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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, May 27th. 1944 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN Japan Friendly Enemies Germany Strained who DANS or ti Fate Mountain GE British Fishermen Rescue Service He: The strength of the Reich, Fishermen on the southern Month after month the Al stered, bled, blockaded and If Hitler asks laconic air armadas have been hur Japan for en rounded, is one of the most Here a phase of the Royal coast of England are assistance, his request isn likely Air Force about folk, with the salt of the sea bombs upon German war in which you portant factors in the equation volu ht: victory. Some statistics to produce much. Not only are hear very little. Yet it a god. in their beards when they have tries in ever growing are the Japanese heavily is engaged send to the flying men them, and, in their word, when All available information its sailable; other figures ar lar.
with althou Anglo American forced, return with shaky planes from they use them. They don say cates, however, that sy intangibles which can ne.
much about it but the order German but they ve never pretended any missions over Germany or dashes production has ver be precisely measured; such which turned the south coast gravely impaired, Ge special love for Germans. over the Channel. When tlak, estimate must take account; forces can still Some recent comments het ony of military strength but Germans who have been in Ja gun fire has all but crippled a by maqhine gun bullets or focket Jinto a restricted invasion spring ground board zone has even further supplied with all war mater political, psychological and pan are enlightening. The for plane, and the pilot trying to curtailed their limited opera recessary for the current yo sconomic factors, mer German Ambassador already bi The war strength of Germany Tokyo, General Ott, said, If injured navigator and a to bring her back with a dead ortions. So many a fisherman sits Everything has demai on a granite slab outside a fish combed out. But the waist most fully expressed in her had remained there, if we had gunnet who needs shack door or in the middle of are steady for additional hu immediate my, and it is the Wehrmachtlost the war, would have been attention, the pilot a trawler deck, quietly work dreds of thousands of people sometimes jaat must be defeated when the first to be interned in a con loses direction and lands some ing a bit of new hemp into his close the gaps torn by the 28 Day comes. It has a tactical centration camp.
xibility, units can be readily The coolness of the Japanese where north of Dover.
net. Occasionally he may pause on all fronts. That no fresh Members of this special mouna moment to look up at a f:ight serves are available is evid lairment of combat efficiency sed steadily hifted without any serious im towards the Germans has increatain crew are first of all rugged. of four engined bombers zooming from a recent radio appeal with the Wehr Many of them were already fa across the Channel toward Os. by Fritz Sauckel, the om one division, one regiment, machts reverses. That coolness. miliar with the local terrain in tend or toward Boulogne. Some Labor Minister. At thi one battalion to another. Such has now reached an undisguised which they work. Day or night times the planes overhead are point Germany no lon: schifts are constantly occurring; contempt. The latest blow was they must be ready on not British or American. Then any reserves. In additio the erman divisions are really task peremptory order to Germans cliffs on the in mountain when he does drag his nets neat: fcod situation re.
forces built up of special units ir Yokohama to leave Lizard Point or Beachy Head, home front, which was fa.
their vines, to haul some crippled the particular job. The Ger homes and offices in the fashio or unconscious flyer up. Blopes he may haul in a plank or two good, has Kleteriorated. T: man soldier today all things have lost nable Foreign Settlement, the fert considered is still a very tough order was issued for security word is flashed that a plane is The to highways and safety. When from the hull of a fishing smack Nazis ripped japart by machine gun Pussian provinces and they ha Idier; it is still a very strong reasons. German newspaper down in their district, the crews fire. Or he may leave his fish tad to draft increasing numbe jmy, second only to the Russian men in Japan are subject ing to make for the hazy coast of farmers for the Army.
todon ropes, special head torches, Army in sheer numerical size, rigid censorship. They complain first aid of France in a minesweeper to packs (and walkieprobably second to none in clear the channels of bitterly that Yokohama, The Nazis are aware of con for talkie radio equipment.
hidden Then ghting efficiency. Armies of eighty five years the centre She satellite of they start off in an ambulance danger. It is a task in which tions. They know that everythin powers Finland, German trade in Japan, has now and a jeep to the key point on the British are not alone. New Jis going downhill and that. roatia, Hungary, Rumania, Bul been closed to them. Most foundland seamen are operating decline in industry can no lo of their location charts. In foul caria, Slovakia, etc. add permine sweepers along the German traders have been weather at night it is not Britain ger be stopped but at bes so saps 75 to 100 divisions to the cut off from home since boat alley.
