
ATLANTIC VOICE 20 210 BUS at An THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Hope is necessary in every condition. The miseries of poverty, of sickness, of cativity would, without this comfort, be insupportable.
Nor does it appear that the happiest lot of teYEAR IX LIMON, JUNE 3rd. 1944 No. 425 restrial existence can place uh above the want ZZZZ of this general blessing.
AERIAL OFFENSIVE CONTINUES OVER GERMANY AND NAZI OCCUPIED TERRITORIES RESTRICTION OF YOUTHFUL EVIL TENDENCIES With the same intensity as NEEDED during the past fortnight the disastrous aerial offen LAST NAZI DEFENCE LINE SOUTH OF ROME We are again asked to call attention to the sive continues over Germany BROKEN deplorable down hill tendencies of a large and the Nazi occupied terrinumber of the youngsters in our midst. Patories of Europe.
The Italian battle fronts sinone which would place rents and guardians have complained of the Thousands of the units of continue to attract attention them about twenty miles away the Royal Air Force and of as the Allied forces uselessness of their single handed efforts to pursue from the Fifth, by way of the that of the North American their vigorous and successful Casilina roadway.
effectively curb these youths, parcularly, in Army pursue their destruc offensive toward Rame, de By way of Madrid the in so far as these apply to keeping them off the tion of enemy air bases rail pite the strong resistance of formation is relessed that, streets at night time and from frequenting unway lines, mechanical insta the enemy.
after sacking the city of its suitable or undesirable places.
llations and war factories. On Advices received up to this foodstuff, the Germans have They recall with gratefulness, the splendid Wednesday last, North Ametime of writing, disclose that commenced their evacuation effect obtained when, some time ago, our este rican planes, based in Italy, the Fifth Army have broken of Rome.
emed police commmander, Col. Enrique Esqui effectively attacked the oil the last defence line of the The gates of the Vatican vel, placed in operation such police vigilances weils of Ploesti in Rumania. German system south of Ro have been closed and the It is stated that during me and penetrated their for Swiss Guards reinforced as enabled the rounding up of all minors seen, one month of the intensified tification in the hills of Al the entrance to the without adult protection, on the streets after Papal air offensive, the Allieds have bano which protect the acces State.
the hour of eight at night. We are assured this destroyed 896 German plases to the Eternal City.
announcement from restriction did much good in checking the evil ies, while they suffered the The troops of the Eighth Naples stated the Battle of tendencies of many of the youths and was greloss of 335 machines. are reported to have arrived Rome was approaching its atly appreciated by parents and guardians.
The heavy bombing machi in the near vicinity of Pesca culminating point os the The unsavory perotment of a large percennes of the North Americans rella Nuova, situate only Fifth had made furtter tage of these youngsters is again the cause of a are officially said to have fourteen miles off the suburbs breaches in the enemy defen discharged 63, 000 tons of of Rome.
ce lines while the Eighth feached that with a view of separating the taserious social problem. To such a degree has it sombs over Germany, the Further communications were rapidly advancing by occupied territories, and the from these fronts state the the Cassilina way and British res from the wheat, we are told, a secret cam3alkan States during the re Fifth have reached a point advance troops were encricl) paign was instituted in some of our cultural cently passed month of may less than fourteen miles from ing the district of ferrentino institutions regarding certain questionable acRame while the Fighth are between Frosinone and Val tvities, and the investigations which followed likely to have captured Fro montone.
resulted in several of the ofending characters RUSSIANS DESTROY having to leave the Schools concerned.
FISHING ON THE WHARVES We, personally, are often not only greived ONTIRE NAZI COMPANY deprived city residents of the but much alarmed when confronted on the Among the many restricof enjoying the em streets or other places with the depraved ac Soviet patrols are report tive measures imposed on our bracing sea air but also den tions of those who will be the men and women by way of London, to have citizenry as an outcome of worl. wide happenings, was ied them the privilege of of our tomorrow, and of also having to listen penetrated German trenches book and line in the region south of Tiras that which suspended the fishing with to the filthiest expressions which seen to aford ol, on the western margin years. old privilege of free along the wharves. We readthem the greatest delight.
ily acknowledge the impor of the lower Dniester River access to the dooks, especialIn order that these evil and profane tenden tance of the restriction, which in Besarabia, and to have ly during the hours of the was promulgated at a cies be effectively eradicated before too late time silled an entire company of night.
when acts of sabotage, we urge that the police vigilance be resumed.
Nazi troops.
This prohibition not only might have been attempted and maintained.
against our interests in view of Costa Rica being one NATIONAL BANK STARTS BUYING OLD the United Nations CondiLINE CORN tions have, however, changWe are ed notably, and in view of in receipt of the promulgated some time ago, the fact that the responsible information that the National in the interest of furthering authorities have sanctioned Bank has commenced buying our agricultural activities.
the reillumination, et night, the Corn produced in the Old Representatives of the Bank To Members of Cacao Cooperation of the streets and wharves, Line region of our Province, are said to have reached Poconduct the operaeppealing to those local in keeping with the decree, coci to Mixta)
BU ly in control the tions.
to annul 090 restriction regarding the free Our prices for the following Products are access to the wharves and so permit our people to CACAO, per quintal. 47. 00 colones again have the pleasure of the COCOANUT PITH, per quintal. 55. 00. Colones passing a few hours in OFFERS YOU CORRECT WEIGHT divertion of hook and line COCOANUTS, per hundred. 23. 00 Colones LOWER PRICES fishing.
It might be mentioned that SA OVIQ 10 we have been approached by All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense First class Merchandise and best of a number of persons of the of the Cacao Co operation KUOPIONATECourtesy always labouring class who claim facility will assist them in Please ask for anything in Grocery or other 25 that a return to the pre war Articles of General dietry not readily sen.
RAUL VELAZQUEZ providing for the every day Manager needs of themselves and toLA PROVEEDORA milies. We hope for favourLIMON CITY HOME able results.
means etc.
of COM Notice BO La Proveedora once SO 1901 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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