on the prepared to meet your taste.
United States Army as an quality of the deterrants the Supplies for the housewives.
effective repellant against the analysis was satisfactout und SYDNEY BECKFORD CAPINET, MAKING plague of body lice.
indicated high potential kill ES UN VERDADERS AND GENERAL CARPENTER SHOP During the last war, the ing, powers against flies, farisdice!
question of body lice consti moths and particularly lice, Not only for the scenic Beauty, but in the designs of our tuted one of the major proscon goib yinesi Chairs lie comfort; while a technique of the worknian blems confronting the Army ship guarantees strength and durality, Made in the form of powBE WISE. remember every itein of Medical Corps, and no truly der, it is sufficiently strong effective insecticide was ever so that one application to a Beckford built furniture found.
piece of Gothing will nsure The new compound, which protection for as long as two remains a prize in office or home.
Due the drate, monochlorbenzine and ment is laundered weekly.
vorita de todos SEE US BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE V9119 4th. Street at entrance to Gamez Lumber Yard.
our TO Wars filmiscarcity of Shellac we are giving a briliant is fribina, end pas Caribbean Packing Co.
CRIKET NOTES CACAO y mi 6:00 One sh10 10 100 25 walls bristiane gul gre The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao 13 ni gbol bas RAICILLA IPECACUANA RUBBER 21 siduon 5713 23.
525) 2007 at 03.
It has been arranged that Progressive Cricket Club of the city Selection, under the Pacuarita. The exercise will auspices of the Pathfinder be honoured with a dance on Sport Club, will cross bats the night after the match.
tomorrow the 28th, on our The following players will. it Oval, with a team from the is expected, represent, tie Unity Çricket Club of Ma: City Selection Captain Dixon, tina. If no unexpeted circums Barton, Wicketkeeper; tance occurs, the homesters Simms; and Escoe; will be. Dixon keeper. wards; Robinson; Şut(Captain. Stewart; White FdW. Le Ray V: ton; Gallimore Ramsay Wade; Scott; Xorinash, with Leva Hi vard Myrie; Escoe; Hb and Martin as re rves.
ward; Ramsay and Escoe The reserves will be Artaraze onts are also said Gallimore and Cope. to be underway for a ga ne Messrs. Jones and Mộo between Benedict; and Ba.
re are slated as Umpires.
chelors. on aura Oval, On Manday, the 29th, ins Sunday 4th. June. Details of tant, the Pathfinder Selec this will appear in our next tion will be the guests of the issue. is no de tenisice Walker.
bas as bases de OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE On ETSIV 23 osts 70 Slunot yet Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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