slowed down. They know tha Wehrmacht, and despite the simple to locate a crashed plane their beginning of the Russo German unless there is a fire. Once it Despite these incidents, a pros the German economy is livik ndifferent quality these troops war. There is much financial is found, ropes and perous, if limited, must be reckoned with.
stretchers wartime more and more off its substa distress among them. It appears are put into use, and fishing trade flourishes. For, Thus the present propagan The numerical air strength of injured that Germans without in warring Britain, fish is a slogan is that everyhing mu means flying fighters are taken Germany enemies has increased are herded into communal camps. the plane to be hauled away to from vital food.
be concentrated upon the Allie 20 greatly that the Luftwaffe, From here to proper internment hospitals or rest camps.
relative to its enemies, is pro would seem to be but one step.
bably only one fifth to one tenth In other words the herrenvolk as strong as it was four years are having a hard time as guests The Colossal Task ago. Above all, the Luftwaffe, of the nation which the Kaiser Rubben Plantation Great Britain Builds Like the German Army, is now The number and extent of described as the yellow peril.
a defensive force. Some of the Winning the war is the Britain airfields is secret. But The Government of India first latest versions of the Messerschபபபப minant thought in Great Brita the total area of paved runways, wild rubber plantation will come mitts and Focke Wilfs compare e to Blackout today. Every man and wome perimeter tracks, hard stand into production in April this in the country realizes the my well with our operational figh The blackout comes when the ings, etc. amounts to nearly year.
The plant, cryptostegla ters, although the Nazis have light fades. And backout it is, as 160, 000, 000 square yards gigantic task they have eve. or grandiflora, may turn out to be no heavy bombers in any way deep and form. dable as the very 33, 000 acres. This is the equiva jof gr eat assistance in solving ahead of them, and that undertaken dies immediate unt comparable. Germans are un.
name of Hitler, nocturne lent of a road, thirty feet wide, the problem of the United Na.
it is achieved their hopes fc doubtedly building up in western punctuated only by the beauty stretching for 9, 000 miles. The tion shortage in rubber. 000 the future cannot be given pra Europe as part of their strategic of the searchlights. It is then construction of runways, peri. acres of land not far from Dejhi tical expression, but the ever reserve to meet our invasion, a that England becomes a fortress meters, and hard standings, for were sown with the seed last hard hitting, fast moving ir truth against the envy tones of war cannot deafen ther army of the standard bomber station, summer but neither the conto these understones of futu.
of maneuver, which will counter. less happier lands. The blackness required housands of tons of ditions under which the plant attack any beachhead.
is absolute. man is indeed daft! ballast and cement. The airfields would thrive nor the quality of reace. The planning of post Britain, in itself necessary, se if he is not handy to an under programme to date has meant the rubber it would produce ves as a stimulus to increase ground by blackout time, for he the carriage and use of appro were then known. It has now Invasion GHQ will never find has way home ximately 30, 000, 000 tons of ba been found that the plants have effort in the making of war unless is a native. Even they last and cement 7, 500, 000 thriven and the rubber is of Inside there are makeshift do not venture far at blackout truck loads. This has involved good average quality. few tables and rickety chairs. But: me. The luckiest soul in Lon the opening of hundreds of new hundreds of tons will, it is es.
the lighting is good and on the don is one able to flag a cab ballast pits and material has timated, be produced this year, walls are big maps with con after blackout begins. For the sometimes had to be hauled fifty though a satisfactory method of Britain can take it. She ha centric circles marking the blackout is a shroud dropped miles to sites. thus adding extracting the rubber has not never flinched or failed an extent of Allied air power and upon a city of 10, 000, 000. the to Britain already considera. yet been evolved.
when the signal is given th Jittle flags which designate the largest city in the world. as ble transport problem. Equally whole circle of avenging nation German divisions. Once, as the lid of a coffin immense are figures of other cludes 6, 936 transformers, 9, 800 will hurl themselves upon th or three times a week the inva or the cap of a well, materials required in the cons switchboards, and 336, 000 miles foe and batter out the life sion chiefs meet there for truction of Britain airfields. cf cables. Among other items the cruellest tyranny which ha mour or so, then dash off in cars That is invasion headquarters. 1, 000, 000 tons of steel and cast are standard and general accom ever sought to bar the progres other jobs. The citizens watch it is not especially glamorous or iron have been authorized. Elec modation huts and 118, 000, 000 of mankind. The Prime Piom go in silence.
even comfortable now.
aric plants and equipment in cubic feet of wood of all kinds. nister, STRANI India First Wild, MINN ப REN Sayings twice complèteiyed une von an TRO Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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